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Sharing Queries and Reports with the Reporting Marketplace

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Sharing Queries and Reports with the Reporting Marketplace
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As soon as research information is collected in a research information system, even if this system was originally intended for a different purpose such as research profiles, the administration of research institutions often realises very quickly that there is potential here to cover reporting obligations. Some of these reporting obligations are standardised, such as the “Guidelines for Transparency in Research” in Lower Saxony or the reporting of the institutes of the German Leibniz Association. In past years, various approaches have been presented at the VIVO conference on how these reporting obligations can be addressed technically at the institutional level. One of these approaches is the Vitro Query Tool, which can export Data from VIVO in predefined Excel or Word templates. This idea gained traction in the German speaking VIVO community, and potential for synergies was discovered. In this presentation we will introduce the Reporting Marketplace, a gitHub repository and an open platform, where reports and their components like SPARQL queries and templates can be collaboratively worked on, discussed and shared. The Reporting Marketplace is also one of the milestones of the TAPIR (Partially Automated Persistent Identifier-based Reporting) project - the joint project of the TIB Hannover and the University Osnabrück.