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Reduce hardware costs in Internet of Things using Python


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Reduce hardware costs in Internet of Things using Python
An electronics teacher's perspective
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I guide students in developing systems which are real world and need less hardware. This is possible in 2 steps. One,reduce collecting data which is already available online. Two, compute on cloud instead on the hardware. Cloud computing and Web services have opened a plethora of ways which were science fiction for electronics academia. Python packages such as requests, beautifulsoup and pyserial automate electronics at the grassroot level pushing all complexities to the cloud. This talk is about how I motivate students to use python for tasks which otherwise would require complex setup and costly hardware. I will present case studies of accessing websites (ethically per se!) of Indian Meteorological Department and Indian Railways for Internet of Things. Ready to return to a classroom session? Login for More!!
HardwareInternetworkingOrdnungsreduktionCloud ComputingBitBesprechung/Interview
HardwareOrdnungsreduktionInternetworkingBeobachtungsstudieWeb ServicesCloud ComputingGebäude <Mathematik>Konvexe HülleMIDI <Musikelektronik>RechenwerkApp <Programm>TensorLokales MinimumViereckMenütechnikGammafunktionWurm <Informatik>MUDCASE <Informatik>t-TestTaskTypentheorieWeb ServicesPi <Zahl>BitMikrocontrollerGanze ZahlZeichenketteRechter WinkelBeobachtungsstudieProgrammierumgebungDifferenteMereologieKonfiguration <Informatik>Web SitePhysikalisches SystemHardwareServerWorkstation <Musikinstrument>FlächeninhaltVideokonferenzBildgebendes VerfahrenCodeBenutzerbeteiligungProgrammbibliothekModallogikMultiplikationsoperatorProjektive EbeneGüte der AnpassungEinfach zusammenhängender RaumRadiussinc-FunktionObjekt <Kategorie>MAPSerielle SchnittstelleAlgorithmische LerntheoriePaarvergleichAutomatische IndexierungWort <Informatik>HilfesystemProzess <Informatik>Gebäude <Mathematik>BildschirmsymbolMeterComputeranimation
Rechter WinkelKonfigurationsraumTypentheorieMereologieFormation <Mathematik>Zahlenbereicht-TestWeg <Topologie>VerschlingungVerkehrsinformationWechselsprungGesetz <Physik>Besprechung/Interview
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Mike would you like to discuss anything in particular regarding the port what I am presenting? No, it's just general interest. I've been doing a little bit of micro Python with
nice 32 and esp-80 Eight two six six, so I'm just generally curious what you're up to Right Merging the web services Especially AWS lambda ec2 services to the depart
so while Most students ask about the hardware requirements or can they build low-cost solutions? So I am working with the basic hardware setup the connection to wire web services select
If I can tell one case study This interesting project brought by my student She was planning to put a GPS or a GSM system on the railways in India to track them so I said that's not a necessity we can use the data
so we wasted the Web scraping code on Python From there we use the data to generate a real-time location so that we can intimate in the stations railway stations or crossings also
So that way I am trying to merge the web services So a little bit of in that not solid in Services but I cereal is very interesting I cereal flask requests beautiful soup
Very helpful, especially for reducing the hardware cost and same way for agriculture also or even for air quality monitoring
Air quality monitoring systems are very costly especially in India It's Say I can tell in dollars some 200 to 300 dollar for large cities Collecting it from various places is a big task. So once we collect we'll put it on the server from there
Everywhere they can collect the air quality index or even temperature precipitation We have these websites Unfortunately, we don't have the aps for many of our Indian websites So right now I am using scraping methods Plus a little bit about pie cereal Mike any thoughts or I
Guess these things are pretty confusing. But because I am a teacher I keep interacting with the students. I
Keep bringing the things to as basic levels as possible. I guess we have another guest Killian. I Will say with my experimentation with ESP 32, I mean pie cereal usually gives me fits of trying to get that configured
okay, what I do is I Cast the values most oftenly the problem is with the objects integer types float types So I keep converting them between one type to another type sometimes that helps
Maybe while writing the data to Microcontrollers instead of sending the string sometimes I play with integer or floated values or Break them and merge them out of the microcontrollers
But I agree pie cereal is a little bit of Even setting it up is a big task. Yeah And So even Google Colab Installing the dependencies for pie cereal is a big task
Many different services are coming in. So I'm thinking of creating a basic environment which can be hosted anywhere Right now working on that part And again, if not pie cereal directly to the microcontroller we can scrape the data. We can skip the pie cereal part
From Python hosted website we can take the data directly to the microcontrollers That is also one option. I serial good for like I have indicated in this
part if we have images videos or lots of data to be communicated or Say small area some radius of 500 meters or so. I serial does its job But again, like you said it's a tough task
For basic works. It's good and Again pie cereal alone won't help many times. I use pillow also imaging library and some machine learning tools also This is about a bit of this and that there is no single solution. I hope Mike I'm not confusing the things
Nope, sounds good. Make sense to me Which microcontrollers are you're using here?
I'm sticking to know them soon, which uses eight to six six Okay Main reason is our students can't afford costlier hardware. So yes, be eight to six six with the built-in Wi-Fi
earlier to used to work with raspberry pi I Have I mean I tried to do micro Python With the ESP8266, I'm gonna just It's been a couple years since I've tried so things have probably improved but I just didn't get very good performance
Luckily you are into Corporate work, so Maybe trying out new things will be a problem. I will put in a word with my students Hopefully some of them come up with a good comparison What are the updates in the?
Past few years But right now I am sticking with the Python because of the versatile libraries it has Some twitch here and there many things can be done Yesterday in a lightning talker demonstrated how to analyze music and create a disco jockey
Very simple stuff pi serial helped a lot. Hello, Missy
Glad to have you here
Let me know if I can Clarify any part of the posters. Did you say you were using some type of pollution sensor?
Yeah Which said you know, which sensor that was I? Think the bht11 Let me do a quick search and confirm the actual Configuration I keep working with the law new sensors
But it's a good one means provides PPM of 10 and lower also Particulate matters
Right. Can you say that again? What was the part number of the sensor? Yeah, just confirming. Oh, sorry. I'm just going to the report
students report
Yeah HPM and just post telling for the reference
My track yeah
Yes, this is the advantage and disadvantage of teaching I
Can ask I can ask my students to work on the things yes, but I don't exactly remember the Datasheets and Part numbers. Yeah. No, just I thought you might know so Yeah, I just posted it on the discord
Well, thank you for your insights Jump over to another