HERMOSA: Supporting the UN decade on ecosystem restoration utilizing geo- and earth observation technologies The United Nations declared 2021 to 2030 as Decade on Ecosystem Restoration [Verlinken: https://www.decadeonrestoration.org/ ] in the hope of being able to avert the worst effects and limit the heating of the planet to 1.5 °C in comparison to pre-industrial times. The companies mundialis and terrestris from Bonn, Germany are developing a digital, internet based platform supporting urgently needed ecosystem restoration efforts by utilizing geo- and earth observation technologies. The project is financed by the European Space Agency (ESA). The platform is called HERMOSA, an acronym for Holistic Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring, repOrting, Sharing and mArketplace. From a technical point of view, the platform makes use of SHOGun, an Open Source WebGIS framework that uses react-geo and OpenLayers on the clientside, and GeoServer, actinia and GRASS GIS on the server-side to name just a few. The platform helps registered users to analyze the efforts that organizations face on the ground when restoring ecosystems with a web-based geographical information system. Beside the WebGIS there are modules for on-demand and automatic analysis of Sentinel1 and 2 data, but also the use of very high resoluted (VHR) satellite images is possible. The analysis tools offer a change detection or a land cover classification for example. The main challenges we had to cope with is to deliver a user-friendly tool, that allows users to easily perform complex analysis and to support them in interpreting the results. We'll have a look at some of the decisions that were made in that respect. The talk will on the one hand focus on the technical base of the platform but we will also show some of the functionality from the users and from the developers perspective. I will also dedicate some time to the challenges arising when releasing such a platform under an Open Source software-license. Authors and Affiliations – Adams, Till (1) Paulsen, Hinrich (2) terrestris GmbH & Co KG (1) mundialis GmbH & Co KG (2) Germany Track – Use cases & applications Topic – FOSS4G implementations in strategic application domains: land management, crisis/disaster response, smart cities, population mapping, climate change, ocean and marine monitoring, etc. Level – 2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required. Language of the Presentation – English |