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Erlang: a jump-start for .NET developers

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Erlang: a jump-start for .NET developers
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A team of C# and Erlang developers is a force to be reckoned with because Erlang and .NET are pure complements— each excels at what the other sucks at. Many C# developers write both JavaScript and SQL; adding Erlang to the mix can (and should) be just as natural. But wait, what is Erlang? Erlang is an industry-proven, open-source, cross-platform, functional programming language and runtime. Facebook's chat, CouchDB, RabbitMQ, GitHub's pages, Opscode Chef, Riak, and Amazon's SimpleDB are all written in Erlang for good reason— Erlang simplifies writing highly-reliable, concurrent, distributed systems. How does a C# developer even get started? What are the development tools? Can it all be done on Windows? What is similar, and what is truly foreign? What baggage does a good C# developer bring to Erlang? How do you begin to lose your C# accent? When is Erlang the right tool for the job? How should a .NET shop pilot Erlang? Come learn the "what", "why" and "how" of Erlang and get started!