I have started to teach OSS licences and compliances at a Japanese university since last year. it was difficult to teach OSS licences and compliances because I should have shown many of use cases so that the students could learn what the licences and compliance are and more, they even didn't know how to deal with ordinal software licenses. So, I had to talk many of the background knowledges to the students as an 'introduction' so that students could understand the OSS licences with compliances with ease. Fortunately, there were good feedbacks from the students, though, I need to improve my lecture more gathering more use cases etc. I will give a talk my experiences there at the university and discuss how to improve my lecture to teach such 'licences and compliances' to students. I will give a talk: The opportunities to teach OSS licenses and compliances: - increase the incidents of OSS licenses violation - keep compliances not to violate OSS licenses - respect the authors and keep the licenses rules. - reinventing of the wheel with compliances the Difficulties to teach several OSS licenses: - the difficulties for students to read several OSS license descriptions directly, really complex for them, especially GPL licenses. - need to gather many of the incidents of OSS licenses violation. - need to prepare good quiz(exam) so that students could understand with ease. the lecture last year: - why the University needs the lecture - the trial and error for the students - the advice from the staff at the university - the feedbacks from the students the lecture coming next year: - gather more incidents to check - looking into the incidents more - deep-diving for the practice. - looking into new OSS licenses for DX - any ideas...welcome! |