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Optimized publishing of map and dataservices with GeoServer, GeoStyler and MapProxy

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Optimized publishing of map and dataservices with GeoServer, GeoStyler and MapProxy
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

At the beginning of this century, the very existence of geo-services based on an uniform API like WMS aroused admiration. Today, having more than 10 years of INSPIRE behind us, this question often no longer arises. With software-projects like UMN MapServer, GeoServer, deegree or QGIS Server – to name just a few – there are notable solutions that can be used to transform geodata into standardized services. Once your data is published as WMS (or WFS, e.g.), one can rely on many additional tools, functions and interfaces. Thus a non-experienced user is confronted with many tools but also with the question on which tools can be used to achieve an optimal result for his or her personal task. The talk presents one Open Source toolset for the set-up of geodata-services that consists of GeoServer/GeoWebCache, GeoStyler and MapProxy. In my talk I will present one rock-solid possible solution for the setting-up of high-performance geodata-services. The presented solution has proved its usability and is the base for the world wide open and widely used OpenStreetMap basemap-service „ows.terrestris.de“. The talk focusses on the OSGeo project GeoServer but will also present the OSGeo Community Projects GeoStyler and MapProxy. The solution is vividly presented by means of a few examples and the talk is peppered with some hints on styling, performance tuning and caching of services. Authors and Affiliations – Adams, Till Jansen, Marc terrestris GmbH & Co KG Germany Track – Use cases & applications Topic – Data visualization: spatial analysis, manipulation and visualization Level – 1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed. Language of the Presentation – English