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Lock Picking Village - Cuff Stuff


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Lock Picking Village - Cuff Stuff
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Want to tinker with locks and tools the likes of which you've only seen in movies featuring secret agents, daring heists, or covert entry teams? Then come on by the Lockpick Village, run by The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers, where you will have the opportunity to learn the hands-on how the fundamental hardware of physical security operates and how it can be compromised. The Lockpick Village is a physical security demonstration and participation area. Visitors can learn about the vulnerabilities of various locking devices, techniques used to exploit these vulnerabilities. Experts will be on hand to demonstrate and discuss pick tools, and other devices that are generally available. By exploring the faults and flaws in many popular lock designs, you can not only learn about the fun hobby of sportpicking, but also gain a much stronger knowledge about the best methods and practices for protecting your own property.
ARM <Computerarchitektur>Ratsche <Physik>Quelle <Physik>SchlüsselverwaltungLipschitz-StetigkeitPASS <Programm>Mechanismus-Design-TheorieExogene VariableRationale ZahlCASE <Informatik>Wort <Informatik>Einfach zusammenhängender RaumZirkulation <Strömungsmechanik>TypentheorieZahlenbereichDruckverlaufAbgeschlossene MengeOrdnung <Mathematik>Gewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>SystemaufrufRechter WinkelPunktMultiplikationsoperatorDifferenteVideokonferenzBitGüte der AnpassungZirkel <Instrument>Hook <Programmierung>SchnittmengeMultiplikationRhombus <Mathematik>DatenkompressionAutorisierungBesprechung/Interview
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Good morning, everybody. My name is Steven and I am representing the Kansas City chapter of tool and today We're gonna do a really short video for you on cuff stuff. We're gonna talk about handcuffs We're gonna tell you the different pieces of them. We're gonna tell you about the key and how the key works We're gonna tell you how the inner workings work And we're gonna tell you how if you don't have a key to get yourself out of a nice pair of handcuffs
Now this is going to be a disclaimer first Remember if the police put you in handcuffs because they're arresting you or detaining you It is very ill-advised to get yourself out of the handcuffs if you do that
We take no responsibility for that number one and number two. You're gonna find yourself in a much worse Situation than you were in before so please this is just to be used for fun This is not to be used to get yourself out of handcuffs If you have been detained or arrested by the police again tool takes no responsibility for that
We are merely here to teach you the inner workings of the various locking mechanisms that exist in the world and their various flaws so let's start with a very simple pair of handcuffs a Handcuff is made up of multiple different pieces. This is the ratchet arm
Now the ratchet arm is what swings and allows it to go around your wrist We also have the housing we have the little keyhole Inside of our housing. We have what's called at the Paul or the PA Wl it is a set of teeth that actually is what causes
Your ratchet arm teeth to lock in and not be able to be pulled free Now underneath your Paul you're gonna have a spring the spring is what allows the Paul to be compressed down to let you out and it's also what pushes the Paul back up in order to make sure that
The handcuffs don't get tighter or don't get looser. That's the whole point of it. So let's take a look at our key This is a handcuff key. It's very very simple. You see it's only It's very small. It's made of solid metal and all it has is just this one little notch in here now
that's because Inside of here what we have is we have a little metal lip. So what happens is when you insert your key Your key is going to connect on to that metal lip and as you push it down It's compressing the spring and it's what allows your Handcuff ratchet arm to freely spin
Now you can see that when I let go of it Now the Paul engages your ratchet arm you can hear the little clicks and that's what's keeping it in there So what you've really got is you've got little teeth that are down in here And you've got teeth that are on your ratchet arm your ratchet arm
Teeth are going to engage your Paul teeth and they're going to set in when you try to pull it backwards It doesn't work because the teeth are interlocking That's what keeps you safe from being able to get out of them But it's also what tries to keep you safe from being able to further ratchet it down
That way you you know, you don't get it too tight around your wrists Now if for some reason we find ourselves without a key, let's say we find ourselves maybe handcuffed to a bed I don't know your situation and I don't judge. So what would we use in that case? So one of the main tools that we would use is a very simple lockpick and this is just called a lifter
Now if we look at our lifter, we can see that it is very very similar To our key all it is. It's just a very simple hook So we want to mimic the motion of the handcuff key into the lock
So we locate our lock we take our lifter We slide it into the very top and all we're gonna do is go up and to the right and twist just a little bit until we have engaged the metal lip in the pawl and Compress the spring down pushing the pawl back down in order to open our handcuffs
So let me demonstrate that one more time. We're gonna take our lifter. We are gonna put it right into our Keyhole, we're gonna move it up and to the right and then we're just going to give it a very simple and light twist
Once you feel it engage All you need to do is pull the arm the ratchet arm out and then you can Let go because now you've gotten yourself out of that now You can really use a lot of other different tips You can use a half diamond if you wanted or really whatever one you have around It just needs to fit properly into the hole and it needs to mimic what the key looks like
Or as close as you can get to that Because remember all that exists within here is just a little metal lip and that is all that you are touching So as long as your tool can touch that lip and is strong enough to push it down and maintain The downward pressure while you pull the ratchet arm out. That's really all you need to be able to do that
There's also another way with which you can do that if you don't for some reason have access to the keyhole Or you don't have anything that's gonna work in there and what we would use is called a shim Shim is a very very very thin piece of metal. You can make them out of titanium which lasts a lot longer or
You can make them out of a simple pop can now if you're gonna make them out of a pop can just remember They're not gonna last nearly as long because they are very very very thin Lightweight aluminum so in order for a shim to work
You're just gonna stick it right down in between Your ratchet arm and your pawl and what that shim is doing is it's pushing those Teeth out of the way and it's making it so that there can't be a connection between the teeth and your ratchet arm and the teeth on your pawl
Keep in mind that when you do this you are most likely going to end up Tightening the handcuff one to two notches as you push the piece of metal into there So if it's already very tight You're already at the very end because you have small wrists or the person put them on too tight This method may not work or it may put it in
So tight that it starts to cut off the circulation and it starts to actually hurt you So please be aware of that make it if you want to test it and play with it make it multiple Notches too big for your hand that way when you push the shim in and it locks it down a couple notches You're not hurting yourself. You're just putting it right where it should be in the first place
So that is a very very simple Overview of a handcuff of how a handcuff works and how you can get yourself out of one Remember the handcuff key is very very simple and all you need in order to mimic it is a simple tool Such as a lockpick lifter or a lockpick half diamond anything that mimics the key is going to work
I'm going to be able to get you out of there and once again, I will remind you if you get placed in handcuffs by the authorities Please do not try to get yourself out and we absolutely do not and will not condone that You will find yourself in much worse trouble
If you have further questions about handcuffs or you want to talk about some of the more advanced types of handcuffs or even the international Handcuffs, please find the right channel in the Def Con Lockpick village and we would be more than happy to discuss this with you. Thank you so much for watching