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Continuously Deliver with ConDep

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Continuously Deliver with ConDep
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

ConDep (con-dep.net) is an open source Domain Specific Language (DSL) that exists for one purpose only: make it really simple for you to deliver software and infrastructure continuously on Windows. In this talk you will learn how to use ConDep as a tool for enabling Continuous Delivery (CD) in your organization, integrate it with Continuous Integration (CI) tools and how to easily extend ConDep with your own custom operations. By the end of the talk you will possess the know-how of pushing your web applications (or other server type apps) to any number of Windows servers, so you can sit and watch while ConDep installs all required infrastructure and software, without any downtime. All of this with the click of a button or even continuously on every check-in. You will also be given ammunition to persuade your organization that Continuous Delivery is the next step in Agile. The missing part that will help improve the quality and agility of your software, and potentially your organization.