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Controlling the world with Arduino & JavaScript?

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Controlling the world with Arduino & JavaScript?
Alternativer Titel
Internet of Things - Controlling the world with Arduino and JavaScript?
Anzahl der Teile
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

"Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript" - Atwoods Law Have you ever wanted to control devices in your own home over the internet? I will show you how you can do this with the help of Arduino and JavaScript. Arduino is an open-source microcontroller that can connect to various sensors and affect it's surroundings by controlling lights, LCD screens, motors and other actuators. Johnny-five is a JavaScript library that can communicate with an Arduino using node.js. This opens doors for new possibilities, like integrating with Windows Azure or Firebase. I will introduce Arduino and johhny-five and show you how these two in conjunction can get you started with "The Internet of things". Furthermore I will demonstrate how Arduino combined with various web technologies let's you build awesome home automation systems.