Fedora Community Outreach Revamp
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Anzahl der Teile | 33 | |
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 3.0 Unported: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/54680 (DOI) | |
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Virtuelle RealitätSystemplattformQuellcodeSoftwareProgrammFormation <Mathematik>Translation <Mathematik>Arithmetisches MittelGüte der AnpassungOpen SourceMathematikNetzbetriebssystemFokalpunktNichtlinearer OperatorÄhnlichkeitsgeometrieSoftwareentwicklungGruppenoperationBitMereologieSelbstrepräsentationGemeinsamer SpeicherDatenanalyseSoftwareSpeicherabzugSchnittmengeSystemprogrammierungServerStellenringVollständiger VerbandGrenzschichtablösungFormale SpracheDifferenteExogene VariableProdukt <Mathematik>SystemverwaltungTaskFitnessfunktionSchlüsselverwaltungTypentheorieVerzweigendes ProgrammSystemaufrufGrundraumEreignishorizontMailing-ListeMultiplikationsoperatorE-MailComputerspielOrdnung <Mathematik>SoftwareentwicklerDreiecksfreier GraphKoordinatenElektronisches ForumPunktBitrateRelativitätstheorieDiagramm
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VideokonferenzVirtuelle RealitätHypermediaDiagramm
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hi, my name is Maureen Ordon, and I am Fedora's Community Action and Impact Coordinator.
I have been involved with the Fedora project since 2013, starting with an outreach-y internship working on Fedora badges. I stayed involved with Fedora over that time, helping out with badges in the design team, and about a year and a half ago, I stepped into a full-time role supporting
the Fedora community as their F cake, with all kinds of things, such as supporting initiatives such as this, and administrative tasks, event support, etc, etc. So next we have Mariana. My name is Mariana, I am Fedora contributor.
I started contributing to the Fedora project since 2016. Currently, I work as a product owner for PhDlist, which is an open source email marketing solution, but I also enjoy contributing to open source in general, mostly by organizing local events, and now with COVID, everything is going online, and we are able to join
you today, the open source conference. Hey, I'm Shimon Froh. I work as a part of Fedora key rating at Red Hat, and over the course of the last five years that I'm involved with Fedora, I have served multiple small roles, including
being a part of Mindshare and being a part of the Council as a representative of the same. Over the last five years, I have helped out with mentor projects like Jigsaw, and I have been continuously involved with user support groups where I co-answer questions
for people who have off-grid issues. So today, we are going to talk a little bit about the Fedora project to start with. So Fedora, as most of you know, it's a Linux operating system known to the wider community called desktop as desktop or server.
As at the core of the project, we are a very global, diverse set of people. We build softwares mostly based off of very good open source licenses, and we tend to keep it more innovative as going on the weekends.
We have a very strong community around supporting package and development, writers, designers, translators, curators. And Mariana is going to talk more about the project. Fedora is a user-focused operating system, meaning that the end user is primary focus,
and this is why we have a very rapid release cycle. It's not very common to have a release cycle of only six months for an operating system. So this is why there are several spins and different Fedora flavors which are meant for
different purposes. For example, for developers, for designers, or even for Fedora, which is meant for scientific purposes. Also, we have other open source communities that their software is included within Fedora, and they share their latest developments and latest changes in order to make the end
user's life easier. Also, when it comes to the core foundation, where the operating system is built upon, friends, features, freedom, and firsts, a very important point here is that the operating system doesn't come only in English. It is important that the end user can switch to a different language, and this is because
we want to reach out to more and more users and hopefully more and more contributors. Also, the Ask forum, which is a place where end users can go and ask Fedora related questions, is in several languages, and people can ask and get responses in several languages
from other users and contributors. So I'm going to talk about the history of the Fedora Ambassador Program. So first of all, what is the Ambassador Program? The Ambassador Program is a 15 plus year program focused on outreach to other communities,
local user groups, technical universities, these types of places to educate people about Fedora and help them learn to use it and potentially even become Fedora contributors. So that's kind of the goal of the Ambassador Program all along.
What are the joint SIG Advocates and ComOps teams? So we have a lot of teams in Mindshare, and we ended up with these kind of branches of community outreach because we needed to fit some different needs as the community evolved.
So the joint SIG actually, they are a very front facing group that focuses on connecting new contributors to the community, helping them learn about the community and potentially finding a good fit for contributions or just a group of people with similar interests.
Advocates are a group of folks that run small events, but they don't go quite through all of the same things that the ambassadors might have to learn or be educated about. And the ComOps is an internally focused team working on community operations.
So originally their focus was kind of data analysis and looking at different ways to improve operations inside of Fedora. So probably wondering like, how did we get to the community outreach
revamp? Why is this needed? Well, over time, different things happened that changed how the ambassador program was working. It basically didn't really grow in a sustainable way. There was some questions of how finances were being managed and who was going to manage them.
And there were some restrictions around that. So based on the different changes that came into place, ambassadors weren't feeling great. They were not feeling as connected to the program. They still love Fedora and they are still kind of going and doing some of that outreach on
their own. But the ambassador program itself kind of started dying off. So about a year ago, a little bit over a year ago, I wrote up a proposal based on some research I had done,
a book I had read called Switch, How to Change When Change is Hard, about how we could take the ambassador program from kind of dwindling and kind of seen as a failing program to a success. So I wrote that proposal. I proposed it to the Mindshare committee and after rounds of feedback
with the community, everyone was on board and then we got started. Once our team was formed back in July 2020, we started planning our first steps. So the very first thing was actually to
document our next steps and what we were going to work on in the upcoming months. Initially, we created a trailer board hoping that we will have more people on board and trying to help us from the community. But eventually we realized that people were not very happy with it and we retired it. But we have a public hack and deep file where we keep notes on everything we work
on and how we process everything we work on. Once the team was formed, it was the time to add to the community and this is why we had a couple of calls, video calls with community members and the Fedora Council and some of these are also on YouTube from last year.
We shared with the community everything that Marie mentioned earlier, why this team was formed and how and what is the end goal of this initiative. The very first thing that we worked on
was the ambassadors group cleanup. This is why the team was formed and this is the first thing that we did. What we did was that we tried to figure out which ambassadors had not been active in the past six months from their FAST account activity. So the FAST account is a
global account that you have within the Fedora systems and you can log in everywhere with that account. We went back six months, so we did that in November. So November and going back six months we checked who has not been active through their account and we reached out to them. We let
them know about the revamp. We told them that they were going to be moved to the emeritus group and if they wanted to continue they are more than welcome to continue holding the ambassador's title or if they want to come back in the future this is more than fine. The next thing after the ambassadors group cleanup was the community outreach survey.
This is one of the things that we did that I'm very proud of because we got very interesting results back. We created a survey where we prepared a list of questions we wanted to ask community members both ambassadors and advocates and the results that we got some of them were
pretty surprising. For example we found out that Fedora contributors love self-organizing and organizing events without asking for funding or from support from the Fedora mind share committee which is the official committee where you go to ask funding or to make a proposal.
So this meant that there's a lot of Fedora activity out there that we were not aware of because people don't share it and this is a very important insight to work on in the future. The next thing was the mindshare team interviews. Mindshare is a group of people
within the Fedora community which tries to not control but have an eye on the different Fedora teams within the community and there is a representatives from every community and we prepared again a set of questions in order to find out what the mindshare team members
think about the community and their proposals and everything. The next thing was to become a Fedora objective. So Fedora has objectives for each release cycle. Most of the times these are objectives that are about a certain feature for the operating system but this time it was
different. It was a community-related objective and we hope to have our objective done by the end of this year. So there we go. Our work continues in the upcoming months.
Our work in progress project I like to call all of these things sub-projects within the revamp is they're all handbooks. They're all handbooks is meant to be a little bit of
documentation on what each contributor slash community member can do within the community but not as a job description so if you're part of the marketing team you do this this and this but what do you receive back so we try to create documentation from the contributors perspective
other than just a list of tasks you can work on if you join a team. The next thing was helping the Fedora council with some questions. An engagement survey was launched from the Fedora council and it's still going on. It will be going on until the end of this month.
In order again to find out some a little bit more details on also the use of the operating system and what a Fedora user tools with the software. So far we have presented our revamp on DevConf CZ also at the Fedora release party we had
last month and we will be speaking at the community central in a couple of days and you're more than welcome to join us there as well. Another part of the revamp that we're lucky to have is an Outreachy intern so I am I have a background in graphic design as I mentioned
before so I am mentoring an internship through Outreachy and we have brought this person on actually starting at the end of May and she's already been been doing awesome work for us
and she's going to help us really try to cement some of the identity by helping us with branding and resources and strengthening those assets like the role handbooks that we're talking about. So she'll be with us her name is Daria Choudary through August the end of August so
she'll be with us through Nest helping us with work adventure for that and she's also doing things like updating the logos providing infographics to help understand the team structures and the team roles. We're making some swag for the team to be able to hand out
and also just use on their own computers in places where they want to look at them. We also have this really cool thing in Fedora called cheat cubes and we've had them around for quite a while but they haven't been updated so we're looking to update those and kind of modernize them make them really the new fedora logo and make them accessible to everybody
to print at home. So we also are working on how to join fedora printable handouts so that folks in the ambassador teams and outreach teams have these types of things that they can just use at home really to help empower that kind of self-organizing and then also team
swag. We hope to get something for the folks on the different teams to help them feel a bit more connected. Coming to the part of huge right so Maria and Mariana talked about we talked at length about what we have done and now when it comes to how we are looking to present
as a community give back to the to the upstream which is we want to make fedora's community ambassadors model as one of those a smart modern robust model for everybody to adopt.
It's going to be more like an open ambassadors program model which others can also take as a reference to build their ambassadors program. More importantly this particular way of doing the work is to make sure that we sustain as we grow so the whole idea would be to sustain
our current contributors as well as grow with our rather provide capacity to grow through this program. In the past we have suffered a lot with growth and we have severely suffered a lot about a lot of sustainability so the whole idea was to bring content more and more reachable
or onboarding guides more and more reachable to everybody. One of the ways we have been trying to do that is have this role handbooks have been made in multiple languages or six to eight key languages. We want to also make sure that these are provided as a form of onboarding
guides to all the members who want to join as a part of this so that they can actually understand the change much better than they can perform in cognizant of the change that we are trying to achieve at the community. The whole thing that we have tried to
focus upon with this revamp is fostering these identities of individuals and a long-term so one of those the way that we want to build this identity off is to make sure that we have we create the sense that everybody needs to work together so marketing makes sure the design
and design gets to work right in translations and everybody needs to work as a single unit to make this revamp possible. The way we are trying to make this much much easier for more students to work with is we are having surveys as we go on to build up this awareness inside
the community and that will help us with this long-term strategy of involving more and more contributors as a part of the ongoing revamp as well as after the revamp is over. Moving on, Marie would have some insights about how this whole program can
So yeah I want to share a couple of insights or kind of viewpoints that are around this revamp. So the number one being that we're applying something I call RISE to this initiative.
RISE is something that I came up with to kind of evaluate and support the fedora community and basically it's made up of recognition incentive support empowerment and
really I feel like these four traits really need to be in in place for a community to be happy and healthy. So as we've been doing this revamp we've been putting the different sub-projects we've been working on as Mariana said, you know evaluating them with this RISE
concept. Are they providing these things to the fedora community and can we do these things better? We've also seen a wonderful shift in attitude from the community. As we mentioned there some issues and conflict with how things had evolved with the ambassador program and
outreach in general. We're a huge community and people are very passionate about their identity as fedorans and their identities as fedora ambassadors. So there were a lot of emotions and tension that was around this topic. So when we first started frankly we saw some some
negativity and some folks kind of thinking that this wasn't something we could accomplish. As we've continued to work on it over the last year we've seen so much positivity. People are getting excited when we talk about it now. People are coming to our sessions at the
release party and asking really good questions and helping us form this and continue to evolve the revamp and make it a success. So we're super excited to see that. Lastly, fedora is a huge place and we are still trying to raise awareness about the work that
we're doing and hopefully get people excited and ready to kind of start up when all of the documentation and all of the resources are in place. It's going to be a great happy day. So thanks everybody for coming to our presentation. This is a recorded video
so we're going to be live in the chat right now to take any questions and we hope to give you an update again in the future. Thanks again.