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FreeMedForms: Managing drug-drug interactions. An open source model.


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FreeMedForms: Managing drug-drug interactions. An open source model.
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FreeMedForms: Managing Drug-Drug interactions: an open source model.
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The FreeMedForms project includes the FreeDiams application. FreeDiams is a free and open source pharmaceutical drug prescribing assistant that manages patient drug allergies, drug intolerances and drug-drug interactions in both the drug selection and prescribing steps. FreeDiams manages multiple drug databases (FDA, French, Canadian, South African). FreeDiams is world-unique free and open source software that manages drug-drug interactions informed by referenced scientific sources. Technically, FreeDiams is FreeMedForms' EMR drug assistant plugin, built as a standalone application. Its computations are fully integrated with FreeMedForms but can, at the same time, be linked to any application thanks to its command line parameters. GNUmed has adopted FreeDiams as a "drug expert system". Recently, the FreeMed and SynapseEHR teams began work to port FreeMedForms' drug interaction engine/data to an open source webportal for drug-drug interactions-checking.
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hello. Please let me begin my speech with my thanks to the organizers of this event and for their work.
I also would like to thank them to let me present our work today, because it is very, very outside of what you are used to present here. I am Eric Mackay. I am a French medical doctor working on an emergency department.
I am a C++ QT developer and the main creator of the Free Metform project, and actually the main developer too. Jim Busser, who helped on the preparation of this presentation, is a Canadian physician.
He is part of the Glue Met project and joined our team last year. You can find all information about our project on our main website. I am used to present medical things.
You will maybe find this presentation too many or not enough, but I would like you to feel this very interesting.
Free Metform is a suite of medical applications, including an electronic medical record, a prescriber and drug interaction checker. There are other applications available. Actually, we have an accountancy manager that is on the way,
and some clinical coding assistants. The project is driven by a community of medical doctors and computer scientists and workers over the pulse of a French team. All applications of the project are freely available with the full source code,
listed in GPL3. We are actually supported by OpenSoup's medical and Debian-led teams. We hope that Federal Medical will include us in their work as soon as possible.
When Free Metform was started, special attention was paid to drug-drug interaction management, drug-drug interaction. We identified the source data freely available from governmental agencies
and from review of literatures. As the open source community lacked a free, standalone prescriber software, we decided to create it using the prescriber plug-in of the Free Metform electronic medical record.
It is called FreeJAMS. FreeJAMS is actually stable and usable in current practice. FreeJAMS allows a user to create complex prescriptions and test drug-drug interactions.
All applications are available for Linux, MacOS, Windows, and maybe FreeBSD. We have an issue with AirPath, if someone wants to work on this. The project is C++ using Qt libraries,
and the massive usage of model view controller architecture is the central of the application. All applications are built using dynamic libraries and plug-ins architecture.
We are actually using only SQLite for local databases, drug databases, interaction databases, and passion databases. MySQL version is on the way. All roadmaps, issues, and specifications of applications are available on our main website.
Here is what I can present to you today. How does work Free Metform? Free Metform is a really small executable, just like Qt Creator.
Linked to many libraries, we have the medical utilities library, which contains the most medical calculations. Utilities contain helpers, dialog helpers, message loggers,
and MVC helpers and some other widgets. The translation library contains all the translatable strings, so you don't have to worry in your code about translating this. The interaction system library is extracted from the Qt Creator project
and adapted to our project. It contains the plugins manager. At startup time, plugins manager does load every plugin of the Free Metform project
or the free jams. Both applications use the same code, and interdependency of plugins is managed by the plugin manager.
I have here represented some channels of communication between some plugins that define the drug interaction engine. We have the main window and drugs plugins,
which are mainly the user interface, and the drug baths plugin, which owns all drug interactions engine, which is the one who goes search data from data baths.
All plugins can communicate with the core plugin. The core plugin is the central place of the application. There is a single and unique instance of iCore, interface core, which gives you access to the interface patient
that gives you access to all patient's data and calculations. So if drug baths needs some information here, baths is designed here. How does work the drug interaction engine? This is really easy.
The interaction engine analyzes all combinations of drugs per couple. Each active substance of drugs are linked to an internationally recognized I need my notes here coding system and persistent over time called ATC.
ATC means anatomical, therapeutical, chemical. The ATC classification is owned and licensed by the World Health Organization. So when the link is done, the drug interaction engine can calculate all interactions.
So as you can see, the first work that the medical team have to do here is to link active substance to ATC.
ATC is widely recognized. The drug interaction engine calculates interaction in real time, so each time users add or remove a drug, all interactions are recalculated.
This is easy because it is just a list of integers to compare. And are stored so you can easily recall them. We build two different tips of alert to limit the alert fatigue.
Alert fatigue is well known and defined as a phenomenon caused by excessive warnings including irreverent, non-significant or repetitious alerts
that can lead practitioners to override all alerts. So the drug interaction does not make sense if all alerts are override. So we define two kinds of alerts.
One dynamic alert who need the user validation to proceed and one static alert that is just a remembrance by icons in the different view. These alerts can be easily configured at their level in the application preference.
So as the open source medical community lacks a free prescriber and drug interaction tester, we decided to create an interoperability to FreeJAMs
using XML exchange file and the common line. So external non-free metform's electronic medical record can call FreeJAM and retrieve data from it. FreeMetform does not have to worry about this because it is a plugin of it.
If you have a web-based electronic medical record we are starting to create an OpenReact web service which is written in Java using the same data base with the conjunction of the FreeMet team and Care2X and Synapse OML. We hope that some new team will come.
Here Gnomed and Medintux OML already use the interoperability of FreeJAMs. Here is a screenshot of FreeJAMs. We have at the top the patient data.
The plus button toggles a detailed view of the patient. When you want to prescribe you always want to know the patient precautions. We have here all drugs allergy, drugs intolerance and in future versions we will have disease, coded disease of patient active, not active.
All allergies or intolerance can be coded using the RTC code classification. The drugs than name or the international non-proprietary names. We have here the template manager.
The template is a full complex prescription that can be easily reused using the drag and drop functionality. Here is the content of the atrial fibrillation without heart failure.
Here is the last screenshot of this talk. The drug-drug interaction synthesis dialogue because we want to have something to a simple view. All interactions are selectable here.
And full risk information and management texts are provided in two languages French and English. I thank Jim Bueser for his help on translating every French messages.
Here are the interacting drugs related to this interaction. Laval is remembered here by Econes. You can choose what level you want to see. Here you have a link to the main source of drug interaction used to calculate this.
When you click on bibliography for some of drug interaction provided by the Free Medform team you can have a full PubMed bibliography including the full reference and the complete abstract when available.
This was really hard work. So I am here because I need you. We need you. We need developers. Free Medform is a great and big project. It's really young, only two years.
Actually we don't have any funds. We need a lot of developers and maybe someone wants some funds will be welcome. Code is available as package with each releases of application or inside the submission at Google code.
Our main website is www.freemedform.com A mailing list is provided. This is the central place where we discuss all issue, specification and one maps to every applications. We talk French and English.
We prefer English but we can talk French too. I would like to kiss my wife and child because they support my debts and my absence when I am working. And I would like to thank all of the Free Medform team. I saw here Olivier that is working on the Open React project.
Voila. Thank you.