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Support Services for Systematic Literature Reviews in Economic and Business Studies – How Can Business Librarians Cooperate

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Support Services for Systematic Literature Reviews in Economic and Business Studies – How Can Business Librarians Cooperate
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Whereas systematic literature reviews have become a standard in the health sciences, the method has usually been neglected by researchers in economic and business studies in favor of creating and working with primary data. In the last few years, business librarians have received an increasing number of consultation requests for systematic literature reviews. Due to Corona restrictions, the collection of new data in face-to-face or group settings was limited, prompting researchers to focus on aggregating results from previous research. Business librarians by themselves face the challenge of finding very few subject-specific resources or guides on sophisticated search options or the quality of source materials in databases for economic and business literature as well as subject specific reporting standards, frequently falling back on guidelines and best practices from medical libraries. This presentation starts by establishing key service components for supporting students and researchers in conducting systematic literature reviews by looking at best practices from all fields. Then, the presentation identifies knowledge mountains and gaps, i.e. in regard to functionalities and source quality of databases, information seeking behavior, analyzing and managing data as well as reporting guidelines in the economic and business studies. Given the enormous amount of knowledge needed, the presentation thirdly looks at options how business librarians can cooperate on an international level for creating space and infrastructure for sharing findings, insights and materials not only with fellow librarians but also with researchers. The presentation concludes with encouraging business librarians to combine forces for providing better support and teaching services for conducting systematic literature review in economic and business studies.