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PKP-middleware as the basis for process-chain management in XML-first publication infrastructures

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PKP-middleware as the basis for process-chain management in XML-first publication infrastructures
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University Library of Heidelberg 1 hosts, manages and disseminates monographs using OMP. We use NLM JATS 2 XML as the single source in the monograph publication workflow to create various output formats in order to streamline the production and reduce man-power. We have implemented an open source tool, heiMPT 3 (heidelberg Monograph Publication Tool), which takes any set of tools and build a process chain, that automates any complete monograph conversion workflow. One of our achievements is the FO 4 generation tool 5, that produces FO files from JATS XML to produce industry standard print and electronic pdf files. The FO-tool 5 can be configured to run with open-source FO libraries 6 as well as commercial FO tools 7, 8 to support multilingual and multi-context monograph production. NLM JATS extension NLM BITS 9 support was added to support monograph related metadata. Additionally, we have built a complete omp front end application for OMP 10, which uses OMP as the Backend and integrates the lens viewer 11. All the designs, implementations are in line with the long-term plan to cooperate with PKP to deliver high quality open-source software to the academic as well as non-academic community. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/Englisch/Welcome.html https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/ https://github.com/withanage/mpt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XSL_Formatting_Objects https://github.com/withanage/heiMPT/blob/master/static/tools/disseminate.py https://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/ https://www.antennahouse.com/antenna1/formatter/ http://www.renderx.com/tools/xep.html https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/extensions/bits/ https://github.com/UB-Heidelberg/UBHD-OMPPortal#demo https://github.com/elifesciences/lens