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Finnish National Bibliography Fennica as Linked Data

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Finnish National Bibliography Fennica as Linked Data
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The National Library of Finland is making our national bibliography Fennica available as Linked Open Data. We are converting the data from 1 million MARC bibliographic records first to BIBFRAME 2.0 and then further to the Schema.org data model. In the process, we are clustering works extracted from the bibliographic records, reconciling entities against internal and external authorities, cleaning up many aspects of the data and linking it to further resources. The Linked Data set is CC0 licensed and served using HDT technology. The publishing of Linked Data supports other aspects of metadata development at the National Library. For some aspects of the Linked Data, we are relying on the RDA conversion of MARC records that was completed in early 2016. The work clustering methods, and their limitations, inform the discussions about potentially establishing a work authority, which is a prerequisite for real RDA cataloguing. This presentation will discuss lessons learned during the publishing process, including the selection and design of the data model, the construction of the conversion pipeline using pre-existing tools, the methods used for work clustering, reconciliation and linking as well as the infrastructure for publishing the data and keeping it up to date.