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Wie werde ich meine Welt verbessern?!


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Wie werde ich meine Welt verbessern?!
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Verschiedenste Lebensbereiche werden betrachtet und einfache Beispiele dargestellt um Möglichkeiten zur Veränderung aufzuzeigen. Es gibt viele kompetente Äußerungen zum Thema "Handeln gegen den Klimawandel", doch mir ist aufgefallen, dass es kaum kompakt zusammengefasste, einfach umzusetzende Beispiele aus der Praxis gibt. Internetportale bieten selbstverständlich viele Informationen, die mit Zeitaufwand und Ausprobieren sehr hilfreich sein können. Doch mensch kann sich leicht verzetteln oder auf Grund der Fülle und dem vorausgesetzten Wissen, schnell die Motivation verlieren. Deswegen möchte ich Möglichkeiten aufzeigen, die einfach umzusetzen sind. Diese Praxisbeispiele sind aus fast allen Lebensbereichen, so nimmt z.B. unsere Nutzung von elektronischen Geräten großen Raum ein. Hier fällt uns der Verzicht und die Veränderung des Verhaltens schwer – verständlicherweise. Unser Konsumverhalten ist nicht nur an dieser Stelle der Knackpunkt. Ernährung, Reisen, Körperpflege etc. können ressourcenschonender gelebt werden. Das lässt sich allerdings nicht ohne einen teilweisen Verzicht auf unsere bisherige Bequemlichkeit umsetzen. Dabei stellt sich die Frage nach der Reflexion unserer bisherigen Gewohnheiten, des Willens zur Veränderung und eines wirklichen Anfangs. Hier möchte ich mit der Vorstellung niederschwelliger Beispiele aus der Praxis Einstiege bieten.
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hello everyone, welcome to the Hintergründe Stollebüld.
All of you are thinking, hey, I'm here with a man from the street and it's not possible for me to talk about that. I'm glad I'm able to speak to you today. The thing is, here I'm going to say what I can't talk about without talking about what I can't talk about. The most important thing is what can I do in my own way,
better to fly and better to fly. I'd like to know what you're saying, what is the most important thing in my own way. I've been waiting for quite a long time now. I'd like to know what can I do in my own way,
and what can I do in my own way. I'm also here to talk to my own team. I'm also a bureau oriented, so I'm the bureau. This year I'm not sure if the most important thing is not to have a bureau, because it's a home office.
I'm also here to talk to you about some things, and to talk about what is important to you and to find out what is important to you. I think that's what I'm looking for, to make the world better. I'd like to say that this is something that I've always wanted to talk about,
and I'm not sure if I'd like to add anything. This is a big topic for me. The second topic is reducing, the third topic is reducing, the third topic is repairing, the fifth topic is recycling, and the last topic is composting. The most important topic for me is recycling.
I'd like to say a few words about this topic. I've been talking about it a lot since the beginning, and there have been a lot of problems. The most of them are the plastic packaging, air shampoo, air dust, et cetera, so to speak.
I can't really say enough things about it. For example, this is one of the products that I've always wanted to talk about, or that I've always wanted to talk about, that doesn't have a lot of production. What I'd like to say about the air shampoo, is that it's also tricky,
because most of the time, you don't want to forget that the most shampoos have a lot of microplastic, like tinsy, or the silicone, that the air has in the air, and that's why it's so difficult. And the only way to do that is to wash it down.
So when you wash it down, then you wash it down, and the air has to be covered. That's why most of the time, you don't want to do that. And I don't want to say that the people who are using the air, the problem is that they have a lot of air in the air,
or a lot of air for air, or even air from the air in the air. Also, I'd like to say, and I don't want to say, and I'd like to say that the air has to be covered. Or, at least no matter what happened,
the air has to be covered. And because it's so difficult for me to say enough about the air,
So you can see that it is important to keep your hands on what you need to do and what you need to do.
And that is why I think it is important to keep your hands on what you need to do, because it is important to keep your hands on what you need to do with your workflows. That is also important. And I hope that it is the most important thing.
The next point is the test. I don't want to say too much about that. I am not so sure about that. It is important to keep your hands on what you need to do with your workflows.
That is why it is important to keep your hands on what you need to do with your workflows. The problem is that it is not the most important thing. Especially in clear text. We as a whole need to keep our hands on what you need to do with your workflows. And that is why I don't want to say too much about that. The next point is the test.
The most important thing is to keep your hands on what you need to do with your workflows. You can't do that with a lot of workflows. You need to keep your hands on what you need to do with your workflows.
You can't do that with a lot of workflows. That is why I am not so sure about that. The next point is that when I am thinking about workflows, I need to keep my hands on what I need to do with my workflows. I need to keep my hands on what I need to do with my workflows.
It is relatively easy to understand. So, for example, a copper butter or a body melt. And I am not sure about the effect that these copper butters and body melts have on their body melts. So I am looking at their body melts and I am not sure about the effect that these copper butters and body melts have on their body melts.
It is a lot easier to understand. You can also find good results in a natural cost or a super market. But with the workflows, I am not sure about the effect that these copper butters have on their body melts.
What is the most appealing thing to say is that you are always looking for good results and relatively easy results. Normally, people are always looking for the right results. And that is why I am always looking for the right results.
I am not sure about the effect that these copper butters have on their body melts. What I am looking for is the strong results.
I am not sure about the effect that these copper butters have on their body melts.
I am not sure about the effect that these copper butters have on their body melts.
I am not sure about the effect that these copper butters have on their body melts. and can be extra useful for those who want to buy it. Now, what is a big thing about work is when I'm working on a computer or a job.
First of all, I'm in Berlin. Most of the time I work on a job. You can't just work with a digital tool to work on it. There are a lot of tools that you can use. You can also find them on my website.
It's not easy to find them on your website. You can find them on this website. And when I'm working on a job, I'm working on a recycling pump here. What I'm working on is a very basic theme. The people who work on a job,
I've already told you that they work on their own. I can't say that I'm not very efficient, but I'm working on a lot of things. So the question is whether the truck is a recycling pump or not. Then naturally, the truck is built by itself, for two reasons. And when I'm working on a job,
the truck is built by itself, for two reasons. Then what we're working on is for all the trucks to be built, so that no D.S.G.4.0-conform works, you can even find them on their website in just a few minutes. It's also important to note that when you're working on a job, you don't have to worry about what the D.S.G.4.0-conform is.
I don't know. One point I'd like to make is to work on a job, so that you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. And you don't have to worry about it.
You don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. Then when I'm working on a job, it's actually clear that I'm working on a job. If I'm working on a job, and I'm not alone, then it's not possible to work on a job.
That's also important. What I have done in the past is to try to plan and to work on a job, and to make sure that, okay, I'm working on a job, then I can do what I want to do, and maybe even more. Then, of course, it's more important to work on a job rather than working on a job. And then, of course,
you have to say, okay, good, I'm working on a job. Okay. One thing is that you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. Or you have to worry about whether you're working on a job, or whether you're working on a job, and you're not working on a job. Of course, I'm a little scared,
because I don't want to do that job. It's the thing that's important to me. A small amount of it, so that I can work with that. If I'm working on a job, or I'm working on a job, then it's not possible. What I want to improve is to make sure that if I'm working on a job, I'm doing what I want to do, and if I'm working on a job, I'm doing what I want to do.
I need to take a step forward. However, here in the pandemic, I can't say a whole lot about this situation. I can't say it in the head, but no way. We were on our way to the other side of the aisle and the gate was not open. And now, what I am looking for is to find out what happened to me,
or to the other side of the aisle, and to the other side of the aisle, and to the other side of the aisle, and to the other side. This is the first question for the audience, and the second one has to do with the fact that these people are not aware that we are in the middle of this situation. I must say something about what is going on here.
What I am saying is extremely important to remember is what I am talking about. And what I am talking about is what I am saying. I must say that it is very seasonal, and best when it is regional.
I know a lot of people are saying that it is seasonal because it is winter and not cold. This is not the case. I can't say it in winter. I don't want to say that it is not cold. I want to talk about the climate change we are having. I want to say that it is not winter yet. It is not cold at all.
It is not too cold at all. It is not too cold at all. And that is so natural. I cannot say anything about it. And what I can say about it is good when it is warm. That is why we are here in advance. And I don't want to say anything about it. I want to say that it is super warm when it is warm.
So, yeah. That is why I am talking about it. I am not saying anything about it. I am talking about what I am consuming and about the effects of it. And that is what I am talking about.
When I am talking about it, I also say what I am talking about. I am not talking about it. I am talking about what I am talking about. I am talking about the fact that this is a very un-phrased climate change. I thought that it would be very easy to live here. And I thought that it was very easy to live here. I'm talking about the fact that it is a small part of the climate change.
And I also talked to friends. They asked me if they wanted to make it a little more open. I asked them if they wanted to make it a little more open. They asked me to make it a little more open. And that is why I am talking about it. and then I can't speak in a foreign language, I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's important to understand that when you're
talking about a woman in a bar, an Iranian woman, who you're talking to, is a woman who is a woman, a woman who is a woman. As long as she doesn't talk about her own rights and her own rights, I don't have to talk about her own rights or what other things. That's a very important thing. What is the role of this society,
as a society,
and then you can decide whether you want to pay for it or not. This is a very important part of a lot of work to do. The next point is about clothing and consumption. As we said, a lot of consumption is very important.
As I mentioned earlier, there is a lot of work to be done. There is not a lot of work that needs to be done, or there can be an event to be done. We have to remember that there is a bar machine in five different versions of the family. So you have to pay for it by the person who is the smallest person.
And when you pay, you pay the person who is the smallest person. So I pay the bar machine, and then you can pay for it. You pay for it, and then you pay for it. You pay for it with a special amount of money. So that is a relatively good function. So you pay for it by the person who is the smallest. Then you pay for it, and then you pay for it.
And that is a very important part of a lot of work. What are the benefits of things like clothing? That is a very important part of a lot of work to do. As I said, we are very proud of the work we are doing. For example, if I was to buy something new,
I would buy something like 200% of what I buy, or not. If I buy something like that, or not, I pay 100% of what I buy, or not. If I buy something like that, it is a very important part of a lot of work. I am also very proud of the fact that I am very proud of my work.
This is a very important part of my work, and the end effect is that I am very proud of what I am doing. You can't only make a lot of money by buying something like a car. I think that is very important. The point is that the most important part of the work is to buy something like a car.
That is very important. What I am really proud of is that I am able to buy a car now. I am very proud of the fact that I am buying a car now. I am very proud of that. I am very proud of that. We have a lot of cars now, and no car now.
I have worked here for 2 to 3 years now, and I have done something like this on the show red, designed for scraped water. I shoot mybedroom on schedule. I tell myself what I want to have, what is potentially hireable for work, what is actually not.
and I tell myself, maybe the future at home, and what will quality however is at less than 40%
and can we not be able to do it without the person in the middle? Does that make sense to you, Ligo? So, does it make sense to you or to you? That's not to say that it makes sense to you. I think the most important thing is to make sure that you don't lose weight, you can't lose weight. But to make sure that you don't lose weight or that you don't lose weight
and that you don't lose weight is not important to you. So, I think that the most important thing is to make sure that you lose weight, you must be able to do it without the person in the middle of the race, or with the person in the middle of the race, and that's not to say that you don't lose weight.
Then, the most important thing is to keep your body and your body in place. I must be in the mood to do that, or I must be in my own mood,
100% I would say that we have a lot of weight loss, a lot of concentration that goes into it, and that's why we're doing it. That works really well.
For the toilette, which is quite normal, that's why a lot of people say that you don't lose weight, you can't lose weight in the original race, you can't lose weight with your own weight. That's super easy, you can only lose weight in the original race,
and that's why it works. What we're doing now is to make sure that you lose weight, and that you lose weight because you're in the middle of the race. Now, in the cricket game, I've always thought that I'd lose weight in the first place.
And then there should be a lot of weight loss, as well as a lot of weight loss, like sharing, etc. Repairing,
especially in repair cafes, and also repair. Recycling, it's a little bit harder, whereas what I recycle must be difficult, because at the moment it's a problem, it's a thing to recycle. You have to recycle a lot of weight, and not recycle too much, so that's why the whole topic is important.
And capacity is a tool, but a lot of people in the states are not aware of that. So you must have a normal weight loss, or you must have a little bit more weight loss, or that's what's needed. But that's also why it was advanced. And for the advanced thing, I can't say that I've never been more than 20 years old,
and now I'm streaming for about 50 years, which is quite normal, because now I'm doing my own workshop, where a lot of people are coming to me, and I'm also coming to you via a big blue button channel. Frank can also give me a profile, or even a telegram channel.
What I'm saying is that the whole process is a process, and we can't do it. So it's not just that, we don't want to lose weight, and we need to do everything. So then it's important to keep in mind that a little bit of consumption is needed.
If you keep in mind that a little bit of consumption is needed, then it's important to keep in mind that. That's the whole point. But it's also important to keep in mind what you're eating, and keep what you're eating past, and what you're not eating past. That's it. Thank you. Thank you very much.
I'm not sure if it's enough for you to come. I'm not sure. Okay. Yeah. You're not here yet?
I'm not here yet. Yeah, you're not here yet. So two minutes later, I'd like to say that you don't have to go to the event. I can go to India, the Vashnis, the Zolln would also be a good sign,
and we are also a bit of a biologist, as well as a biologist. So when the food is so big, and I'm also a bit of a scientist, I'm not a scientist. In India, we are also a bit of a scientist, but I'm also a scientist, and I'm also an artist.
Yeah, that's right. And that would be really good. And that would be really good. So for the scientists, for the scientists, give it a try.
In my opinion,
one of the great things is that people learn how to work, in principle. With the work that I've done for the event, we thought it was cool, but it wasn't as hard for people to understand that people are not able to speak. You can't speak. Yes, that's right. The work I've done for the event,
I'm also a bit surprised by my 10-year-old son. So... I'm not sure what he's done, I don't know what he's done, I'm not sure what he's done, I don't know what he's done, I can't. Yeah, thanks.