Poster presentation: The EconDesk Chatbot: Work in Progress Report on the Development of a Digital Assistant for Information Provision
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Anzahl der Teile | 20 | |
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/58082 (DOI) | |
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Abstract |
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Go ahead, please. Omit Giasvand, your three minutes are up. Go ahead, please. Hello, again. We have started a chat with you and ZBW. The reasons that we are doing that is just for user support when we are not in the library and we are out of working hours.
And another reason is just for a support team in a condensed reference that they do not need to spend time to answer simple questions so they can be easily answered. Actually, my internet connection just got sort of disturbed, actually. I am sorry, but my internet connection got disturbed.
No problem, Arjun. If you could wait a moment, Omit is in the middle of his presentation. We'll invite you right back in afterwards, OK? OK, so can I present after Omit? Yes, after Omit. You'll be the last speaker. Thank you, thank you very much. I apologize, Omit. Please go ahead. It's OK. So yeah, right now, we have worked
on the different use cases. The first use cases that we've almost done with it is around for just chatbot. And there are questions about the account base and questions around the library, like working hours and can I borrow this book from that part or simple questions like this.
The whole idea behind the chatbot is something like this. There is a user interface and the middle steps, which are the back end of the includes pre-processing. That includes itself NLP techniques
like cleaning, correction, round phrase detection for detecting correct intent. And another part, which is the central part of it is understanding. We use intents and stories and downflows to understand what users says and what users requires.
And another thing that the chatbot will do is to return an answer, which we call it actions, against the intents. And finally, we use the same user interface to return the answers to the customers.
For labels and intents, 10 different labels. These labels divide our chat transcripts into rough categories. We call them use cases. Each use case have different intents.
And fortunately, we have specific and enough examples for each label or each use case. And intents are assigned in a four eyes principle that are in the previously labeled chat transcripts.
For example, for use case one, we have, as I said, questions about the right library. So we have labeled them and we use them for training our machine learning core that we will use in our chatbot. And further steps are working and evaluating
on chatbot personality and evaluate downflows for chatbot-only use cases with econ desk reference team and improve them. And later on, we will work on evaluating chatbot use cases for econ desk team and later with users
and review and eventually enhance use cases because we need still to work on the use cases to improve our chatbot precision and work on more intense actions and examples for use cases because these are, as I said, training data. And when we have more training data, we have more precise chatbot.
And finally, we'll develop a high-five vertical prototype for the chatbot-only use cases. Here is the contact. Omid, if you could please wrap up your thoughts just for time. This is the final one and here is the contact for further questions. We'll see you in the booth. Fantastic, thank you very much.
Sure. Excellent, okay.