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Time series of buoy array for sea ice thickness surveys during MOSAiC (Transpolar Drift, Arctic)

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Time series of buoy array for sea ice thickness surveys during MOSAiC (Transpolar Drift, Arctic)
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

This video shows the relative motion of several autonomously drifting buoys on sea ice around the position of the research vessel Polarstern during the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition 2019/2020. The video displays daily snapshots of the buoys in approximately 50 km distance. The array of four buoys (black lines) limits the study area of regional sea ice thickness surveys. The location of four sea ice thickness surveys is plotted on top of the buoy array on the respective dates. The locations of the buoys can be obtained from meereisportal.de (IDs: 2020P217_300234068281900, 2019P188_300234068121990, 2019P124_300234066089220, 2019P92_300234067700760, 2019P90_300234067608220). Please see the respective paper for details on the study: von Albedyll, L, Hendricks, S, Grodofzig, R, Krumpen, T, Arndt, S, Belter, HJ, Cheng, B, Birnbaum, G, Hoppmann, M, Hutchings, J, Itkin, P, Lei, R, Nicolaus, M, Ricker, R, Rohde, J, Suhrhoff, M, Timofeeva, A, Watkins, D, Webster, M, Haas, C. 2022. Thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to seasonal Arctic sea ice thickness distributions from airborne observations. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.00074