EuroPython 2021: Help us build the next edition!
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Identifikatoren | 10.5446/49920 (DOI) | |
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Rechter WinkelCoxeter-GruppeComputeranimationBesprechung/Interview
Divergente ReiheFramework <Informatik>Prozess <Informatik>ModelltheorieGruppenoperationSelbst organisierendes SystemGruppenkeimDatenmodellStellenringDatenstrukturWhiteboardIdeal <Mathematik>Web SitePunktBitGoogolSoftwareentwicklerElement <Gruppentheorie>Angewandte PhysikAbstimmung <Frequenz>Rechter WinkelUnrundheitSelbst organisierendes SystemRückkopplungHilfesystemURLProzess <Informatik>VektorpotenzialWeltformelEndliche ModelltheorieTermWhiteboardEreignishorizontWeb SiteDatenstrukturTaskGruppenoperationDifferenteEinfügungsdämpfungPhasenumwandlungDesign by ContractEinfache GenauigkeitRechenschieberFramework <Informatik>StellenringInformationRPCArithmetisches MittelUmwandlungsenthalpieStandardabweichungEntscheidungstheorieBenutzerbeteiligungSpeicherabzugEinschließungssatzHyperbelverfahrenComputeranimation
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
All right, so this talk is about introducing how we run EuroPython 2021, well hopefully at least, so it's the presentation is about running the the in-person conference so it's not about the
online conference of course we now know how to run online conferences and we would be able to do that as well but let's you know hope for the best and then let's see that we can we can actually run this in person again in Dublin. So a bit about the the EPS the EuroPython Society
this is the organization behind the EuroPython conference it was founded in 2002 in Göteborg in Sweden when we had the conference there and since it's been providing the legal framework for everything it knows it protects the trademarks makes sure that we can enter contracts
and so on initially it was just basically deciding or helping with the decision process for the EuroPython location and local teams essentially ran the whole conference this changed since 2014 since then we we basically took a more active role and since 2015
we are working with we started working with on-site teams and then in 2017 we basically switched to a completely remote setup meaning that the whole conference is more or less organized by people around Europe or even worldwide so we we do have people you know from
like Camilla for example from Brazil and you know we have lots of people joining we have Noah Chen for example is coming all the way from Taiwan to to help us at the conference and
it's it's really it's a it's fun and it's we've built a good team around all of this we found that we don't really need the on-site team anymore we we do appreciate having help on-site and but we don't rely on that anymore and this is for mostly for financial reasons and for organizational risk reasons because of course the EPS takes a lot of risk in running
the conference the the typical in-person conference has a budget of around 600 000 euros so we move 600 000 euros around every single year if something fails then this would cost us a lot
and probably you know half the EPS go bankrupt so we have to be a bit careful about these things I already talked about what the purpose is of the EPS so I'm going to skip this slide the model that we've decided to use is a decentralized work group model so we have different tasks that we have at the conference we have different work groups
these work groups they basically stay in place for every single year so we don't switch them in and out like we did in before when we had the on-site teams take care of these things and the local teams the major advantage of that is that we don't
have this much loss of institutional knowledge so if if you run a conference of course you gain a lot of experience when doing that and you can reuse that knowledge of next year and with the constant switching that we had of groups organizing the conference we always lost all that knowledge and every single year basically the group had to relearn everything or at least
you know adjust again to the size of the europython conference compared to the local event the EPS takes the financial risk it enters the contracts it's liable for everything and we also deal with the taxes so the structure that we have is we have a board
it's currently six members it was eight members when we started this year's term we usually have around like eight or maybe ten members six members is not really it's not really big enough then we have the work groups and of course we have the EPS
members the EPS members get to vote on all the different the the setup of the board the board members get voted in by the members the members also have to you know release the liability of the board members at the general assembly the general assembly is usually run at the europython event but this year because we have it online
we decided to not have it at the conference because it was simply too much work to prepare everything and we're going to have the general assembly after the conference probably a few weeks afterwards so we're going to send the invites out for that if you want to become a member that's easily possible it doesn't cost anything you just go to
our website and apply for membership you just have to write why you would like to be a member and then the board has to vote you in and once the board has voted you in you have voting rights and then you can vote at the general assembly we also consider the europython
attendees members of the EPS even though they are not officially so of course we listen to the europython attendees you know we we always you know try to get feedback from them try to improve things from year to year we organize everything in google docs and and basically maintain all this knowledge in there and take the feedback into account for managing the next
years so this is a short overview of the conference development we've been doing this europython has been organized not not the EPS has organized everything but europython itself has been organized for many many years now it's the 19th edition we started in charleroi
in bergen which is interesting i was one of the executive committee members as well in that year we start with 250 people it doesn't sound like a lot but we had all the you know we had guido there we had all the all the you know a lot of core developers there it
was really nice we had sandwiches for lunch so we started small that was fun and then every single year you know or every second year or every third year we we then switched to a different city and now that we have this remote setup we actually switching every single
year because because we can right because we can move around in europe and that's the the point of switching so you can see the development here it's always around like 1100 1200 it was 1400 in berlin this is a good size we don't really want to want to grow
much beyond that so this is a short overview of the timeline and and the reason i'm presenting this is because the talk is about you know finding people who would like to participate in the organization and so that you get to know when we will need a lot of help i'm presenting
this timeline so the way it works is that we always run an rfp rfp means the request for proposal this is a commercial process that is usually run by larger companies when they have to buy something so they ask a lot of vendors with the they send out the specifics of what
they're looking for and then the vendors have to provide an offer back to them it's a standardized process everyone knows how it works in the commercial industry and especially the venues know how this works so they are very used to this kind of approach and that makes things a lot easier for us so what we do is we send out a large questionnaire
which has all the the details or ask for all the details that we need we provide all the information about the size of the conference how many days we need what kinds of tooling we need the you know size of the rooms and all these things and then we get answers back from them it's a two-phase process two rounds the reason why we do two rounds is because we want
to we want to have the venues compete against each other so that we get better prices from the venues and this has worked out really well so the first round is always open for everyone the second round is just three candidates and then they have to submit a second bid
usually lower than the first one and then after we have then decided the location based on which venue we choose we then enter you know go into contact with potential local teams that might be there because something that we have to do as a euro python conference is be we have
to be very attentive to national conferences that already exist in the countries we don't want to step on anyone's toes so we always try to have the conference you know not as a competitor to the national conference and so we try to be you know play well because there's no I mean
there's no point in having euro python compete with the national conference right so this whole process kicks off in August and September ideally of course in reality it's always a bit later but this is just the ideal timeline and then in October we we finish it we can then you know
set up everything we have to find accountants for doing things we have to register for VAT taxes and usually the accountants help us with that we have to figure out how to tax for the tickets how to tax for the sponsor invoices all these things all of this is essentially done by the board members and the accountants so this is not something where volunteers help
but once we have decided of course then we can start with the with ramping up the initial work so for example what typically happens is that the web work group already starts working towards
you know making the improving the website every single year we find something that doesn't really work as we would like it to work and so we have some requests there and and these requests are then implemented in a time frame or in sprints in December we typically then have the pre-launch site web the pre-launch website started this is essentially a marketing website
um which just has the basic information so like the the location the time and so on we launch that before actually signing the contract with the venue usually because the venue contract negotiations start after we've made the decision and then this contract negotiation
typically lasts for two months so what we usually do is in January we we then sign the contract with the venue we then launch the website the main one usually end of February end of January February we start the CFP which is managed by the program work group
then we have the start of the ticket sales by the web work group in March we start the sponsor signups by the sponsors work group and the sponsor brochures created by the marketing design work group well actually the marketing design work group doesn't really do much in this
manage just the whole process and and does reviews the actual brochure itself is created by our our designer Jessica and then in April after the CFP we can then hopefully then publish the schedule or at least what what we typically do is we first publish the session the session list and
then take the session list as basis for for creating the schedule this is done by the program work group so as you can see February to April to May that's you know the very intense for the program work group the sponsor group starts working here and this usually becomes it it's
first it it's a slow start usually and then at closer to the conference it gets very very intense for the sponsors work group because sponsors typically need a lot of help they are you know hundreds of emails going back and forth to get everything signed up we have to then
register with the with their vendor systems and so on get the invoices sorted and all that stuff so all that is being done by the sponsors work group and then after the schedule is published we can then also tell the designer how the schedule will look so that we can get
a conference booklet so this is started here and then usually takes a bit to to finish and then in June we order all the material the branding and stuff so lots of orders going out to t-shirt vendors to Amazon a lot to local vendors that we have we need to figure out
where to get the badges all these things are done by the marketing design work group and then in July is typically the conference right so if you have any questions by the way then please put them into the Q&A session there otherwise we can also chat in the talk chat later on so this is how a typical work group structure looks like we usually have one or more
chairpersons in the in the work groups the chairpersons are essentially accountable for what what the work group needs to do so accountable in that case means that if you're chair then you know if your work group doesn't deliver then essentially you have to deliver so
it's basically a way to well like I said in the in the timeline we need certain things done by certain time in certain time frames and and we cannot really wait a lot so this is why we
have these chairpersons in place and then we have the work group members of course all work towards those goals but sometimes this happens that we have signed up work group members who are in who become inactive or we don't really start to be active and so then we have to
remove those it's always a risk and this is something that needs to be managed by the by the chairpersons the work groups that we have are these on two pages so administration this is not really a work group it's actually handled by the EPS board the finance is also going to be
done by the EPS treasurer mostly as the chair of course and but we can have also have helpers in here so this is mostly about collecting invoices making sure that everything is properly put into the budget into the ledger and so on so that we have control over what we're spending and where we're spending it what the risk is and you know we always have to monitor ticket sales
and all these things that's done in the finance work group sponsors like I mentioned has to do all the contact with the in communication with the sponsors so that's a lot of emails a lot of back and forth it's also doing a conference call sometimes to get sponsors on board and explain
things to them the communications work group could actually need a few more people this is the work group that's responsible for all the outside communication so doing blog posts managing twitter posting things on telegram making sure that everything is you know well under
that the information that we generate all the things that we need to communicate are properly communicated to the community support is the work group that is managing the help desk so if you write to help desk at this is the support work group that's working on that one and they in general at for the in-person conference also take care of the
help desk the registration desk part of the conference to organize everything there and and also take care of managing the on-site volunteers for the in-person conference unlike
for the online conference where it's not really possible to have on-site volunteers we usually have quite a few on-site volunteers who just you know they sign up at the conference for doing things they get t-shirts as a small perk or recognition they get on stage afterwards
so that they get in the closing session it's usually a lot of fun for the in-person event so this is usually something that people really enjoy doing even though it takes away some of their conference you know experience and time in terms of watching talks but it's very
fulfilling I guess for them just as it is for us you know running the conference and they get a bit of a feeling of what we are doing on a smaller scale there so we have those and the support group also manages those then we have financial aid this is for for the financial aid
program that we're running for the in-person conference for the on the online conference we didn't have enough resources to do this so not enough people to actually manage it so we decided not to do it marketing design as I said is responsible for the booklets the logo the pre-launch website and so on program work group does the cfp selection of talks
the managing the schedule managing all the interactions with with speakers so let's say a speaker wants to do the talk at a different time then that kind of discussion needs to be done by the program work group the web work group manages the development of the website
and you know things like setup of the you know vms and stuff that kind of thing so it's standard web development essentially media team this is the usually the media team doesn't really have to do a lot for the in-person conference because we usually hire a recording company and
so the media work group doesn't really have to do a lot it just manages the relationships with the media recruit with the media company that we hire this is of course a lot different for the online event where we have to basically you know run everything ourselves and so
this year the media work group is actually the largest work group that we have and then finally we have the code of conduct work group which is just for people it's managed in a different way we always have two males two females in there it's
it's a small team of people and and we you know getting in and out of of of that group is well getting out is easy but getting in is not so easy because of course those people have to deal with sometimes with difficult to handle issues and we need to work well as a team together
so this is where we um where we are looking for more help uh just to get you give an idea of how we work most of the work is nowadays is done on telegram we also have mailing lists of course we manage everything all the content all the documentation on google docs and management
worksheets that we have there like i said the chairs are responsible so that's all i wanted to say i do see a couple of questions here um i don't really know how much time i have so let me see um okay 45 so 10 minutes i have right so i have a first question here
which work group are most in need of of help so most in need of help let me go back here the program work group would need some more help the web work group needs more help because we lost
a couple of people who were very active in that group then we would we need people in communications managing twitter for example or managing all the other you know communication outlets that we have writing blog posts that kind of thing we need more people in support but
for that support is mostly needed closer to the conference so just in a few months before the conference and at the conference especially we need people there financial aid we could use more people um so maybe sponsors as well um yeah but not many really people maybe maybe like
one two more people would be nice um second question is are you going to share the slides yes of course we always put the slides up online on the website i can show you where we put them just a second so if you go here to our website
this is the europython this is the blog this is not what i wanted to show so you go here to the europython society um this is the society website is also a blog and then if you go here and you go to the europython conferences then
you get all the the listing of all the information that's available for the different conferences going back to the first year and we always put links in here to to everything all the resources specifically to this talk we put that into the records i think
right here so you go to the records and then we have the europython society presentations here and you can see all the different um slide decks here we're going to put the 2021
presentation here as well and also the video once it's cut
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