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From Eulerian to Lagrangian Sensor Systems

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From Eulerian to Lagrangian Sensor Systems
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

As a public road authority we are facing a new type of data source as everything is connected. In the past we have been used to collecting traffic data using static observation points. With every modern vehicle being connected, there is a paradigm shift, from seeing traffic as a stream passing a static position, to following traffic related sensors as they move in the stream. This represents a major change in the way we collect data, the amount of data we gather and analytics related to it. In light of these changes, and as the number of sensors increase dramatically, the way we analyse and use data to extract information will have to be re-addressed. The new possibilities that arise from this shift, can bring with it substantial savings for the road authorities. It might represent a way to obtain extensive sets of data without big investments in infrastructure. The challenge is to know the quality of each new data source. This has been one of the main issues for the Norwegian Public Road Authority in collecting data from vehicles.