Technology-specific life cycle assessment contributing to an energy strategy
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Anzahl der Teile | 14 | |
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Identifikatoren | 10.5446/45951 (DOI) | |
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
The unit and the mechanical approach in this project, at this point I would like to say that the boiler investigation has been built last year and the ACA project started this year. I often use terms in a different sense than the community, but you should keep in mind
that the LCA team that obtained today morning presented is still the reference space for us doing LCA.
In the presentation I made today, special kinds of tubes have a certain meaning. In the bottom right you can see an assembly of such tubes.
You can imagine that these tubes have special features and these features are the motive to use them. The picture is the interior of a so-called vertical after-burning unit by which, for example, carbon-hydrogens are oxidized to prevent pollution.
And the shield in the left is the simplified outline of this assembly unit and
the old inner combustion chamber is constructed in the way you see on the right.
This is a more generalized approach to this theme. It does not work to refit some functional elements in technical apparatuses, but you have to reconstruct the whole apparatus to gain the maximum benefit from it.
I think it could be too much at this point to go in such detail and therefore I would recommend you to ask me afterwards if you want to know more about it. It's a construction method. One thing I should mention, the machine to produce the tubes and the tube itself is the left in the top. We have constructed this machine.
Okay, the fire-tube boiler. Normally the fire-tube boiler is one of dozens of boiler types and it's a quite simple one.
That means that, in this case, natural gas is burned by a high-performance burner in the central chamber. You see here it's cylindrical and in this chamber the heat is transferred to the boiler by radiation.
Then you see a reverse channel and two passes. The gas stream is coming to
us in this section and going into the decline of the presentation in this case. This is the conventional construction with the number of tubes needed for it. Here is the
modified construction and you need a certain quantity of tubes less to have the same performance. You can work on two different hydro-theses or the mixed hydro-theses, increase
power, make the whole thing smaller at the same power or combine these two strategies. Okay, functional unit. Because we are constructing and engineering such assembly units,
we have a certain approach to the specific data of the system. Everything you see on this page is based on the knowledge of the company or the people working there.
It's an engineering calculation for the whole mass and energy conversion inside the boiler. The most important things are the steam parameters at the top of the lift table. Another
thing that is very important is the travel efficiency, which is increased by at least 2%. The lifetime assumption we set in one scenario for 15 years. There are some assumptions based on technical insight
and for purposes of comparing the system to other energy systems, we have created three variants of implementation scenario.
Okay, bottom-up, top-down. That means because we know the current system, the boiler so well, we use a bottom-up approach. That means that we have to reconstruct the whole unit. You find that two on the central drain here. We can calculate all the items of the balances
using our own calculation basis and we even work on modeling of the single processes in this assembly unit.
The shell system we would like to take from databases, of which today morning some examples were given. In the given case here, we work with the boiler. Here is the boiler construction. It's not
specified, the assistant. This is a transition which has been worked out for the forming of the tubes. This is representing the forming machine and you see several inputs and several outputs.
Okay, something I call militarization to a day morning without, for example, the term inventory.
At the top you see the definite composition of the used gas in this case. It's a certain kind of natural gas. It does not depend much on these details at the moment.
You only have to keep in mind that it's not average natural gas. It's mixed and combusted with ambient air with very high oxygen excess of about 10.
Then you get a certain glucose which is transporting the thermal energy to the heat exchanging areas in the boiler.
For energy and mass variances, we use this expression which is generalized and I think it's nothing different from the varancing methods you use and the method for varancing costs.
Okay, impact assessment. We use a method of Federal Environmental Agency in Germany. The
method was developed 10 years, 15 years ago and it has a special feature. The potentials you assess are normalized to a reference frame and in the case I record here, we have used the reference frame of Germany.
Roger Moraes is one of these models describing these potentials and at this point would be suggested to say that we use
as a standard a number of 10 to 15 potentials which were mentioned today, global warming or resource diffusion or something like that. Evaluation is a final result of this method.
We have summarized some things, sources and goals in Germany until 2020. The numbers are not exactly
the same as Dr. Grant pointed out today but it doesn't depend on numbers, the whole thing. I want to demonstrate a method to use such numbers to evaluate your technical system and it
depends on rates of goal getting which means that you specify a term for quantifying the goal
to the given state at the present. It is used for weighting all the potentials by the factor G and in the end you get for the whole system one aggregated number.
This number contains all the information about the system. You can use it by an integral method or by an differential method so you get all the iterated information about the system again.
To make a long thing short, here you see a specific result of this normalized potential. It has something to do with energy and normalized was the primary energy amount of Germany in comparison to the primary energy amount of the system over its lifetime.
In the end you get such weighting factors which means that the energy conversion is less important
because the global warming potential is very important but all these numbers depend on the assumptions you make. At the bottom you find a calculation example for getting the index overall effect. We
think such kind of Euler is very beneficial but the benefits are not very impressive. We have really high Euler. We have calculated increased efficiencies, decreased Euler fuel amounts and decreased Euler mass itself which means steel.
We use a certain method. We have mid-point orientation potential and we don't use things like damages or inventories.
The software tool is universal but that's by chance. In the end you get an weighted index of the overall effect of the system.
In the conclusions I would like to say that in the example most of the terms of the index are defined by energy conversion. That's all. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your presentation. I think it was definitely one of the most complicated functional units I've seen so far. Are there any questions?
My question would be what was your goal in conducting this study? Was it used for demonstrating that your system is better in comparison with others or what was your main objective?
We have a marginal attitude in this case. There is a master thesis done on it. It's the first thing. Then there are several things which were said today morning.
We don't know how to know very well and we want to implement it into the method and the third and most important thing for the company is of course to get a measure of sustainability for the products. Other questions?
On the first hand it's the fuel, the increased fuel demand.
I don't know if it's really good but there are tons of natural gas you don't need to burn. On the other hand it has to do with the objective goals because global warming potential was thought to be so important by the government.
There are two main factors.
Was there any feedback to your product design? Did you find out any bottlenecks, any improvement potentials? We think the whole thing will work for 18 or 24 months and we don't start such a project if you don't have a long run to go.
Thank you very much once again.