3rd Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture: Opening Speech
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Anzahl der Teile | 38 | |
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 3.0 Unported: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/48227 (DOI) | |
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LambdasondeTempelMikroarchitektur <Gebäude>BausteinArchitektBauausführungLärmErdbauBecken <Technik>ProfilblechAnstrichfarbeMolch <Werkzeug>SteinmetzhandwerkEisenbahntechnikKlosterkircheVerkehrsstraßeBesprechung/InterviewInnenraumVorlesung/KonferenzComputeranimation
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Good question.
We also, in the previous symposium, we have privileged the debate between the first methods.
I'm beginning the debate in a certain positive way in a very short introduction of what we are doing here. I must say that this represents the opinion of the committee.
It's my opinion. Well, not neither my opinion. The other members and myself do not agree. We don't, by everyone, to say. So I begin with a poem from the 19th century.
This is a text of Plato on gravity. I'm not reading everything. Gravity is the essence of matter, existing in itself, only in an irregularity, transformed
since its concept in the central extremity into the manifestation of the essence, and so on. Well, I think that everybody can really agree that this always means passing. This is a speech that was in history.
Well, this was written in 1870, and precisely 130 years before, and I wrote before,
another guy named Newton said that gravity was this. Well, everybody knows this equation. It's a form of language equation. And then now, well, this equation allows us to go to the moon.
The other speech, well, the moon has been massive. Well, at first, I'm only mad to say that we mustn't make any confusion between what we can't understand
and what has no meaning. Of course, I know that ego has some meaning. Well, in the philosophy discussion, ego is a well-known philosopher. He has opinions established.
It's more in ego speech than I have said. Well, I'm talking now about architecture. This is a speech of the idea of German philosophers also, about architecture in the text, building, dwelling,
sleeping. That is, bowing one blue bell around the world, being in the versions, between, I am, the beast, you are, and so on. Mortals below, in fact, let me see the sky is sky.
The sky is the vaulting pass of the sun, the course of the changing moon, the wandering winter of the stars. That's a very long text. I stop here because here is Newton. Newton, it is Newton. Well, Newton just killed the wandering winter of the stars.
Since Newton, the stars don't wander anymore, they go in railways. Newton made railways for the stars. And since then, they don't wander.
Well, if that is to say that this is equivalent of ego speech for gravity, this is equivalent to ideal speech for architecture.
Well, what is the equivalent of Newton in architecture? It's a very complicated thing. I'm not going to say anything. But I must say that it's what we are trying to do here.
It was a long to arrive to Newton. It was a long journey. So careful, prepared, no video. A very long way of experimentation of the suppositions of trials and errors. And I think it's what we are trying to do here.
We are trying this way of experimentation. I saw on TV a guy who came with all the street paintings.
Say, how he made these paintings. Well, he said, I put the camera on the reference position of the perspective. I draw something. I go to the camera. I go through the opening. And then I go and fix some more. I go to the camera and see if it's OK.
If it's not OK, I make some corrections. And so on and so on. Well, this guy has never learned about perspective. He has learned about perspective. That was just the task would be much, much, much easier.
Well, this is the right thing, but the wrong picture, as you can see. It's a very famous sentence from Marx.
Let's say, the pig puts the shame on maybe an architect in the construction of ourselves. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the rest of this is that the architect arises his structure in imagination before he arrives in reality. Of course, Marx was dealing with architecture.
He was dealing about all our knowledge, all capacity, all skill to idealize the reality, treat the problems in ideas, in mental constructs,
and then work on reality after we have solved the problem in the mental construction.
OK. We have long experience in architecture about this. This is Solomon's temple, where, as he began with the first
written text about the usual form of language in architecture. This is a text from the Bible, where Solomon writes the work, the noise of the work
in the construction of the temple inside the temple. The noise has to be run out of the temple. That implies that much of the work must be made out of the temple and in the temple
for only certain non-noise tasks. Why that? Well, this is a position, one is also expressed in the Bible,
because religion causes, because there is any noise in the temple. Only another possibility is that some of them
were in a quiet place, because he has 700 wives and 300 hope wives. Well, the guy lives in a quiet place, for sure.
Well, for a reason, he sees in another text of the Bible the first description of formal methods in architecture.
Well, if you see this, curiously, this text is the same text as Marx's New Protocol. This one says exactly the same thing. Well, by what was written in the Bible,
Masons in the Middle Ages had to work outside the church. And when they were constructing those marvelous pieces of art, they had to work the stones outside the construction.
Well, they didn't cut the stone, and then they go to see the stone fits. And then they come back and cut another slice, and they go to see if the stone fits.
No. They have a formal method. The first formal language is new land. More than 2,000 years, its geometry is the first formal language architecture used, and I think with this extraordinary success.
Well, I'm done. Thank you. Thank you.
Serie mit 38 Medien
Serie mit 13 Medien