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Everything is better with(out) bluetooth

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Everything is better with(out) bluetooth
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After 717.346 (by the time you read this more) connections of phones to IOT devices we believe we can share some insights on how to architect speedy and reliable connections to IOT devices. Our connections need to be speedy, otherwise people are wasting time navigating through their work places. If have 5 bluetooth connections on your way to the bathroom, every milli second counts! We used the potential of beeing on control of the full stack, our hardware, our bluetooth firmware on the bluetooth LE chip, our case with a passive NFC sticker, we tested a touch sensor to add some more sense to the device. With Android we found the perfect partner to leverage all of these technologies to build a reliable architecture for our connections. Unfortunatly the f-word in Android land if definitly a thing when it comes to bluetooth. In this talk we would like to highlight our architectural appoach how to connect as fast as possible via bluetooth how to leverage NFC, Wifi, beacons, and optical senses for a reliable connection how to synchronize your multipeer connections in the backend which open source components can you use to implement your own IOT hybrid connected device We will show you as well how we are testing this very IOT interfacing architecture and how we iterate fast based on statistics. We might even view beyond the horizon and see if the f-word is only an Android challenge or if other mobile OS are also affected.