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4/4 Mixed Modular Motives and Modular Forms for SL_2 (\Z)


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4/4 Mixed Modular Motives and Modular Forms for SL_2 (\Z)
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In the `Esquisse d'un programme', Grothendieck proposed studying the action of the absolute Galois group upon the system of profinite fundamental groups of moduli spaces of curves of genus g with n marked points. Around 1990, Ihara, Drinfeld and Deligne independently initiated the study of the unipotent completion of the fundamental group of the projective line with 3 points. It is now known to be motivic by Deligne-Goncharov and generates the category of mixed Tate motives over the integers. It is closely related to many classical objects such as polylogarithms and multiple zeta values, and has a wide range of applications from number theory to physics. In the first, geometric, half of this lecture series I will explain how to extend this theory to genus one (which generates the theory in all higher genera). The unipotent fundamental groupoid must be replaced with a notion of relative completion, studied by Hain, which defines an extremely rich system of mixed Hodge structures built out of modular forms. It is closely related to Manin's iterated Eichler integrals, the universal mixed elliptic motives of Hain and Matsumoto, and the elliptic polylogarithms of Beilinson and Levin. The question that I wish to confront is whether relative completion stands a chance of generating all mixed modular motives or not. This is equivalent to studying the action of a `motivic' Galois group upon it, and the question of geometrically constructing all generalised Rankin-Selberg extensions. In the second, elementary, half of these lectures, which will be mostly independent from the first, I will explain how the relative completion has a realisation in a new class of non-holomorphic modular forms which correspond in a certain sense to mixed motives. These functions are elementary power series in $q$ and $\overline{q}$ and $\log |q|$ whose coefficients are periods. They are closely related to the theory of modular graph functions in string theory and also intersect with the theory of mock modular forms.
Einfacher RingGanze ZahlObjekt <Kategorie>Gruppe <Mathematik>GruppendarstellungFundamentalsatz der AlgebraMultiplikationsoperatorGarbentheorieDickeFunktorNegative ZahlPhysikalischer EffektGruppenoperationFundamentalgruppeKategorie <Mathematik>Physikalische TheorieModulformKoeffizientVollständigkeitPunktGeradeNichtlineares GleichungssystemFünfeckSechseckRelativitätstheorieNumerische MathematikAnalogieschlussTangentialraumUrbild <Mathematik>Formale PotenzreiheEinfügungsdämpfungAlgebraische StrukturElement <Gruppentheorie>TheoremTopologieVektorraumAbelsche KategorieAssoziativgesetzPoisson-KlammerBetti-ZahlMultiplikationMorphismusIsomorphieklassePaarvergleichWiderspruchsfreiheitAffiner RaumSummierbarkeitRationale ZahlFunktionalVorlesung/Konferenz
Formale PotenzreiheGruppenoperationMultiplikationPhysikalische TheoriePunktAusdruck <Logik>Gruppe <Mathematik>MultiplikationsoperatorAlgebraisches ModellTheoremRelativitätstheorieParametersystemFundamentalgruppeAutomorphismusUntergruppeNebenbedingungVollständigkeitAlgebraische StrukturNichtlinearer OperatorKoalgebraNumerische MathematikTranszendente ZahlKomplex <Algebra>ResultanteGanze FunktionLie-AlgebraLeistung <Physik>FunktionalMechanismus-Design-TheorieEinfacher RingSigma-AlgebraKoeffizientFreie GruppeEndlich erzeugte GruppeSummierbarkeitElement <Gruppentheorie>GradientMinimalgradVertauschungsrelationVariableSubstitutionFrequenzÄquivalenzklassep-adische ZahlMathematische LogikBetti-ZahlFunktionentheorieEinsHopf-AlgebraVorlesung/Konferenz
Latent-Class-AnalyseDifferenteAlgebraische StrukturVollständigkeitGeometrieÄquivalenzklasseGanze ZahlGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>Pi <Zahl>Algebraisches ModellRechter WinkelMonodromieProzess <Physik>Kategorie <Mathematik>Gruppe <Mathematik>TheoremMinkowski-MetrikNumerische MathematikPunktDimensionsanalyseParametersystemKombinatorikElement <Gruppentheorie>RangstatistikNichtunterscheidbarkeitSubstitutionAnalogieschlussObjekt <Kategorie>Deskriptive StatistikMultiplikationResultanteAggregatzustandEndlich erzeugte GruppeFundamentalgruppeIsomorphieklasseVektorraumFuchs-DifferentialgleichungForcingKomplexifizierungSortierte LogikDiagonale <Geometrie>Paarvergleichsinc-FunktionDimension 3Filterung <Stochastik>MultifunktionMereologieTVD-VerfahrenStörungstheorieInverser LimesFolge <Mathematik>TabelleBetti-ZahlEinfacher RingPhysikalisches SystemStellenringAnalytische MengeLie-AlgebraFinitismusModulformSigma-AlgebraLie-GruppeAutomorphismusGebundener ZustandVorlesung/Konferenz
MultiplikationsoperatorEinfügungsdämpfungGammafunktionDreiecksfreier GraphMereologieKategorie <Mathematik>FrequenzGruppenoperationAlgebraische StrukturTheoremMonodromieGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>Affiner RaumSemidirektes ProduktFunktorUrbild <Mathematik>MatrizenrechnungElement <Gruppentheorie>Basis <Mathematik>KreisbogenGruppe <Mathematik>Betti-ZahlMultifunktionIsomorphieklasseMorphismusPaarvergleichOrdnung <Mathematik>DifferenteFundamentalgruppeRationale ZahlFinitismusFunktionalKonditionszahlModulformLinearisierungHeegaard-ZerlegungFilterung <Stochastik>VertauschungsrelationDualitätstheorieRichtungAlgebraisches ModellÜbergangAbelsche GruppePrimidealMaßerweiterungTensorproduktHopf-AlgebraVollständigkeitDiagrammKomplexifizierungPoisson-KlammerStörungstheorieWarteschlangeGradientBimodulObjekt <Kategorie>Nichtlinearer OperatorGeometrieRadikal <Mathematik>MultiplikatorEinfacher RingMonoidale KategorieQuotientExakte SequenzLineare AbbildungVektorraumNatürliche ZahlFormale PotenzreiheKlassische PhysikGüte der AnpassungLineare AlgebraUmkehrung <Mathematik>Rechter WinkelPi <Zahl>Zusammenhängender GraphRelativitätstheoriePunktAbelsche KategorieAggregatzustandAutomorphismusSummierbarkeitVorlesung/Konferenz
Inhalt <Mathematik>IsomorphieklasseMultiplikationsoperatorObjekt <Kategorie>MereologieFolge <Mathematik>MonodromieInvarianteEinfacher RingInverseGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>Algebraisches ModellTheoremAlgebraische StrukturÜbergangArithmetisches MittelSigma-AlgebraHeegaard-ZerlegungPunktGruppe <Mathematik>Physikalische TheorieMorphismusGruppendarstellungFundamentalgruppeNichtlinearer OperatorKonditionszahlEinfach zusammenhängender RaumFilterung <Stochastik>Kartesische KoordinatenKategorie <Mathematik>VollständigkeitRelativitätstheorieGrundraumExakte SequenzGruppenoperationVektorraumHopf-AlgebraKreisringTangentialraumFunktorFunktionalSummierbarkeitVertauschungsrelationProjektive EbeneHomomorphismusTranslation <Mathematik>RichtungJensen-MaßSortierte LogikProdukt <Mathematik>ÜbergangswahrscheinlichkeitAffiner RaumQuotientUntergruppeMatrizenrechnungSymmetrieLoopZusammenhängender GraphEndomorphismenmonoidDickeTeilbarkeitTrägheitsmomentDiagrammStörungstheorieNebenbedingungGammafunktionWarteschlangeMaßerweiterungLogarithmusKappa-KoeffizientInverser LimesKovarianzfunktionStellenringUnendlichkeitLie-AlgebraTopologieLie-GruppeVorlesung/Konferenz
UntergruppeObjekt <Kategorie>MorphismusGruppe <Mathematik>Endlich erzeugte GruppeKonditionszahlAutomorphismusBasis <Mathematik>VollständigkeitRelativitätstheorieGruppenoperationRationale ZahlDivergente ReiheNichtlineares GleichungssystemKlasse <Mathematik>ModulformAlgebraische StrukturPunktÄquivalenzklassePhysikalische TheoriePrimidealDelisches ProblemMultiplikationsoperatorKappa-KoeffizientElement <Gruppentheorie>PotenzreiheTheoremAlgebraisches ModellFundamentalgruppeMereologieNumerische MathematikArithmetischer AusdruckGammafunktionTermZirkel <Instrument>ZahlensystemTrigonometrische FunktionFilterung <Stochastik>Deskriptive StatistikHeegaard-ZerlegungFormale PotenzreiheDirektes ProduktElliptische KurveVektorraumArithmetisches MittelSkalarproduktraumDreiecksfreier GraphHomologieInverseStörungstheorieHomomorphismusGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>StellenringProdukt <Mathematik>MathematikUrbild <Mathematik>Tangente <Mathematik>Poisson-KlammerQuadratzahlProjektive EbeneVertauschungsrelationBetti-ZahlAbelsche GruppeGrundraumRechter WinkelInverser LimesGesetz <Physik>FaserbündelMinkowski-MetrikInnerer AutomorphismusInvarianteLeistung <Physik>SummierbarkeitFrequenzIntegralIterationTorusGeradeLogarithmusKoeffizientÜbergangKategorie <Mathematik>RichtungVariableNebenbedingungKartesische KoordinatenAnalogieschlussKohomologieLie-AlgebraHodge-StrukturSymmetrische AlgebraFreie GruppeVorlesung/Konferenz
Objekt <Kategorie>Klasse <Mathematik>MorphismusElement <Gruppentheorie>Dreiecksfreier GraphGruppendarstellungHomologieÄquivalenzklasseNumerische MathematikNichtlinearer OperatorFaserbündelAbelsche GruppeMinkowski-MetrikNichtlineares GleichungssystemPunktMathematikGruppenoperationTermArithmetisches MittelAutomorphismusNatürliche ZahlDrucksondierungBasis <Mathematik>ModulformGruppe <Mathematik>MultiplikationRandwertBimodulMultiplikationsoperatorNebenbedingungDelisches ProblemKurveMomentenproblemAlgebraische StrukturDivergente ReiheAlgebraisches ModellKoeffizientGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>PrimidealPolstelleRationale ZahlSymmetrische AlgebraNormalvektorNichtunterscheidbarkeitÄußere DifferentialformVektorraumEndlich erzeugte GruppeZentrische StreckungFormale PotenzreiheAusdruck <Logik>MultifunktionOrdnung <Mathematik>Filterung <Stochastik>Zusammenhängender GraphMereologieTranszendente ZahlTheoremKörper <Algebra>WiderspruchsfreiheitIrrationale ZahlFrequenzAdditionUrbild <Mathematik>Leistung <Physik>Sortierte LogikHodge-StrukturLie-AlgebraGeometrieVorlesung/Konferenz
VertauschungsrelationFundamentalgruppePunktInvarianteEndlich erzeugte GruppeLie-GruppePoisson-KlammerMinimalgradAlgebraische StrukturGruppenoperationVollständigkeitRelativitätstheorieStörungstheorieVektorraumGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>Nichtlinearer OperatorRechter WinkelGruppendarstellungDimensionsanalyseKategorie <Mathematik>Lie-AlgebraGeradeSemidirektes ProduktVorzeichen <Mathematik>Gruppe <Mathematik>PrimidealElement <Gruppentheorie>Divergente ReiheModulformDelisches ProblemNegative ZahlPartieller DifferentialoperatorGeometrieRationale ZahlBetti-ZahlRadikal <Mathematik>Heegaard-ZerlegungNatürliche ZahlFilterung <Stochastik>Übergangsinc-FunktionAlgebraisches ModellObjekt <Kategorie>DreieckTabelleDiagonale <Geometrie>Sortierte LogikDerivation <Algebra>Formale PotenzreiheGammafunktionTensorApproximationCoxeter-GruppeNebenbedingungMaßerweiterungKoeffizientTeilbarkeitNumerische MathematikKappa-KoeffizientOrdnung <Mathematik>KonditionszahlVarianzUmwandlungsenthalpieSigma-AlgebraUnterraumProdukt <Mathematik>PotenzreiheLogarithmusLokales MinimumDirektes ProduktPrädikatenlogik erster StufeÄquivalenzklassep-BlockAnfangswertproblemTermAutomorphismusTropfenRandwertDreiecksfreier GraphWellenlehreMultiplikationsoperatorMultiplikation
Rechter WinkelKategorie <Mathematik>BimodulGruppenoperationUntergruppeMorphismusDiagrammFundamentalgruppeGammafunktionZusammenhängender GraphSemidirektes ProduktMatrizenrechnungRadikal <Mathematik>LoopMaßerweiterungStellenringGruppe <Mathematik>MonodromieKlassische PhysikMultiplikationsoperatorInhalt <Mathematik>QuotientFormale PotenzreiheVektorraumTensorproduktNichtlinearer OperatorAlgebraische StrukturObjekt <Kategorie>Einfacher RingUmkehrung <Mathematik>AutomorphismusMatrizenringPhysikalische TheorieBetti-ZahlStützpunkt <Mathematik>MereologieFrequenzEinfach zusammenhängender RaumEndomorphismenmonoidMotiv <Mathematik>KonditionszahlSkalarproduktTrägheitsmomentGeradePunktRichtungSigma-AlgebraLie-AlgebraTermGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>NebenbedingungFilterung <Stochastik>Heegaard-ZerlegungAlgebraisches ModellElement <Gruppentheorie>Faktor <Algebra>Gibbs-VerteilungTheoremRegulator <Mathematik>Derivation <Algebra>Abelsche GruppeDiagonale <Geometrie>Lie-GruppeEreignishorizontDifferentePrädikatenlogik erster StufeBernoullische ZahlGeometrieUnendlichkeitSortierte LogikVorlesung/Konferenz
Algebraisches ModellAutomorphismusExakte SequenzGruppe <Mathematik>PunktFundamentalgruppeFilterung <Stochastik>KonditionszahlGruppendarstellungIsomorphieklasseVertauschungsrelationFunktorRechter WinkelElement <Gruppentheorie>Gesetz <Physik>ÄquivalenzklasseSemidirektes ProduktArithmetisches MittelObjekt <Kategorie>Kategorie <Mathematik>ÜbergangSummierbarkeitEinfacher RingInvarianteJensen-MaßGruppenoperationAffiner RaumInverseInnerer AutomorphismusÜbergangswahrscheinlichkeitTheoremSigma-AlgebraRichtungSymmetrieTeilbarkeitQuotientRadikal <Mathematik>UntergruppeHeegaard-ZerlegungSortierte LogikFaserbündelPolynomBeweistheorieGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>ModulformDerivation <Algebra>MereologieLeistung <Physik>PrimidealZahlensystemMultiplikationsoperatorFrequenzAusdruck <Logik>GeometrieMaßerweiterungBimodulVollständigkeitBasis <Mathematik>Ganze ZahlRationale ZahlNatürliche ZahlMengenlehreEndlich erzeugte GruppeGemischtes ModellFolge <Mathematik>AnalogieschlussSymmetrische AlgebraKoeffizientIterationDivergente ReiheRandwertMultiplikationVorlesung/Konferenz
Gruppe <Mathematik>TheoremModulformMaßerweiterungBetrag <Mathematik>Derivation <Algebra>Minkowski-MetrikZeitzoneGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>VollständigkeitKonditionszahlDimensionsanalyseMultiplikationsoperatorBruchrechnungRangstatistikAlgebraische StrukturAusdruck <Logik>Natürliche ZahlAutomorphismusUntergruppePotenzreiheFilterung <Stochastik>KohomologieKappa-KoeffizientGruppenoperationSemidirektes ProduktQuadratzahlPoisson-KlammerSkalarproduktraumVertauschungsrelationProjektive EbeneFaserbündelElement <Gruppentheorie>ÄquivalenzklasseGruppendarstellungNichtlineares GleichungssystemNormalvektorPunktRelativitätstheorieKlasse <Mathematik>EichtheorieNichtlinearer OperatorHeegaard-ZerlegungInversePrimidealGammafunktionDivergente ReiheNebenbedingungAnalogieschlussBimodulMultiplikationMorphismusZahlensystemArithmetischer AusdruckNumerische MathematikMereologieVorlesung/Konferenz
MultiplikationsoperatorRandwertBetti-ZahlLie-AlgebraKoeffizientSemidirektes ProduktElement <Gruppentheorie>TeilbarkeitOrdnung <Mathematik>ÄquivalenzklasseNumerische MathematikTermLogarithmusLie-GruppeKappa-KoeffizientSummierbarkeitRechter WinkelKohomologieGruppe <Mathematik>AutomorphismusWiderspruchsfreiheitKonditionszahlUnterraumDerivation <Algebra>Sigma-AlgebraNichtunterscheidbarkeitMultiplikationAdditionTheoremFrequenzZentrische StreckungApproximationVertauschungsrelationUmwandlungsenthalpieModulformInvarianteHeegaard-ZerlegungÄquivariante AbbildungGruppenoperationVollständigkeitKategorie <Mathematik>RelativitätstheorieDivergente ReihePotenzreiheTensorPrädikatenlogik erster StufeVorlesung/Konferenz
MereologieCoxeter-GruppeKategorie <Mathematik>Derivation <Algebra>DifferenteBimodulPunktBernoullische ZahlMotiv <Mathematik>Element <Gruppentheorie>Filterung <Stochastik>NebenbedingungQuotientHeegaard-ZerlegungUnendlichkeitTheoremAbelsche GruppeSigma-AlgebraFaktor <Algebra>Diagonale <Geometrie>FrequenzÄquivariante AbbildungAlgebraisches ModellObjekt <Kategorie>TrägheitsmomentKonditionszahlAlgebraische StrukturLie-AlgebraLie-GruppePrädikatenlogik erster StufeGeometrieMaßerweiterungFormale PotenzreiheGammafunktionRadikal <Mathematik>Gewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>VektorraumVorlesung/Konferenz
Kerr-LösungBeweistheorieNatürliche ZahlDerivation <Algebra>Sortierte LogikGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>Sigma-AlgebraTheoremMengenlehreFaserbündelObjekt <Kategorie>MaßerweiterungVollständigkeitPunktBimodulPrimidealAlgebraische StrukturAnalogieschlussKategorie <Mathematik>Element <Gruppentheorie>Gruppe <Mathematik>ModulformDelisches ProblemDivergente ReiheKoeffizientSymmetrische AlgebraFrequenzPolynomMinkowski-MetrikGeometrieVertauschungsrelationAlgebraisches ModellFolge <Mathematik>ZeitzoneBasis <Mathematik>MereologieMultiplikationsoperatorZahlensystemSkalarproduktGanze ZahlBruchrechnungReelle ZahlDimensionsanalyseKonditionszahlRationale ZahlAusdruck <Logik>RangstatistikVorlesung/Konferenz
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Okay, so this is the fourth and final lecture where I try to say all the things that I wish I'd said in early lectures. Unfortunately, I won't talk about mixed modular forms.
I didn't get that far and I apologize for that. But I will say a few things that I believe are important, and to illustrate what they are and what they mean, I will first motivate
with the case of P1 minus 3 points. Even though I don't want to talk about P1 minus 3 points very much at all, I just will write down the key ingredients as I see it in the theory, and then I will replicate them or give generalizations of them in the case of M11.
So the zeroth section then is motivation for this lecture from P1 minus 3 points. And I'm going to briefly summarize most of the ingredients in the motivic theory and say
why they're important. So what we have here is, as I've mentioned this a few times already, we have Betty and Durham fundamental groups. Oh sorry, they're not fundamental groups, they're fundamental torsers of paths, because we're going from 0 to 1. So this is the unipotent completion, or the Durham pi 1 of P1 minus 3 points from a tangent vector at 1,
the negative tangent vector of length 1 at 1. And these are schemes over Q. And they
are related to each other by comparison isomorphism. So this is a morphism of schemes. And then there's an element that plays a very important role, which is the drochement in
the topological fundamental group, which is the path, the straight line path going from 0 to 1,
or rather the tangent vector of length 1 at 0 to the tangent vector of length minus 1 at 1, and it's simply the straight line. No, my line is not very straight. Do that again. So that's the drochement. And it gives an element in the Betty fundamental group,
it's rational points. And then we push it across into the Durham fundamental group. And its image in the complex points of the Durham fundamental group is the Drinfeld associator. So I've
explained that a number of times already. So there's a sum over some words in two letters, and the coefficients are shuffle regularized multiple zeta values. And last time,
we discussed what the analog of this should be in genus 1, and discussed the analog of relations satisfied, which in the case of the Drinfeld associator, the hexagon and pentagon equations. Right, so then this we've more or less covered. So the next stage in the theory
is to make things is to put in the motivic point of view. So the way that this is done these days, in this situation, though, of course, in the early days, we didn't have
a category of mixtape motive, so you won't have to do something else. But now, we say that these schemes are the realizations of something else, a motivic fundamental group, I'll write with a subscript m, motivic fundamental group. So what that means to say that the scheme
is a realization of a motive, what it means is that rather the affine ring, we have an object, which we think of as the affine ring of a scheme, which is an end object in a category
of mixtape motives over the integers. And its Betty realization is the affine ring of the Betty scheme, and its Durham realization is the affine ring of the Durham scheme, and you have other realizations as well. So this was done by Delien and Goncharov,
or defined by Delien and Goncharov. Okay, so then what do you get from this? Well, a motive or an object in an abelian category or a Tanakian category of motives is simply a
vector space plus the action of a group. So the category of mixtape motives, because it is a Tanakian category, is the same as the representations of a certain affine group scheme
that I'm going to write. So the group schemes, if I do it correctly and consistently, will have curly Gs. So the motivic Galor groups will have curly Gs, whereas all other groups will not have a tail. So I hope I do that consistently. So a mixtape motive is simply
a vector space plus the action of a particular group, which is the motivic Galor group of this category. There's the Durham motivic Galor group of this category, and this function is the Durham realization functor. So what we're getting then is some schemes and the extra
data of a group MTZ acting on one of them, on the Durham one. So we get some object with
a group acting on it, and this encodes all the motivic theory. Of course, you can also replace Durham with Betty, if you like, but there's no loss of information, just restricting to a single fiber functor, and Durham is by far and away the most convenient in this story.
So the point of this is that the structure of O pi 1 m as a motive is completely equivalent by the Tanneker theorem to the action of this group on the scheme O pi 1 Durham. And
this, in turn, is completely equivalent to the action of this group on, I'd like to
say multiple zeta values, but to make this rigorous, I have to put little motivic in brackets. So the first point is that this group action really contains all the information. It really
knows everything that there is to know about pi 1 minus 3, p 1 minus 3 point, or the fundamental group of p 1 minus 3 points. Absolutely, when you write topology, what do you say about the actual point? No, so yeah, I skipped this because I did this last time. There's always a map, pi 1 top, I won't repeat the rest, goes into the rational points of the
Betty, and it's Zariski-dense, and the same happens in relative completion. So I skip that step when I am. So the way I prefer to think about this is that you can imagine
that there's a Galois theory of transcendental numbers like multiple zeta values, and the action of this Galois group on these numbers should be, so that Galois action is clearly conjectural, but you can make it absolutely rigorous by replacing numbers with something called motivic periods. And then this action of this group is completely equivalent
to an action on the motivic versions of these numbers. So that's something that's quite concrete and is used a lot, and the point is that it's all completely encoded in the data of this action. And without wishing to give an entire course on this,
because I've done it before, you can deduce a lot of fun things. For example, to prove results here between multiple zeta values, between periods, you just compute numbers. So here you can prove theorems using complex analysis, for example, and because of this
equivalence, you can push them back to statements into the actual motive, and you can deduce results about the L-adic structure of p1 minus p points, this fundamental group, and you can deduce results about p-adic periods as well. So that illustrates the power of this
point of view. Okay, so all that to say that this technology of having motivic multiple zetas
and Hopf algebra or co-algebra structure on them is used all the time, but it really comes from this group action. So the key point, then, is to determine this group action, and for me it's one of the most important points in the whole theory. So we need to know how
this motivic Galois group acts on 0 pi 1 duran. In other words, we get a map from this group into the group of automorphisms, 0 pi 1 duran. That's what it means for this
group to act on this scheme, and we know that this Galois group satisfies certain constraints. It's constrained in some way, so it lands in some subgroup of the group of automorphisms that I will just denote with a prime for now, since I don't want
to go into the whole theory. And the key point here is that this subgroup can be described quite explicitly, and it turns out actually to be isomorphic to the fundamental group
itself. And what you get from that, then, is something slightly strange. You get an action of this pi 1 on itself, which exactly reflects the action of the motivic Galois group. So this is, in some sense, this is what's confusing about the theory, because in p1-3 points,
the role of this automorphism group gets confused with the role of the torso of parts, and that causes a lot of confusion. In the case of m11, we'll see that it's very slightly different. OK, so this was first done by Ihara, and as I mentioned, it's extremely
important. So we can describe this action, the action of this group, on pi 1 duram explicitly.
So there's an explicit formula. Perhaps I'll just give it. I didn't prepare this, so my
conventions may be the wrong way around. But essentially, if you represent this by group-like formal power series in two variables, then you get an operation on formal power series in two variables, which is something like multiply by f on the left, and then
you do some non-commutative substitution like this. So f and g are functions of our group-like formal power series in some coefficients in summary. So you get a very
concrete formula. This was discovered by Ihara. And then from this, it's a very short argument to dualize this, as explained in my lecture at the ICM proceedings. You
dualize this, and you get a co-action formula for multiple zeta values, essentially, motivic multiple zeta values. And we use that all the time. So really, the heart is understanding this group action. So this implies formula for co-action on motivic
MZVs. And you can really use this to compute. It's absolutely extraordinary that this whole philosophy gives anything at all. I feel like saying that the more you understand this, the more surprising it becomes that these very general
considerations actually give you any information at all. But in fact, you get an enormous amount of information from this co-action. In fact, it completely determines all the relations between multiple zetas. So the next stage, then, is some
input from the motivic theory, more precisely, Borel's theorems on algebraic K theory, tell us something about the size of this motivic Galois group. And in fact, we know
that the Lie algebra of the unipotent radical of this motivic Galois group, or that it's associated graded, is isomorphic to the freely algebra on generators
sigma 3, sigma 5, sigma 7, and so on, where sigma 2n plus 1 is in degree minus 2n minus 1. And these are the very famous zeta elements, somewhat called Suler elements, are graded. If you don't like it, you can put the
completion of the free Lie algebra on these elements. And so these sigmas correspond, in some sense, to the odd zeta values, which in turn control the
whole structure of the ring of multiple zeta values through this mechanism. So this controls, this Lie algebra controls the structure of motivic MZVs, and hence all MZVs. So you get from this, I don't want to do a whole course
on this, but you get upper bounds for the dimensions of the space of numbers in this way, it's very concrete. And so the final piece I want to get to is the theorem that I proved a few years ago, which was previously
called the Deligny-Hara conjecture, which is this Lie algebra, in other words, the sigma 3, sigma 5, act freely. So let me write a freely algebra
as a blackboard L. So then this free Lie algebra, this Lie algebra acts freely on 0 pi 1 duran. And that implies that, in fact, that this pi 1 of p1 minus 3
points, in fact, generates the whole category of mixed-hate motives over the integers. So now, what I want to, I really don't want to talk about this, but I will repeat all of this for genus 1 and explain how to get a
group. So we don't have a category of motives in this case, but I will explain how to cook up something, some category of realizations that will do the job. We're going to get a group acting on everything. I want to then describe the hard structure underlying the relative completion.
Then I want to describe the automorphisms of this structure and how the Galois group acts. And then I want to explain what the analogs of these sigmas are going to be, and I will conclude with a Freeness theorem, which is an analog of this result in the case of genus 1. Sorry?
It's a conjecture, but we will... What? What I'm going to say later. This is a theorem. No, not at all. Oh, yeah, I'll state a theorem. I'll state a Freeness theorem, generalizes this, that involves zeta elements, but also modular elements.
But the caveat is that that's not the whole story, that there's an infinite sequence of, infinite sequences of generators. They're not just modular and zeta elements. They're Rankin-Selberg elements and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So that's the issue. But it's a short story.
This is a tricky, very tricky combinatorial and analytic argument. It uses some difficult identity due to Zagier between multiple zetas proved by the Fragment-Lindelof principle. It uses a tricky combinatorial argument.
In the genus 1 situation, this theorem is going to pop out without any effort. It's just going to pop out of the structure from the description of this group, the analog of this group. So we'll see that. OK, so now, the case M1,1. So this is what we're really interested in.
And the first point is then, as a substitute for motives, we're going to work with hot structures. So the Betty and Durand completions, G1,1, B, and DR, have not just a mixed hot structure, but a limiting mixed hot structure.
So this is a new feature that we don't see in genus 0. And it's very important indeed, as I will try to explain at the very, very end. So this was computed by Hain, defined by Hain, in a very slightly different context, but it's equivalent.
OK, so what does a limiting mixed hot structure have? Well, it has a geometric weight filtration, W. But it also has another weight filtration, M,
and it has a hot filtration. So this is called the monodromy, I might just call it the weight filtration without any adjective.
And F is the hot filtration. So the weight filtration as a motive, if you like, is M, it's not W. And we think of this as a mixed hot structure with an extra filtration, W.
So how this is going to be encoded, so I want to encode this data in the following way. So we're going to have some rings, OG1, Betty, affine ring, OG11, Durham. And there's a comparison isomorphism between them. And this is going to be encoded as a W filtered
end object of a category H of mixed hot structures, which I'm going to define now. So what's going on here is that we've got some local systems or variations of
variations of M11. And on those, there's a weight filtration W. And so you can look at the W end part of that, you can stop the filtration at a certain point, and you get a variation.
And when you take the limit, you get a genuine mixed hot structure. So the upshot is we get W, for each step in the W filtration, we get an actual mixed hot structure. And there's a lot of extra data that goes into limiting mixed hot structure that I'm going to ignore for now, but it will come back very shortly. So the first
thing then is to define a category H. So that H be a category whose objects are triples
consisting of. So I think a version of this category was first written down by Deline.
So VB and VDR are finite dimensional Q vector spaces with an increasing filtration M. So my habit is to write W in this context like everybody
else, but we have to remind ourselves that it's M now. Weight filtration is denoted by M. So if I accidentally write W, please stop me. So VDR also has a decreasing
filtration F. So these are filtrations of Q vector spaces, and they are finite and exhaustive. Then C is an isomorphism between the complexifications of these vector spaces,
which respects the weight filtration M. There's the data of a real Frobenius, which is very
useful, especially for constructing modular forms I mentioned in the first lecture and which I won't have time to do. Since actually I won't need it, I'm just going to drop it and put it in brackets and skip that. And then the key condition is that the vector space VB equipped
with the filtration M and equipped with the filtration F on its complexification is a
graded polarizable Q mixed hot structure, whose definition I won't give. It's very well known. And it's just some linear algebra conditions on the filtrations. And then the morphisms in this category are what you think they are.
So morphism is given between a triple is what you think. So it's given by linear maps phi B
to phi B prime and phi DRAM that respects everything. So there's a commutative diagram involving C and C prime that needs to commute. These maps need to respect the M filtrations,
the F filtration in this case, and so on and so forth. So I'll just say that this has to be compatible with the above data. So then this forms an abelian category.
There's an obvious notion of direct sum. There's a notion of dual, a notion of tensor product. So it's a Q linear, abelian tensor category with duals. In other words,
it's in fact a Tanakian category. And it comes equipped with two fiber functors, Omega Betty or DRAM, which is a function from this category to vector spaces,
finite dimensional vector spaces over Q. And it sends a triple to the corresponding, either the Betty vector space or the DRAM vector space. So that's a fiber functor. It's a neutral Tanakian category over Q. And so from this, we get a group, of course.
So we let G, so this is what's going to play the role of a motivic Galois group. It's going to get a curly G. B or DR, there'll be two such groups,
is defined to be the automorphisms of the corresponding fiber functor in this category. So this is an affine group scheme over Q. And it plays the role of a motivic Galois group.
And in fact, so in the case of mixed state motives, it's no loss to work in a category realizations. The corresponding group acts in an identical way to the motivic Galois group.
So it's literally the same thing. OK, so now I want to state a theorem about, I want to put relative completion, view relative completion as an object in this category somehow. So let me remind you briefly that G11, the Betty and DRAM relative completions
that we defined are group schemes over Q, affine group schemes. So what that means is that the ring of functions in either case are commutative Hopf algebras. That's what it means for this
to be an affine group scheme. So in particular, there's a lot of data that comes into this,
but there's a coproduct. So we have a coproduct and other stuff. And the comparison isomorphism
then is an isomorphism of Hopf algebras. So now what we want to do then is view
the affine Betty ring, the affine DRAM ring, and this comparison is a triple, and it's going
to be a border raiser. No, there is none. That's strange. Yeah. OK, so the theorem then,
which is most of the work is contained in the work of Decane. This is a corollary of Haines'
work. That the affine ring of the Betty relative completion has natural filtrations
W and M. DRAM has natural filtrations W, M, and F, such that OG on Betty is,
I'll say it this way then explain in a little bit what it means. So this is a W-filtered Hopf algebra object in H, rather ind object. So what that means slightly more concretely,
so this is how we encode this geometric weight filtration. It's just saying that for every N, if we only consider the weight N part, the WN part
of these rings, then this is an object, in fact an ind object. It may be infinite dimensional.
Maybe sort of a limit of objects in H, but if we take any M-filtered piece of it, it will be finite dimensional. And it is compatible, and this structure is compatible
with the data that goes into Hopf algebra. In other words, these co-products are consistent with all these filtrations and all these structures. So compatible with the Hopf algebra structure. So there's more to come for this theorem,
a little bit more, but I'm just going to postpone it. We can be a bit more precise about this. Let me pause the theorem for now. So that's already quite a tight constraint
on the structure of this thing. But something that seems completely trivial, but again is also extremely important, is the local monodromy at the cusp. So someone's called this inertia, for reasons that will become clear.
So the local monodromy at the cusp defines a map from the topological fundamental group
of GM, the tangent vector 1 at 0, into topological fundamental group of M11 d by dq, which is just SL2z. So I've drawn this picture already.
This is the chart given by the punctured disc. So if we draw the punctured disc d star and remove the origin, then we have the tangent vector of length 1,
which is just the same thing as d by dq. And here we have a loop going around the origin in a positive direction. And that gives us, in M11, it gives us a
loop around the cusp. And it corresponds precisely to the matrix t, which we studied last time. So essentially we have a copy of the
motivic fundamental group of GM, which is a very simple thing, sitting inside relative completion of SL2z. And so this thing is geometric, or motivic if you like,
and therefore this homomorphism of fundamental groups actually gives morphisms on the level of completions. Another way to say that is, in fact, by universal properties of relative completion, you deduce that the same is true
on the level of b and dr. So we get a map into G11b slash dr. So these are morphisms of group
schemes. So how is this encoded? And we want to say that a morphism like this is a morphism compatible with Hodge theory. And the way to say that is then that somehow this is a
morphism in the category H. So I will use that sort of language, but what such a statement means is that on the affine rings, you get a genuine map between objects of H. So to spell that out,
this morphism of group schemes translates into a homomorphism of Hopf algebras in the opposite direction, and hence a map of triples. So what this means to be a morphism
of group schemes in the category H, the definition is that on the affine rings,
we're getting a morphism of Hopf algebra objects in H. So that's exactly what it means.
So this encodes, so in the theory of limiting mixed Hodge structure, there's a very important role played by the nilpotent operator. And this is how it comes into the theory. So it's encoded by the data of a map of the motivic fundamental group of GM into our group scheme.
So to make that a little bit more concrete and make the connection, this object is very simple. In fact, it's Lie algebra.
So I think of this group as a group in H. Then I can take its pro-unipotent, I can take its Lie algebra, and its Lie algebra is the Tate object. I mean,
it's pro-unipotent, so it's completely determined by its Lie algebra, what I mean. And the Lie algebra is just the Tate object Q of 1, where Q of 1 is an object of H,
and it's just the object given by the pair of vector spaces Q and Q, and the isomorphism between them sends 1 to 2 pi i inverse. So that's the Tate object. And so if you're familiar with the theory of limiting mixed-hot structures,
what we've got then is just a map. On the level of e-algebras, we've got a map from Q of 1 into here. And the image of a generator here therefore gives an endomorphism on this.
So this encodes the nilpotent operator N, which is also the logarithm, just the logarithm of this path, log T. So T viewed as an element in Betschelduram in the theory of limiting mixed-hot
structures. And this also explains why when last week we computed the periods
of relative completion along Ts. In other words, we computed iterated integrals of modular forms along T, and I explained that they were only involved 2 pi i, powers of 2 pi i. And that's clear from this picture because they pull back to periods of GM, and the only periods of GM are periods of Q of 1. And the period of Q of 1 is essentially
a 2 pi i. So this remark makes it obvious why the periods of T only involve 2 pi i,
or the powers of 2 pi i. OK, so in some sense, this T thing is trivial. It comes from something that's geometrically very trivial, but the point is that it sits inside relative
completion in quite a complicated way. And as I explained last time, that's reflected by the fact that Eisenstein series have a non-trivial zero through coefficient,
and that involves Bernoulli numbers. So I'm not going to have time to do it, but you can write out what n looks like, the image of n in this, in Betschelduram. And you get a power series involving Eisenstein generators, Bernoulli numbers, and you also get the Piton inner product
between cusp forms. So it's actually quite a tricky object. So now let me reformulate this local monodomy in a different way again. Another way to say it then is that we've got a
map of Durham fundamental groups. So we've got a homomorphism, or morphism of group schemes.
And since these are Durham realizations of pro-objects in H, they get an action of this Galois group. G Durham H is going to act on both of them in a compatible way,
so compatibly with this morphism. So that seems very trivial, but it actually gives a
huge amount of information on this action of this material Galois group. So before proceeding with the description of this action, I want to write down,
remind you of the structure of relative completion, and explain its Hodge, explain what these three filtrations look like. It's slightly tricky. So here's a description.
of the Hodge structure, or really rather just the filtrations on the Durham relative completion. So it's much simpler to write things in terms of the Lie algebra. So we'll call it U11 Durham is the radical, the pro-unipotent radical of G11 Durham. And
let lowercase U11 Durham be its Lie algebra. So this has a mixed Hodge structure as well,
and I'm going to describe it. So as I mentioned a few times already, this is isomorphic to the completion of a free Lie algebra on certain generators. And they were
given by Eisenstein series. And for each cusp form, there were a pair of generators, Ef prime and Ef double prime. So we're here f cusp form. So last time we chose a basis
of cusp forms with rational coefficients, rational Fourier coefficients. So these
generators are non-canonical. Now, so briefly we have, so these x's and y's were elements,
were basis of a vector space. So everything, basically everything can be promoted to the category H. So since the beginning of these lectures, we've had a Betty thing going on, a dram thing going on. And the bottom line is that everything can just take place in H. So in particular, this vector space has been playing a role, Vn. We can now view it
as an object in H. And I remind you that Vn Durham was this vector space with these
these bold generators x and y. But now we can put a mixed Hodge, what we gain now is a mixed Hodge structure. So these x and y aren't just variables now, they're going to have m and w and f filtrations. So Vn H was defined to be, way back in the first lecture,
the symmetric and symmetric power of V1. So I just need to describe the Hodge theory of V1. And in fact, V1 of H is, as an object in H, it's simply a direct sum of two Tait objects.
And why is that the case? So this is a well-known fact, that if you take the limit mixed Hodge
structure on the cohomology of the universal elliptic curve, this was the universal elliptic curve at the fiber, at the point, at the tangential base point d by dq, this has a limiting mixed Hodge structure and it's exactly this.
Sorry, I think I want homology. I want, is it plus? Plus one, so I want homology.
So put another way, that tells us that x, the meaning of the variable x then is that it's a copy of q of zero. So
x and the meaning of y is that it's going to span a copy of q of one. So in terms of the m and f filtrations, the Hodge numbers with respect to m and f are here, zero comma zero. I shouldn't put that in there. So the Hodge numbers with respect to
m and f, and here they're minus one, minus one. And they're both going to sit. We're going to stick these in w equals zero. And then the x and y form a basis of v1?
Yes, x and y form a basis of v1 and the powers of x form a basis of its symmetric power. So exactly x, x is a generator here and y, x is a generator of the duram component of this
vector space and y is a generator of the duram component of this vector space. So it's just saying that these x and y's carry weights essentially. It's not a big deal. But now the crux of the matter then is that the Eisenstein's generators also have a mixed Hodge structure. So they correspond to q of one.
So that's the m and f Hodge numbers. They are again minus one and minus one.
So this follows from the work of Steinbrink and Zucker on limiting mixed Hodge structures of curves. This is going to sit in weight, in geometric weight minus two and minus two. And then the cusp forms, and that's really because the corresponding differential form has
a pole at the cusp. It pushes the w weight up, or down in this case. And then ef prime, ef double prime is going to be a copy of vf one, where vf was the Hodge structure of a cusp form. So I defined in an early lecture, I mentioned the motives of cusp forms,
they have a Hodge structure. And they were both tape twisted by one. So the Hodge numbers of the motive of a cusp form twisted by one are two n minus one and minus one, two n.
And these are going to sit in w equals minus one. So this is pretty tricky. And I have to admit that we don't really know how to extract all the information from these filtrations
at present, you've got a sort of three dimensional picture with these three filtrations, it's quite hard to visualize. It gives a lot of constraints. Certainly the m and w are going to play a very important role and give a lot of constraints. But I have the feeling that there's more to be extracted from this. So what I'm going to do now is maybe we
have a brief break. And I will draw a picture, if I can, of this Lie algebra with its Hodge structure, which is a moment I've been dreading, because it's quite hard to get it right on the board. So I can do that, whilst you have a coffee. And then when you come back, you'll
see a beautiful picture will make all these filtrations abundantly clear. Okay, so this is a drawing of the Lie algebra of G, or more precisely of SL2, semi-direct U11 duran.
So SL2 is up in weight zero, it's generated by these two differential operators x d by dy and y d by dx. And their commutator is H, which is the degree in y minus the degree in x,
or the other way around. So that's SL2, and the rest are the generators of U11 duran. So we ignore the Hodge filtration f for now. And we just look at the m weight filtration
and the w going down the blackboard. So this is the geometric weight filtration, and m is the monodomy weight filtration. Now the first thing to say is that
negative numbers go to the right, that's a bad habit that we've got into, but it's stuck. It's convenient to do it this way, it's harder to draw the other way. So negative numbers go down here, but they go to the right and positive numbers to the left. And the first surprising thing, which is that all the cusp forms are floating
very high at the top. So the cusp forms are all sitting in w equals minus one. So for every cuspital generator, you have an EF prime and an EF double prime. So EF here stands for both copies. It means EF prime and EF double prime. And we get some
elements sitting way up at the top in the w filtration. Then the Eisenstein generators go way down in the w filtration. And the other thing to say is that this SL2 acts in the obvious way on these blocks. So xd by dy moves you left two blocks,
yd by dx moves you to the right by two blocks. And indeed, this generates a standard representation of SL2. This generates a representation of SL2 of dimension three,
and so on and so forth. So here on the left, we have highest weight vectors. And the extremity, we have lowest weight vectors, which are annihilated by this operator here, yd by dx. So what I've drawn, what I explained, so what I've drawn is the semidirect product of
SL2 on u1 1 to RAM. So it's a Lie algebra, u1, it's a Lie algebra, it's a freely algebra. In the category of mixed hot structures with an action of SL2. So the SL2, I'll say it again, SL2 is up here at the top in orange. It's xd by dy and yd by dx. And the commutator is h,
which is the degree in x minus degree in y. And the h invariance is this red line here. And the red line sits, so the red line is, where should I put it? So the red line,
so the red line is m equals w, and it contains all the SL2 invariants. That's going to be important. So already, we don't have any SL2 invariants in the generators. You have to take Lie brackets of at least two of these things to get an SL2 invariant piece.
So the key point is that the isosceles series go down in the w filtration very fast. And they're all lined up to begin in the m equals minus 2 column, and extend to the right. But all the cost forms are very much up at the top. And that's some very important fact
that is just true and it's useful, but I don't feel we've really fully exploited this very particular structure. I think there's a lot more information that can be obtained out of this. So this is m and w, then I've ignored the hot filtration f, which I've written in a little table there for convenience.
So if you want to think of the Hodge filtration f, you can imagine another filtration coming out of the blackboard in three dimensions, and these things are sitting at strange diagonals coming in and out of the blackboard. If you have sort of a three-dimensional picture with f as well. And I just don't know how to draw that on a piece of paper,
but if someone has an idea, that would be useful. OK, so this is what the Lie algebra of the Dirac derivative completion looks like in all its glory, or rather than most of its glory, since we've ignored the Hodge filtration for this picture. Just as a remark, by comparison, if we
were to draw the same picture for p1 minus 3 points, the Dirac fundamental group is just the freely algebra on two generators, e0 and e1. So the corresponding picture for this would only have one filtration, would only have m,
and you would just have e0 and e1 sitting in one slot. So this is the analogous picture for p1 minus 3 points is that. It's not very interesting. But we see this incredible richness on m11, on SL2z. So what we've got then is this object that just exists.
It's a motive, or it's a draminalization of a motive. And the Galois group is going to act on this, this whole thing. And clearly, it's very rich indeed. So now I want to try to describe.
I forgot to say, of course, these are just the generators. And then you have Lie brackets. You have commutators between these elements. So the Lie bracket of e4x squared and e6x to the 4 will be somewhere in w minus 10. And it'll be over here in this column.
So for example, you have e4x squared Lie bracket, and so on and so forth. So when you take Lie brackets of Eisenstein elements, they're going to move to the right. So you say that the action of SL2z on v1 is a natural one?
No, so to get SL2 to act, I need to choose a splitting. So we had, yes, I was slightly cheated here, or I hadn't until I wrote down a commutator. But we have g duram 1, 1, and it
sits in an exact sequence, SL2, which I put a duram for bookkeeping purposes, and it has a unipotent radical. But then what we can do is then to write things, to compute, it's always useful to split this. So we choose a splitting. And I mentioned this last time, but the fact,
what's new here, so SL2x on the right, and we have SL2. What's new now is that we have hard structures. So the fact of the matter is that you can always choose a splitting compatibly with all the M, W,
and F filtrations. So you can split compatibly with W, M, and F. And then once you've chosen a splitting, that's the same thing as choosing an action of SL2 on u.
And on the level of the Lie algebra, you get this guy, and that's what I've drawn. No, but I was mentioning SL2z. Ah, SL2z, sorry. No, there's no action of SL2z per se. No, it's really an action of SL2, the Lie algebra. So SL2z will appear, but in a slightly different way.
So but SL2 acts on d1 in a natural way? That's correct. So that's really the betty. So SL2z is really the betty side, because SL2z is the fundamental group.
And you always get a map from the fundamental group into the betty, into the Q rational points of the betty relative completion point. But I've drawn Durham here, so it is not the best way to think about it in the Durham picture. So the way that SL2 acts, so this
is what I explained last time. So how does SL2z act here? Well, in fact, you're right. But maybe I'll recap. So I did this last time. SL2z acts here via these co-cycles. So we had SL2z going to G betty 1, 1, Q.
And then via the comparison, that gave us something in G11 Durham C isomorphic to SL2 Durham semi-direct U11 Durham C. And so every element, every matrix gives us gamma.
I call this gamma bar, because there are some irritating 2 pi i's. But in this basis, you won't see them. And then a co-cycle C gamma. So this co-cycle somehow, if you think about the path gamma, ends up being spread throughout the whole Durham picture. So the path S, which we had last time,
is going to do what you think it does up here on the SL2 part. And then the co-cycle CS is going to spread it out with all these periods all through the Durham. The connection between the SL2z and the Durham SL2. Is that this one? That's gamma goes to gamma bar. So I explained that last time.
It's essentially the same matrix but with two pi i's in there. And then I've switched bases, these Durham and betty bases. And that eats up the two pi i's. These two pi i's is a five-section of Q0 and 1. Exactly, exactly. It's just bookkeeping. So here, I'm writing the bold x's.
And last time, when I did the co-cycle, I wrote it using the other x and y. But these are essentially the same. And these differ by multiplying or dividing by two pi i. So it's just exactly. That's the origin of the two pi i, which is very irritating.
But it's very important. All right. So now, let me describe the Galois action then. So Galois, in inverted commas, it's not a classical Galois group in any sense. So G11 Durham is Durham component of a pro-object in H.
And therefore, it has an action of the automorphisms
of the category H. So this action knows everything. This is the holy grail. If we could understand this action, we would know everything there is to know about mixed modular motives. So this action, I'll just write that quickly, knows everything, i.e.
completely determines the structure of G11 as an object of H. And hence, the category,
which I mentioned a few lectures back. So I define a category of mixed modular motives, MMM gamma. I'll remind you the definition here. It's just the full subcategory. It's a full subcategory of H generated by the afferent ring
OG11. So that means it's all sub-objects and quotient objects, duals, tensor products thereof, et cetera. So that's what I define to be the category of mixed
modular motives. And understanding this category is equivalent to understanding this action. Of course, we can enhance this category H. I'm just working with Betty and Duran because it's the quickest way to get information about this action. You can throw in other realizations, if you like.
So then the question is, how on Earth could we possibly compute this action? And it seems hopeless. But in fact, surprisingly, you can get very far. So I'm going to restrict the action, not of the full Galo group, but just look at the unipotent radical.
And I feel like saying that the action on the semi-simple part, we sort of know that. There's not much to say. It's really encoded by the action of Hecke operators. And it's understanding the pure objects in this category.
And they're the motives of modular forms, which we know. So all the interesting stuff is in the unipotent radical. And its action on the unipotent radical acts on everything in sight. And it's going to determine all the extensions
in this category. And that's what we really want to know. OK, so what do we know about this action? Well, we know that it has to respect the local monodromy.
So we know a few other things as well that I haven't had time to discuss. But most of the content is in this little picture that I'm going to draw. So we have the local monodromy. So this is the fundamental group of GM,
just given by a single loop. And we had this map local monodromy into G11. And I'm going to call this local monodromy kappa, for want of a better name. And then G11 is an extension of SL2 by its pro-unipotent
radical. And what does this local monodromy look like? Well, it takes a little loop in the Q-disc, which I called gamma 0. And it sends it, as I explained, to T here.
But it also has a component up here, which is interesting and complicated. So this morphism from G11 to SL2 is a morphism in H. And this is a subgroup in the category H.
So everything here, every morphism in this diagram is compatible with the Hodge theory and come from morphisms in the category H. So that means the metallic Galois group of H respects all the maps in this diagram.
And in fact, we can be much more precise. In fact, SL2, which is just the affine ring, is given by endomorphisms of this vector space V.
So it's just a Tate motif. It's very simple. And as I explained earlier, this fundamental group of the punctured disc, they are both Tate. Well, first of all, they're pure objects. And even simpler, they're pure Tate objects in H.
So they're incredibly simple. And the action of this metallic Galois group on them factors through a very, very small quotient. And in particular, for simplicity,
I'm only going to look at the unipotent radical. The unipotent radical of this category acts trivially by definition on all pure objects. So it's going to act trivially on both SL2 and this pi 1, or rather, their duran components,
because it acts trivially on all pure objects in H. That's the definition of U. It's a subgroup which acts trivially on pure objects, or direct sums of pure objects. OK, so now, definition.
If I have an exact sequence of affine group schemes over K, where K has characteristic 0, and S
is reductive or pro-reductive, and U is pro-unipotent. So this is the situation we've got with G11 over there. And what we've got then is this group of symmetries
acts trivially on this, acts trivially on this. And therefore, in particular, it preserves this subgroup. So we want to understand, when you have an affine group scheme acting on a short exact sequence of affine group schemes, what does it look like?
So if we take any short exact sequence of affine group schemes of pro-unipotent kernel and pro-reductive quotient, and in fact, this is the general picture for any such group scheme. Then we can define the automorphisms,
which respect pi of G. And they are the automorphisms of the group scheme G. So these are group homomorphisms, such that pi alpha equals pi.
Now, when I write this, what I mean is, for every ring, I'm looking at the, we can take the ring R, we can take the R points of this group scheme, and we're looking at automorphisms on the level of points. So what this is is a functor, but I write it
without reference to the ring of points you're taking in. So it's a functor from commutative K algebras to groups. And one has to be careful here.
It's not the case, in general, if you take a group scheme, it's automorphisms is not a group scheme. But there are conditions under which it's true, in which it is a representable functor. In this case, it's going to be representable. That's not a problem. But I don't want to go into that, so I'll just say that this is, ought for me is a functor from commutative K algebras.
So given a commutative K algebra R, the automorphisms of R are the isomorphisms of the R points of G to itself, which commute with this projection. And you say that in this case, it's representable? It is in, I have to think, yeah, I think it is in this case, yeah.
Certainly in the application, it's definitely representable. So somewhere I wrote down some conditions. So if you take, you can prove that, so if you have a pro-unipotent group scheme, its automorphisms are representable. And there's a general criterion, if you have some filtrations on the group schemes,
then there's a condition for representability that I wrote in some paper, and it's on the archive. And in this case, I think it's fine. I didn't actually check. But for the case of SL2Z, the case we're going to apply this to, it's definitely representable. I'm just saying that one has to be a little bit careful.
And when you think of automorphisms, these are automorphisms on the level of points. You could also ask, well, anyway, I don't want to go into it. There's some subtle questions related to this, which just don't arise here. So then the theorem is that for every splitting,
sigma of this, so I make s act on the right, I think. For every splitting in this sort of exact sequence,
there is a canonical isomorphism of this automorphism group with u semi-direct s
invariant of u, autu s invariance. So what this means is that the automorphisms of u s invariance is the automorphisms of u to itself such
that they commute with phi. So they're s-equivariant. So they're s-equivariant.
And so what are elements in this thing? So first, I'll write down elements in u semi-direct u s. And then I'll explain what this superscript means. So what they are on the level of points, they're given by pairs b comma phi, where b is in u
and phi is an equivariant automorphism.
And this is an equivalence relation. So we say that a pair b comma phi is equivalent to b a a inverse phi a.
So it's this conjugation by an element a for any a s invariant element of u. So this is pairs b comma phi. They form a group with the obvious semi-direct product,
the usual semi-direct product law. And modulo an equivalence relation, which is multiply on the right by an s-invariant element of u and conjugate by an s-invariant element of u here. And we denote the equivalence class by square brackets b phi.
So what we get then, because the action of this group here respects pure objects, and this is pure and this is pure, it's going to act on g in such a way that it commutes with this projection pi. And it's going to fix the image of kappa.
So to say that in equations, what we get is a map from the Dirac-Galois group to a certain automorphism group a Dirac, which is a subgroup of the pi respecting automorphisms of g11.
And it's the subgroup of autos, automorphisms, which first of all, they've got to respect the Hodge structure, and more precisely,
the weight filtrations w and m. They don't have to respect the Hodge filtration f, but they have to respect w and m. And they have to preserve. So what I mean is that they preserve kappa, and they respect w and m, what I meant to say
is, and they preserve kappa. They leave it invariant. So in my paper, there's an extra condition that we know that these automorphisms satisfy that I'm not talking about. So in my paper, a actually means something else plus an extra condition, unless there's
not time to explain that. So we can make this concrete then. So if we pick a splitting, g11 Diram, SL2 Diram, u11 Diram, then we can write down this group in quite a concrete way,
using the theorem over there. So here we have T and kappa plus be the image of a generator gamma of pi1 Diram.
And this kappa plus is really another word. Kappa plus really equals the co-cycle CT, which we partly computed last time. Just a slightly different notation.
The context is very slightly different. But you can think of this literally as this power series CT, which we computed. And it just involves some complicated expressions in Bernoulli numbers. And well, we computed part of it. I mean, it also encodes Peterson inner products.
So concretely then, what a Diram then, via the previous them, can be written as being the W and M preserving elements in u11 Diram semi-direct u11 Diram SL2 ort u11 Diram SL2.
I.e., in other words, it's the elements. Every motivic automorphism can be represented by an equivalence
class B comma phi, where B is here and phi is here, such that it preserves kappa. In other words, it satisfies equation B slash T phi kappa plus B inverse equals kappa plus.
And that's the condition. This is the condition that the Galois group preserves the image of this under the morphism kappa. And so this defines a group, a subgroup of automorphisms of relative completion.
And it really is the analog. It's a genus one analog of the Grodendijk-Teichner group. So to explain this definition a bit more carefully,
let me explain how it acts on co-cycles. And it should enlighten the discussion. So the point is that this is actually
a massive constraint on what these motivic automorphisms can possibly look like. And this condition that looks innocuous is, in fact, extremely restrictive. So as a remark, let's explain how this automorphism group
acts on co-cycles. So we get an action of this automorphism group. And in particular, these equivalence classes on co-cycles, on non-abelian co-cycles, z, gamma 1,
mu 1, 1, duran. So I explained last time how a splitting gives you a splitting of g as a semi-direct product gives us co-cycles. And therefore, the automorphism group is going to act on the space of co-cycles. So if we start off with a co-cycle C,
non-abelian co-cycle, then B phi is going to change C and give us a new co-cycle. So we take a non-abelian co-cycle and we transform it to get a new one.
And the new co-cycle, so if the old co-cycle is the map g goes to Cg, then the new co-cycle is g goes to B slash g phi Cg B inverse.
So this is C prime g. So this is how this group of automorphism acts on co-cycles. And it's a very easy but quite nice exercise to check that this operation indeed preserves the co-cycle equations. So one way to think about this, which
I think is the most enlightening, is that the space of non-abelian co-cycles is, if you think of this as a total space over a base, which is the non-abelian cohomology classes, equivalence classes of co-cycles. And the way I think of this action,
or one way to think of this action, which is useful, is that the element phi is giving us an automorphism of the cohomology class. And the element B is twisting the representative of the co-cycle within that cohomology class. So that explains this dual nature of this automorphism.
Phi changes the point in the base, and then B selects a point in the fiber. So we see immediately that this group respects. So we think of this group as a group action on multiple modular values. And it's clear from this that it respects the relations
between multiple modular values, at least those that come from the co-cycle equations. So perhaps since I have a tiny bit of time, let me just sneak in how this acts on an example of a co-cycle, because I think it's very enlightening.
So we had, last time, we computed the co-cycle of an Eisenstein series. And I hope I got my normalizations
the same as last time. If not, I apologize. So what it looked like, so this co-cycle was obtained by integrating an Eisenstein series from 0 to infinity. And it was 2 pi i times some rational co-cycle, which I defined explicitly, plus some constant times
an odd zeta value over 2 pi i to the 2n times a co-boundary. And I explained last time that this is, in some sense,
this is rational. So this is 2 pi i rational. And this is a co-boundary, and it's transcendental. And I also explained that the cohomology class of this co-cycle is just this piece. This is 0 in cohomology. And that's consistent with the Mann and Drinfeld theorem.
This should be a rational cohomology class. And the way to say that this comes from a tape motive, so its period should just be 2 pi i rational. But this has a non-trivial transcendental part, which is a co-boundary. So if we unravel this formula, the motivic Galois group is going to act on these co-cycles.
And what it does is it scales all the, well, it does something to all the generators, e and f. And in this case, it's going to do nothing, because to lowest order, phi is always the identity. So we're not going to see this at all in this example. And then it multiplies by, it modifies by a co-boundary.
So if you take the coefficient of e2n plus 2 in this, what you find is that the co-cycle stays put. It's the same thing that comes in here. And you get plus b slash g minus b, which is the addition of a co-boundary. So under, so what b phi does to this,
it modifies this co-cycle by a co-boundary. So what it does is it adds, i.e., it takes this co-cycle, and when you compute c prime, it's
going to be the same thing plus, so c prime equals c plus some constant times 2 pi i boundary of y to the 2n. OK? And so, duly, you can interpret that
as an action of the motivic Galois group on the number on the odd zeta value. And so that's equivalent to saying that the motivic Galois group transforms the odd zeta value and modifies its value by adding some multiple of 2 pi
i to the 2n plus 1. And as we know, or as you might know from my other lectures, that this is indeed how the betty motivic Galois group acts on motivic multiple zeta values.
So in some sense, the fact that the co-cycle of an Einstein series has this transcendental term in it is really fundamental, because it reflects the first nontrivial piece of the action of the motivic Galois group.
Right. So now let me re-translate these. So these are all groups of automorphisms acting on groups. It's simpler to think in terms of Lie algebras,
Lie algebra reformulation. So now let me take G1,1 to be the G1,1. So I'm going to drop the durams, because it gets a bit tedious.
Oh, no, OK, I'll keep the durams and why not. U1,1 is the Lie algebra of the unipotent radical of the relative completion. And UH is the Lie algebra of this unipotent radical
of this Galois group. Then if we translate all the above stuff into Lie algebras, then we get an action of this Lie algebra, U duram H on the Lie algebra of relative completion
via, in the following extremely specific way. So having chosen a splitting as before,
it's going to map to this semi-direct product. And then it goes to the SL2 equivariant derivations of this Lie algebra. So given an element sigma, it will always manifest itself
in the very specific form of B delta, where the equivalence relation on these derivations is that B delta is equivalent to B plus A delta
minus adjoint of A for any A in U1,1 SL2 invariant. Now this equivalence relation shouldn't frighten you, because as we see from this picture here, there are actually not very many SL2 equivariant elements
in this Lie algebra. You have to go quite far. You have to take quite complicated commutators before you even see the first invariant element. So we can really ignore this as a first approximation. And as I'll explain, we can also think of delta as an approximation as well.
And so these material elements can really be thought of to first order in terms of just an element in this Lie algebra, which we understand fairly well.
Sorry? Sigma on the left, what do you think is there? Oh, this is equivalence relation. Sigma is some element in here. But it doesn't appear on the map. So sigma maps to, along this map, sigma. So sigma is an element of the Lie algebra of automorphism
of this category. I don't see sigma in the results, though. No, it should depend on sigma, I suppose. B sigma delta sigma, yeah. Yes, you're right. B and delta depend on sigma. But I'm just saying, if you give A sigma, let me call the image B delta.
And the image of this, there was this national condition. The image lands in the subspace of derivations satisfying the Lie algebra version of this condition,
which is B comma n plus delta n equals 0. This is the initial condition, where n is the logarithm of T kappa plus.
And I claim that we can write this down more or less explicitly. It's something like, I actually didn't prepare again, but it involves a sum of e2n plus 2x to the 2n with some Bernoulli number factor here and some coefficient. So n to lowest order is a power series
that involves all the Eisenstein series with some Bernoulli number coefficient coming in here. So this is something that's, this element n is something quite concrete, and we know a lot about it. So we have a Lie algebra of derivations that respect this condition. This is something very concrete.
You could put this on a computer, if you like, and explore it. So now define U, M, M, M, respectively. It's Lie algebra U, M, M, M to be the image of U, H.
So this is U, H we've got. So what is U, M, M, M? Another way to think about it is that U, M, M, M
is the Lie algebra of the unipotent radical of aut tensor M, M, M of omega-deran. So the category of mixed modular motives,
as I defined it earlier, is a Tanakian category. It's completely determined by its Galois group, and this is the unipotent radical. So this beast completely describes all the extensions. Well, it describes everything about this category, but in particular, it gives us all the information
about extensions and iterated extensions in the category M, M, M, gamma. So the holy grail is to get a presentation, write down generators and relations of this Lie algebra. If we knew that, then we would know exactly the structure
of the category of mixed modular motives. So that's exactly what I'm going to try to do now. First, I want to explain on this geometric picture what this constraint is. So the upshot of this is that every,
I'll call these motivic Lie elements, U, M, M, M, can always be represented by a pair B delta. So as Kathy pointed out, I should have the dependence
on sigma, but I'm lazy. And what we think of, we call B sigma is the geometric part, and delta sigma we call the arithmetic part.
No reasons for this. So let's draw a picture. We can, in the same spirit, we can draw a picture of the Lie algebra, of the derivation algebra of this Lie algebra. I'll put it up here. So if the Lie algebra has a mixed-hot structure,
then its derivation algebra also has a mixed-hot structure. In other words, the derivation algebra of this is an object of the category H. And if we draw a picture of it with the M and W filtrations, then we
have this line, M equals W. That's the line in red on this picture. And given any, if I have some motivic element here, if I want to ask what are the possible, what are the elements of a given type, of a given weight,
so they'll be in a certain M column. They'll be in a fixed M column, and they will look like this. So we have the delta part. So the delta part is SL2 equivariant.
And as I mentioned earlier, if you're SL2 equivariant, you've got to lie on the diagonal. So the delta part entirely sits. The arithmetic part sits in this slot here. And then we have all this stuff here, which is add B.
And we call the, so I should say that when I write an element like this, I'm really choosing a splitting of the W filtration. But the intuition is perfect. The top part, which is canonical, is called the geometric head.
And then, so there's all this stuff given by B. This is just given by an element of the Lie algebra U. And then there's an arithmetic part, which is mysterious, slightly mysterious. And then there's all the rest. There's an infinite tail that goes down in the W filtration.
So that's the picture of a motivic Lie algebra element. And I emphasize, to draw this picture, what it implicitly means that we split the W and M filtrations.
But that's fine, as I explained earlier. So now it gets fun, because we have all these filtrations and all these constraints. And we can do some detective work on what possible derivations there can be. And the first point is the inertia condition implies a whole bunch of stuff,
but two things that are very important. And the first one is that the geometric head, so a bit up there, is always a lowest weight vector. So that already poses a strong constraint
on what derivations are possible. So here we see we could have an element sigma whose geometric head is this gadget here. And in fact, there is such a one, it exists, and it corresponds to the zeta 3 extension we saw earlier.
Then you could ask whether there's a derivation whose geometric head is this element here. Turns out there can be no such element, and so on and so forth. And the other fact that the inertia condition gives is that this infinite tared is in fact uniquely determined.
So once you know what it looks like above the diagonal, then you know all the rest. So that's determined by this inertia condition, b comma n and delta n equals 0. All right, so at last, then I can
state a theorem about what we know about these derivations. Oh, sorry, I missed a key point. I'm slightly out of time. I'll just get to the punch line. So the point is that an element sigma
in the abelianization of MMM is equivalent to extensions in the category MMM of SL2z. So we really desperately want to know
exactly what derivations are possible because it tells us how to construct extensions, which is an important problem. And so to exhibit, I won't explain the machine, but to construct such a non-trivial element, the key point is that you have to compute a period. You compute a period which is essentially a regulator.
And that's an analytic argument, and that enables you to deduce that some element actually exists as non-zero, that image is non-zero. So there's a whole machine to do that. The conclusion then is theorem one.
There exist, so these are non-canonical. Abelianizations are canonical. So there exist, first of all, we have zeta elements.
So I call these sigma 2n plus 1 in UMM. For all n, and they have a hot structure, they are of type q 2n plus 1.
And what do they look like? Well, they have the geometric head minus 2 over 2n factorial Eisenstein y to the 2n plus dot dot dot.
There's a geometric part. We know the next term, I think. Essentially nearly all of it, in any case. And then there's an arithmetic part. And then there's an infinite tail. And the arithmetic part, I actually
know this to first order. So I know how it acts on this Lie algebra. And it's extremely interesting. And it involves some very bizarre quotient of two different Bernoulli numbers, somewhat bizarrely. And these correspond to zeta 2n plus 1.
Another way it's said is that in the category MMM, they correspond to extensions of a tape motif by 2n plus 1. So it shows that these extensions exist in the category MMM. Equivalently, the odd zeta values
appear as multiple modular values. And the proof is, we nearly did it. The proof is obtained by computing an integral of an Eisenstein series.
And that produced, in the co-boundary part, it produced this odd zeta value. And that shows that these derivations of the machine, that shows that they exist and they're non-trivial. Then there's something completely new, which are modular elements. So they come in sort of pairs for all f cusp
form of weight. Sorry, for every cusp, we had a basis of cusp forms with rational coefficients.
And the integer d is any integer bigger than or equal to the weight of f. And what do these look like? Let me just write down the one with the single prime, the double prime's identical. So we get some, the geometric part
is some coefficients that are perfectly computable. And then we get a commutator, EF prime, y to some power, an Eisenstein part, y to some other power, times x1, y2.
So this is the notation I mentioned in an earlier lecture, to some power, plus dot, dot, dot, dot. So the geometric head, then, is a commutator of cusp form in an Eisenstein series.
And you get a whole bunch of them. And the coefficients that occur are the coefficients that turn up in the period polynomial of f. So these are non-trivial. And they correspond to the L values, LFD.
So these derivations are, they are of type, they are of modular type. And they prove that there are non-trivial extensions in MMM of Q by VFD, for sufficiently large d, bigger than the weight.
And the proof of that is Rankin-Sellberg, or variant of Rankin-Sellberg. So there are no elements, there are no possible derivative elements that have just a cusp form as their geometric head.
They do not exist. So there do not exist elements with a geometric head of the form EF prime or double prime y to the 2n.
And that has a lot of important consequences, but I'll skip that. OK, then theorem two, which is an analog of the Deligny-Hauer conjecture in P1 minus 3 points, is that we can deduce freeness.
The zeta elements and the modular elements generate a free Lie sub-algebra.
So this is great, because it means that the corollary is that there exists a huge supply of mixed modular motives.
So essentially, these are motives of mixed Tate modular type. And it's saying that if you specify arbitrary extension data, then you can construct at least one example of a mixed modular motive with an iterated multi-extension
with whatever extension data you like. So it basically says we have the, there's some caveats here,
but it says that the category of mixed modular motives is doing what it should. It's generating every single example that we can hope to find. Which leads me on to my next question. Is it, can we expect to find all the extensions
as predicted by Baylinson's conjecture? The point is that the story doesn't just stop here.
There shouldn't be zeta and modular elements, but there should be a whole infinite sequence of more and more generators. In fact, we should expect to find extensions in MMM of the trivial object by symmetric powers.
And I'll just write down the final theorem and stop. So we should get extensions of this type, or certainly they should exist somewhere in nature. And the question is, do they occur in relative completion? And these should correspond to derivations if they occur, if they can be exhibited
as mixed modular motives, sigma v in UMMM. And here comes the spanner, theorem three, which is very surprising. And the answer is no, though it's absolutely astonishing
to discover that if we write the weight of each modular form fi, call it ni, sorry, 2ni plus 2, then define a quantity L of v to be 2d, which is the tape twist here, minus some 2ik nk plus 1.
Then if L of v is less than minus 3, I think it might be less than or equal to, but I have a doubt,
then these extensions cannot occur. So this is extremely surprising. It means that if Benenson is right and that these extensions exist as motives, then in fact,
we cannot find them in this geometric setting. And I have no idea where in nature where to find such things. And the funny thing is that this condition, there's a formula due to Carlton that tells you what the rank of this x group in the category of real mixed large structures is. So we know what the dimension of this base should be.
And when this condition is satisfied, it's almost always 0. So it's very unusual that you expect to see some extension that is ruled out by this theorem. They're very rare. So there's a tiny fraction of motivic extensions that
should be out there that we cannot capture using relative completion in this way. And this is a big mystery. I think the first time such an extension happens. So the way that this can happen is when you have many modular forms whose weights are very close to each other and d is very small. And then occasionally, you can be in this no-go zone
of this theorem. But in the generic case, when d is very large, there's absolutely enough space in this derivation algebra for them to exist. And I expect them to exist. And I expect them to generate a freely algebra. So the questions I raised at the beginning of the lecture,
does relative completion generate all mixed modular motives? Well, the answer is yes and no. Yes in the sense that we have these types of free-ness theorems that show that you get pretty much everything. Once you have the simple extensions, but not all the simple extensions seem to be there in the first place.
And that's an absolute mystery and a place to stop.