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Closing session


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Closing session
The wrap up
Anzahl der Teile
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

MultiplikationsoperatorGraphBrowserRegistrierung <Bildverarbeitung>DiagrammTechnische Zeichnung
GruppenoperationProzess <Informatik>Technische Zeichnung
PlastikkarteOrdnung <Mathematik>Computeranimation
VideokonferenzCOMStreaming <Kommunikationstechnik>DifferenteLie-GruppeWort <Informatik>Rechter WinkelPunktComputeranimationXMLUML
Drahtloses lokales NetzComputersicherheitDämon <Informatik>Freier LadungsträgerVideokonferenzQuaderVideokonferenzRegistrierung <Bildverarbeitung>RechenschieberEinfache GenauigkeitComputeranimation
Offene MengeFreewareProgrammMaßerweiterungSuite <Programmpaket>RechenschieberAggregatzustandZahlenbereichRechter WinkelBitrateMaßerweiterungLESZählenComputeranimation
FreewareProjektive EbeneStreaming <Kommunikationstechnik>TabelleZustandsmaschineRechter WinkelFreewareQuaderVirtualisierungInformationsspeicherungRouterVirtuelle MaschineE-MailNeuroinformatikWeb-SeiteDigitales ZertifikatGruppenoperationPhysikalisches SystemComputeranimation
FreewareDeskriptive StatistikKonfigurationsdatenbankCASE <Informatik>Twitter <Softwareplattform>Computeranimation
Automatische HandlungsplanungMathematikOrdnung <Mathematik>Güte der AnpassungComputeranimationVorlesung/Konferenz
Web SiteIdeal <Mathematik>EntscheidungstheorieFitnessfunktionZwölfWellenpaketSystemaufrufComputeranimationVorlesung/Konferenz
Ordnung <Mathematik>Güte der AnpassungMereologieQuantenzustandHook <Programmierung>WasserdampftafelGleitendes MittelSchreib-Lese-KopfQuaderSchlüsselverwaltungMinimumVorlesung/KonferenzComputeranimation
VerdeckungsrechnungRechenbuchSpeicherabzugPlastikkarteSoftwareLokales MinimumGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>Rechter WinkelQuick-SortDigitale PhotographieComputeranimation
FreewareImplementierungMarketinginformationssystemOrdnung <Mathematik>Quick-Sort
Notebook-ComputerQuick-SortSpeicherabzugSurjektivitätGüte der AnpassungComputeranimation
Offene MengeQuaderRechter WinkelDatensichtgerätSchreib-Lese-Kopf
Kette <Mathematik>
Quick-SortFokalpunktDigitale PhotographieGraphComputeranimation
GravitationsgesetzKanal <Bildverarbeitung>Maß <Mathematik>MarketinginformationssystemBenutzerfreundlichkeitPrimzahlzwillingeFreewareOffene MengeMailing-ListePunktZentrische StreckungOrdnung <Mathematik>HauptplatineRechter WinkelElektronische UnterschriftMehrkernprozessorFirmwareBefehlsprozessor
Komplex <Algebra>Polarep-BlockDigitale PhotographieVersionsverwaltungEreignishorizontAbgeschlossene MengeInternetworkingCookie <Internet>Vorzeichen <Mathematik>Familie <Mathematik>Elektronische PublikationMultiplikationsoperatorCAN-BusGüte der AnpassungGleitendes MittelRechter WinkelTelekommunikationAutorisierungTorvalds, LinusGebäude <Mathematik>GeradeÜberlagerung <Mathematik>Quick-SortDifferenz <Mathematik>Projektive EbeneWeb-Seite
p-BlockFormation <Mathematik>ProgrammschemaEinsEreignishorizontStörungstheorieSchedulingAggregatzustandQuick-SortE-MailVersionsverwaltungAusnahmebehandlungGrundsätze ordnungsmäßiger DatenverarbeitungOffene MengePersönliche IdentifikationsnummerAuswahlaxiomInklusion <Mathematik>Drahtloses lokales NetzEinfach zusammenhängender RaumMultiplikationsoperatorSchnittmengeQuaderEinhüllende
Formation <Mathematik>ProgrammschemaEreignishorizont
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
What's odd is that this graph is animated here, but here it's static. So I was quite worried about it, so I loaded up into the browser to show it, but I didn't bother looking at the destination. For anyone that's wondering, the horizontal graph here is date. So this is the time the conference starts, and
somewhere over here is when the registration opens, and this is when people signed up. So it's just date added, plotted that way. And it's interesting, someone noted that the slope is almost always the same. It never goes like this or like that, but sometimes there's big jumps, but the slope is always the same.
That's pretty- What happened in 2009? I don't know. Like no- Both bsdCan and pgCon are down from last year, but bsdCan is bigger than pgCon this year. So- For those that are here for the first time, I run two conferences.
I started bsdCan in 2004, and three or four years later, the Postgres group said, hey, you're doing such a good job. So then what I did to make it more challenging, I ran two conferences.
Then what I did to do, I moved out of the country and organizes the conferences from there. What did I do to make it even more difficult? The conferences were no longer back to back. Now they're about a week apart. So anyway, so I put this up in last year's slide,
and it still applies now to most of you, not all of you. You know who you are, okay? But yeah, we all come here to hang around smart people,
because day-to-day people that we hang out aren't as smart as we are, so we come here to hang out with smart people. Now that sounds really bad, but we're here to be around people that are smart. So in this session, we're gonna go through a few things. We're gonna go to the auction, and then we're gonna go for beer, in that order. And at least your first drink will be on the conference.
So show up, see me, thank the sponsors for that indirectly. So first, speaking of sponsors, these are platinum sponsors. IxSystems, Intel, EMC, who has frequent contact with these people?
Thank them for us, and thank them now, please, because this is great. Who does not have a Netflix account?
Okay, let me word this differently. Who has never watched Netflix? I don't believe you. I think you're lying. You're lying. Anyway, Netflix, Tarsnap, and FreeBSD Foundation, they've all contributed, thank you.
VeriSign, they're the next BSC conference, right? Yep, no? BSC Chem, and then VeriSign, thank you. So VeriSign has sponsored us, NetGator sponsors, Backtrace, and the Net BSC Foundation have divvied up this year. Thank you very much.
I've been schooled in German, Netzkommunner. Right. Thank you, thank you. It's probably the only German word I can pronounce correctly. ScaleEngine, Alan's here. Where's Alan? Alan was over here somewhere, somewhere, somewhere.
Thank you, Alan. For those that couldn't do it, Alan was, Alan's ScaleEngine was providing all the streaming stuff. And where's the guy that was? Patrick, I don't know where to go. Where's Patrick? He's driving home already. Oh. Well, his bag's here. His bag's here. Okay, so we'll thank him when we see him.
Well, when we see him, we'll thank him again. Someone point him out when he comes in, please. And Blackberry also helped out this year. Thank you. La Trobe Community Health Service, Ziplink, and Damon Security. Thank you, Sherkdog.
Sorry, I didn't mean to single him out, but thanks to everyone. Microsoft, Sys5, and Gandhi. Thank you. Who has never met Drew Levine? See, she's working at the registration desk. Drew has helped out at every single BSC can, I'm sure.
Every single one, and some of the PG cons. Thank you, Drew. You may not know who Adam is. Adam's the guy that works out all the deals with hotels, goes through their contracts, makes sure you have a room.
I'm glad he does that. Video helpers on the next slides. Who carried a box this year? Thank you. If you didn't carry a box this year, clearly you were not standing close to the registration desk
when boxes needed to be carried, and you were volunteered by me. Thank you. But anyway, so this year we had a large team recording all the videos. Now it's all up to me to put the videos up, but I couldn't do that without these teams, without these folks helping out. So thank you very much. I'm not going to read off all the names, but thank you.
I appreciate it. People that came to the conference with someone and didn't really want to come into the conference went off and did other things, and Elizabeth helped out with that a lot. Thank you, Elizabeth.
Hands up as I call your names. Peter Henstein, please. Drew, Greg's not here, I know that. Michael Lucas is here. David Maxwell is over here, and George is down there. Thank you for helping select the talks that everyone saw this year. The next slide is wrong.
Hooray, excellent. So we'll just go right through it real quick. So whose state of the Lord Elgin? Hands up. Will, could you write down numbers please? Lord Elgin, one. Extended state, three, three, sorry, four, four.
I can't see. Whose state is extended state? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Eight. Marriott Courtyard, one, two, two. We're not trying to find out where you are, we just.
Yeah, Novotel. Okay, one more. Novotel, one. Les Suites, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thank you. And who stayed in residence?
All right. Start counting. No, I'm not counting that. I'm going to say it's about 30 or 40. Okay, sound off. One, two, three. Who stayed somewhere else? Okay, if you want to email us your favorite hotels, say it to info at bsccan.org, and we'll try and arrange special rates with whatever hotels.
Well, actually, Adam will do it. Yeah, RBB. All right, we can't do that. How many people managed to get into U90? How many people stayed in U90? Two, three, four, five, six. All right, next it's the Free BSC Foundation,
and George is really good at talking quickly. Well, I can do about 500 milliwatts. All right, so you want to do the raffle first, right?
So, people donated at our table. We made people do it online this year to make it a little bit easier, so I want to thank everyone who donated to the Foundation this year. So, we did a raffle. The tickets are really in here, okay. So, we're going to pick, and oh, and the prize is the Minnow Board Turbo.
We had two of them graciously donated from Netgate. So, thank you very much from those folks. So, thank you. Okay, okay, so I'm going to let George pick. You want to do it this way? He's not going to look. Oh, nope, that's not it.
Got it right in the back. Okay, so, number, ending in 9575. There might be a name. Oh, that's lame. Oh, ha, Navdeep, there's no Chelsea on this, though. Oh. Ha, ha, ha, yay.
Yes, power supply. Okay, that's here. You want pictures of him with all that? Here we go, here we go. Here you go, thank you. All right, so now I'm going to just write this down.
We're good, we're good. Oh, Jonathan Anderson. Brother, where is Jonathan? Jonathan. Actually, you have to be here to win, so. Where's John? Oh.
What's that, did he leave? He just finished his talk. Someone run into the other room. What room was he in? 1140. Someone, please run into 1140. Or just tell them on IRC, because they're all looking at IRC. Yeah, we need a, yeah, yeah, right, right. Nobody's actually paying attention to what we say. Okay, so while we're waiting for him, we're not going to do this yet, but at most of the BSD conferences,
not all of them we try to recognize free BSD contributors. What's that? Oh, so at most of the BSD conferences, we try to recognize free BSD contributors. And so I'm going to have our new foundation president name those people and recognize those people.
So I just wanted to introduce that, and then, but. Did you bear the lead? What? What's that? Oh, wait, come on down. You're the next contestant on The Price is Right. I just want to do that. Well, we can give him his machine. Put that down. Hand me a box. Sorry, I wasn't here.
I was talking about linkers. Ooh, it's funny things to do. So congratulations. And you have to look. Patrick, thank you very much for the streaming. Everyone thank Patrick for this. All right. So now I have to open my phone to the right page. I think my mail's in here.
I feel like I'm tethered. You are tethered. But it's to me, so it's okay. So we'd like to recognize three contributors to the FreeBSD project who hopefully are here. So first of all, many of you have used virtualization on FreeBSD, so you will not be surprised when I mention that Peter Grann is our first person
we're going to recognize as a contributor. Where's Peter? Well, that makes my life easier. So now I'll go on to the next person. But he will eventually get a lovely backpack. He'll show the backpack. There you go. He'll receive one of those. Next up, someone who's named me here a lot at BSD can
and in other places in FreeBSD and BSD land, Drew Levine for her work with documentation, the certification group and outreach. Where is Drew? Well, Dan said I had to be quick, so I'll go to the third one immediately.
Sorry. So I don't know how stuff is stored on computers because I do networking, so we just drop shit on the floor. But it turns out that there are people who work on the project who do understand storage, so we'd like to recognize Alexander Moten, who I believe is still here somewhere. There you go. We've been working on the storage systems and routers.
So thank you to our three recognized contributors and I will give you your tether back. Thank you. Okay.
All right. If you've never heard of Groff, this is Groff.
Groff travels the world, goes from one conference to the next. He's probably more traveled than most of you are. He probably also has more Twitter followers than you do. Groff the BST goat, twitter.com please. And it's traditional at each conference to hand it off to the next person who's going to the next conference.
And that person is? I don't know. I thought we already knew who this was. What? BST Camp. Who? Oh, it's Michael Lucas. Okay. I didn't know.
Thank you, sir. Thank you. In case you're wondering if they do any, in case you're wondering if they do any checking on the person who's entrusted with this sensitive soft little goat, the answer is not a lick. No criminal background check.
No federal registry checks. Nothing. All right. Now, someone's going to give us a short description of your OBSC con. And. Gently, gently, gently, gently. Okay.
Which one? Two. Two. Okay. So I don't know if you have followed the news from Europe, but France is still a welcome country, welcoming country. And so we're going to organize the next Europe
OBSC con in Paris. So we managed to find a place, a very central place. If you followed Fox News, no, this is not a no-go zone. Besides what they say. The social event would be a cruise on the Seine, so that's something you want to see. So who is not planning to come?
Change the plans. We have to talk later. Okay, thank you. Now the next one, someone wants to talk about a new conference that's coming up, a brand new conference. And this has a lot of slides, so we're going to go through them really quick too. Because the auction's going to take the majority
of the time, it's going to be the most fun ever. So here's the story. Three months ago in Tokyo in Asia, BSDCon. So yeah, Baptiste and another BSD developer, Massero, who were drinking. Never happens. And Baptiste said, why not have one more BSD conference in Taiwan?
And Massero said, good idea. And then go to George. George said. And George said, good idea, how about use November? Yeah, and then come to me. And. It's in the wrong order.
That's okay. All right, all right. What? I did not proofread my slides, I'm sorry. That's okay. So you say, yeah. Yeah, I say. Like you say. I just say, yeah, that's a good idea.
And then I say, okay, you are going to hold it. Okay, right, what? All right, and three months later now, what we have is a website. And we have a date, November 11th and 12th. And then we have a venue. And there you have a room to stay,
you have a conference room, you have a recreation center. And you can experience how to run away from a train which is on fire. Yeah. Because the venue is the training center of our major system, yeah.
So, yeah. And what we don't have is your talk proposal. And George will read it. And what we don't, we also don't have is your sponsorship. And we will spend it very happily, yeah. So the call for paper and the call for the sponsorship
will be announced soon, by the end of this month. Thanks, thank you. So it was about a month ago that someone told me, Dan, don't read get commit murder before you go to the conference. And I didn't.
And then I heard lots of things about it. And then I decided I should buy a copy. I believe him. Yeah. So if you have not read this book, it's about a conference called, you're gonna have to read the book, I'm not gonna tell you.
So now we're going on to the auction part. I hope you've all brought your goodies because the first thing up for sale, I was told that this should go in this particular order for very good reasons, which will become clear soon. So what we have here is a bag of Portland coffee.
So apparently they have very good coffee in Portland. So who can tell me the story about this?
All right, so this is gonna, sorry, what? Who made it? Who made it? Whole Bean Coffee, Portland, Oregon. Does the restaurant, oh, sorry. Ristoranto, Ristorato Roasters?
Okay, that's them, sorry. Enough talk about what it is, it's up for sale. 10 bucks, 10? 20 over here. 30, 35, 30 going once.
These things are gonna go quick because we have a whole box of stuff here. 40, 40 going once. Do I hear 45, 40 going twice? Sold to the gentleman there. Ray, roll it for 40 bucks. 40, 45, was it, 45? 40, 40.
So I have the perfect thing to go with this coffee. It's a water bottle with Portland on it. It contains Portland water. The water is from Portland. The bottle is from Portland.
It goes in the Portland coffee. This gives you the true flavor of Portland coffee. Now, so ideally this would go to the person who bought the coffee. But you can bid against them.
Five dollars over here. Five dollars going once. 10, only in five, five. 10 dollars going once. 10 dollars going twice. Do I hear 15? Ray does not want the right water to go with his coffee.
I'll give it to him. Yeah, he does, doesn't he? 15 going twice, sold. Thank you. What is your name, please? Ray. Thank you. I know who it is, but he doesn't. Yeah, that's the one. Now, what better to go with your coffee and water bottle
than the bag in which it was delivered? Oh, wait, there's more. The key hook thingy that goes with the water bottle Do I hear a dollar?
Dollar. Do I hear five? Five dollars, anyone? Dollar going once, dollar going twice, sold to the gentleman at the back. Call out your name so he hears. Okay, so now we get onto the bag. And if you haven't guessed by now,
this is the tone that most auctions go. Yes? Oh yes, yes. All the proceeds go to charity. All the proceeds go to the Ottawa Mission just down the street. As such, we will take your Visa, MasterCard, whatever, whatever, American, US currency, whatever, they'll get it.
At par. At par, basically, yes. So if you're giving us 20 bucks for a $20 thing, it can be Canadian or American, we don't care. You do, maybe, but we don't. So anyway, here's the bag that all this goods came in all the way from Portland. Sorry? What's it say on there? It says things like made in Oregon.
Portland. It's a made in Oregon. Made in Oregon bag. Shop made in Oregon. Where's the pay? Morgan. Yeah, it says so on the bottom. It's recyclable too. It's organic. Yes it is. I had a taste earlier on. Five dollars. Five dollars. Do I hear five dollars trying?
Five dollars here. Do I hear 10? 10 anywhere. Oh, he scratched his head. 10 dollars right there. He's in a way that he's bid on the bag. Oh, right, you're banking? Ha ha. Poke him, Mike. Tell him that he just bid on the bag. Do I hear 10 dollars anywhere?
Do I hear 15? 15 anywhere. Hey, Dan, you scratched your head. Yes, I did. I did, yeah. Oh, I didn't see that. I'm sorry, but, okay, sorry. The bid is now 20 dollars. Do I hear 25? 20 going once. Sold to Dan.
All right. Now it gets much more interesting. I'm sure you've seen these cards from Ripe, which have net masks and all this sort of interesting things on it. Well, what better thing than to have it all on a towel? So you land at the beach, wrapped up after the shower, you can always do your network calculations with this.
And we'll throw in the two cards to go with it in case, you know, if you don't have your glasses and you can't read this fine print, you've got this. So, the bid starts at 10 bucks. Do I hear 20? Do I hear 30? Do I hear 40? Do I hear 50?
60? 70? 80? 70 going once? 80? 80, 90? 100. 100 going once. 100 going twice. Sold.
You got that. Yell out your name, please. Jerry. Thank you. Okay, now, who did not get a T-shirt and wanted a T-shirt? Because we have a large one here. T-shirt that is, sorry. Large. It's actually a Dev Summit T-shirt. Who would like to buy a large Dev Summit T-shirt?
10 bucks, who wants it for 10? Okay, nevermind. Here we have a T-shirt signed by the FreeBSD core members that have been here this week. So, who signed it, hands up? Eight out of 10.
Yeah, so all those people signed it, and more, okay? So, the bidding starts at 10 bucks. Who wants this for 10 bucks? 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 going here, 60 going once, 60 going twice, sold.
Thank you. Yell out your name again, please. Yep. Mike again. So, now we get onto really interesting things. We have a tradition of Henning selling himself for charity.
For those not, for those not. Last time, the minimum bid was 100. Yes.
Last, we had bids already, I saw hands go up. For those following along at home, I'm holding up a T-shirt that on the front of it and big black marker says, I love FreeBSD. And the audience is about to bid for the right to make Henning wear this at every conference he goes to. No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no. No? Just don't wash it. Tonight. Tonight. He will wear this. Minimum 150, sorry. He will wear it all tonight long and he will charge you to take a photograph with it. 10 bucks for a photo. 10 bucks for a photo.
That also goes to charity. And that also goes to charity. So, first what we're doing is we're bidding for the right to make Henning wear this. You get the T-shirt, you win the T-shirt, you make him wear it. Okay? Do I have to bid to get you to cross out three and write net?
You have to get a net BSC T-shirt. We'll do that one here. Here's your idea. So, the bidding starts at 50 bucks. I'm not doing it under 100. Yes, so 50 bucks up here. Okay, 100 bucks here to start.
So, you get the right to say, I made Henning wear this shirt if you win this bid. That says a lot. And Henning's a really good sport for doing this as well. Who keeps the shirt after that? Oh yeah, who kept the shirts from previous years? Did you keep it or did the? Oh, it's up here. It's that one I gave you. It's this one here? Oh, okay, yeah.
Last year he wore this shirt. Did he wash it? Of course. Does that increase or decrease the price? So, anyway. If you want dirty, I'll make it dirty again. So, Henning keeps the shirt, brings it back, and we can sell it again for exactly the same reason. So, the bids are $100. Do I hear 110 anywhere?
110 over here. Hands up. Let go. 120. Do I hear 130? 120 going once. 130 at the back. 130 going once. 130 going twice. 140 over here. Oh, sorry. Is it? Okay, 150?
150. 150. 150 going once. 150 going twice. Sold. Now you see why this becomes so much fun? I'll sell the ones from last year.
Just a sec. We got some pictures. So, now I have to find this pen. So, now while you read that story, I'll sort of, there's a pen here with a maze on it. And it's very difficult to do because there's two objectives while you're doing it
and you can't, it's very difficult to do both at once. So, I think bidding should start at 20 bucks. Can I just point something out? Yes. 2050. That's okay. I'm not worried. Was it 2015? It was 2015. Okay, the text came from someone. I just copy-paste.
I don't proofread. Don't say that in French because it would mean le pen. Yes. Sold. 20 bucks. Who wants, 20 bucks here. 30. 40. 40. 50.
60. Remember, this is in the book. He wants his pen back. What was that? 60. 60 going once. 70. 70 going once. 80. He's killed once. 90.
90 going once. 90 going twice. What's your name, ma'am? Julie. Sold to Julie. Thank you. A lot of the order is dictated by what they are in here. If you've never seen one of these,
it may not be for sale, but I wanted to demonstrate it. Basically, if you have an Apple Mac, you can core your cord up and it comes out like that, basically. And it's a lot neater than just sort of having your cord all hanging out everywhere after. You can buy these for 12 bucks now, but I'll sell this one if you want.
For a while, these were going 50, 60 bucks on eBay when Quirky was not selling them. This one fits a MacBook Air only. The smaller laptop. So if someone's interested in it, I'll sell it. Otherwise, you can buy it at Quirky.com for about 13 bucks. Anyone want it? Okay, good.
I get to keep it. People were asking, what is that thing down? So onto something really interesting. What we have here is a bottle opener. Everyone here needs a bottle opener because a lot of this stuff comes in bottles. And it's hard to see, but this is a little glass beastie head made by Elizabeth Lucas. And it's in this box?
It comes in this box. I'm not gonna unwrap it, but that's basically what it looks like. It's for display purposes. So 20 bucks? The box comes with it? It's in the box now. I should have sold it separately. You're right. $20 going here, 30, 50, where was 50?
Hands up, 50, 50, 50 going once? There's one. All of the pictures. It's just, oh. So where's the latest bid?
What was it? 60, 70. 75? Sure. All right, 75. 75 going once? 100. 100? Bid is 100. Do I hear 110? 100 going once? 100 going twice?
What's your name, sir? Alex. Sold to Alex. It's in here somewhere.
So which one is it? So it's kind of hard to see, but that's puffy, isn't it? It is here. It is a key chain. 10 bucks, who wants it 10 bucks? 10 here, 20, 30, 40, 50? Hands up. Thank you, 50.
This is from the artwork of one of Michael Lucas's books. 50, 60 going here. 60 going once? 60 going, what? 60 going twice? What's your name, sir? Sold to Tom. Thank you.
So this is actually a rather friendly out of focus photo, but it sort of reminds me of that famous photograph. This is also from artwork from Michael Lucas's book.
20 bucks? 20, 30, 40? 50. 50, 60, 70, 80? Do I hear 90? 80 going once? 80 going twice? What's your name, sir?
Eric. Philip, sorry. That was for 80? Yes, for 80 was it? Sold, thank you. Not a lot of people have these graph buttons. People have paid how much money to wear one of these? 100 bucks. 100 bucks, so this starts off at 20, 20 bucks for a graph button.
Who wants a graph button? 20 bucks going here. 20 going once? 30, 40? 40 going once? 40 going twice? 50, $50 here. 50 going once? 50 going twice? What's your name, sir? David. David's sold.
Now this is very special. This is Puffy. Now what's so special about this is what OpenBSD developer person would want a wine box, a wine stop? What is it?
Oh, it's in this box. It's in this box, right? It's in this box. Okay, so it's a wine stopper, but it's very special. Oh, I know how to fix that. All of these beads are handmade.
And so it's a stopper for a bottle. Could be wine or whatever, what? Comes with the box. Oh yeah, there's a little velvet bag in it. There's a velvet bag. What? The bag is coming with it.
If we had fewer items for sale, I'd really be doing that, but no, no. So, 20 bucks. 30. 40. 40. 50 anywhere? 50? 60. 60? 70? 80? 80 going once?
90, 90? Do I hear 100? 90 going once? 90 going twice? Sold to Lacey. Thank you. Lacey. No? I gotta run.
So, we have this book. And it's signed by, tell me who it's signed by? Not, don't list them all out, but it's basically all the Open BSC folks that were here. Raise hands if you signed it. Yeah, these people signed it. And Theo. And Theo. And Theo signed it. Oh, that reminds me.
And Theo signed it. That reminds me. I don't like advice. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Not really. You'll find out why later. Okay, so 20 bucks. 150. 150 over here.
Ooh. Where? Where? Hands up. 150. 150 going once? 150 going twice? Sold. Yes. All right. So, yeah. Let's do this one now, because this one makes sense.
Theo was here. I have his name badge. He never picked it up. Yep. Pass it forward. 20 bucks. 20. 30. 30 going once. 30.
40. 40 going once. 40 going twice. I wanna point out that it's signed. 50? It's signed by Theo. By Theo. It is signed. Yes. Yes. Yes. It's his signature.
I got him to sign it this morning after thinking about selling it last night. So, what was the last bid and who had it? 50 bucks. 50 going once. 60. Do I hear 70? 70 going once. 70 going twice. Sold to Sean.
Anyone need a Pentium? This is a Intel dual CPU Pentium.
Thank you. Alan needed it in order to upgrade the firmware on his motherboard to take a newer chip.
It has about one hour of usage on it. So, it's effectively new. They retail for about 75. It's already tested by Alan Jude of Scale Engine. He's a free BSD committer. So, 20 bucks. Oh, let's start this the other way. 200.
190. First person to put their hand on it gets it. 190, 180, 170, 160, 50, 40, 30, 20. 120. I wanna point out that Alan Jude just paid $120 for his own CPU. Thank you Alan.
Okay. This is a very special can of soda. It's Calpico soda. And these are the comments of the people who had a drink out of the first can. We actually got two cans of this. And this is what the people said about it. So, there are more comments on the second page. So, if you wanna get photos of this page,
you better get it now. Okay. And here are the comments by the other people. Okay. What? This is the second can.
The first can was for tasting. So that you could get these comments. So now, what country is this from? Japan. Japan. Okay, so we're gonna do this the same way to make this go faster. It's gonna start at 40 bucks. Who wants it for 40? It's gonna start at 80 bucks. Who wants it for 80 bucks? 80, 70, 60, 50.
Sold. Oh, 60. Sold. 60? 50. Did I say 50? Yeah, you said 50. Okay. What's your name? What's your name? Michael. Michael. Sold. Thank you.
Okay, that's fine. Now, we have a copy of the book of PF. In fact, we have two copies of the book of PF. And the author is here, the author has given us these, and he will or he will not sign it depending on your preference. So, we're gonna bid on both books at once, but they're individual. You're only getting one of them.
We're gonna start the bidding at 80 bucks. Anyone want these for 80? 70, 60, 50, 40. Okay. So, three people want them at 40. Who wants them at 50? No, you just get one book. 50 bucks? Anyone else? Okay. What's your name? Jared.
Thank you. You can arrange that with Peter. Jared and David. Jared and David, right? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm sorry to keep you all here so late. Some of you must be getting hungry. Some of you are laughing. So.
I have here the last chocolate chip cookie. Oh, no, sorry, this one's raisin'. Sorry, that changes the price. So, do I hear a dollar? A dollar. One dollar. One dollar. Two dollars. Two dollars. Three. Three. Four. Five. Five. 10. 10. Do I hear 15? 15. Do I hear 20?
20. 20. $20 going once? 30. 30. Okay, thank you, 30. 35. Do I hear 35 anywhere? 35 going once. What's your name? Eric. 35 going twice. Do I hear 40? Sold to Eric.
For 40. 40. 40? Was that 40 or? Or 35. Yep. I got it. So, still in this bag. Box, sorry. Is a copy of ZFS, oh, it's a French version. Holy crap.
On the first page? Oh, can you just summarize it because I don't want to read this whole thing out. The first special Canadian cover. The text is modified to be more palatable for Canadian readers. This edition contains a footnote.
Does not appear in the standard edition and last, this edition has not been proofread or copyrighted, copy edited. Alan, Michael did this for Alan, I believe. So, there is only one copy of this book.
Only five exist in the world. The electronic versions have been destroyed so there is no way Alan can diff the files to find the extra footnote. So there are five copies of this book in the world. There are no electronic versions so you can't diff it to find out what it is. 20 bucks.
It went for 200 bucks last year. This book? Yes. This book I'm holding or another? I don't know. Okay. The only one that was on auction line. Sorry, Lacey, what was your bid? 100. 100 bucks. 110. 120. 120. 130?
140? 150. 150? 160. 200. 200. Good. Someone who knows when they've lost. Okay, 200 going once, 200 going twice,
last time sold to Lacey. All right, we have a sweatshirt. It has puffy on the front, does it? Yes it does. Who did this come from? Sorry, what size? That's a good idea. XL. Two XL.
So it should fit most of us. So, 40 bucks. Who wants it for 40? Let's do it the other way. 200. 150. 100. 100 back there. 110.
Anyone want this for 110? 100 going once. 100 going twice. Sold to Jim Thompson. Thank you. By the way, we're going to trust you with these. We're not gonna hang around here paying for them. You can come to the closing session
or send it to me later or something. If you have the cash, you can drop it off. But all the electronic stuff, either PayPal me or if you need a credit card, we'll work that out tonight or some other time. This is the Linux symposium t-shirt, which, yeah, but you donated it. I donated it last year, yes. Who is wearing it?
No, no, no. He's already wearing one. But this is the one that Henning wore last year at the social event and there are photographs all over the internet of him wearing this shirt and now it can be yours. It has been washed. Read the back.
I'm an egotisca bastard, so I name all my projects after myself. First Linux, now Git. Linus Torvalds. Who wants the, it is a large. It's a large t-shirt, so it's sort of like there. So 50 bucks, anyone?
If it helps the value, I'll sign it or something. He'll sign it. Well, hold on, we'll say that. 50 bucks. Do I hear 60? 50 bucks going once? 50 bucks going twice? He'll sign it. If you want. If you want. If you want. Or he'll wear it again and give it. 50 going once? 50 going twice?
Eric, is it? Sold to Eric. There we go. Some of you know what's coming next. You really do. We have, oh yeah. We have the second last cookie. What flavor?
This one is chocolate chip. Without a doubt, this one is chocolate chip. So 25 here. 30. Do I hear 40 anywhere? 30 going once? 30 going, 35. 30, 30, 40. This is the only chocolate chip cookie left in the building.
40 going once? 40 going twice? Sold to, right? Peter, Peter, sorry. Right over here. I don't know what year we started that tradition, but it was a long time ago. David, can you explain what these are? Who brought these in? Yeah.
20 bucks. 40 bucks. 50 bucks. Anyone want this for 50? 40 going once? You can get people to sign it here.
40 going once? 40 going twice? What's your name? Jordan, sold to Jordan. George, sorry, sorry, sorry. Who can fold these back up, please? Thank you. Roll it very gently. So there's another one identical to it. So, 30. Who wants the other one for 30? 30 going once?
30 going twice? Sold to Alan Jude. So this one is the same thing. You will need help. No, I won't. I won't open it. You should open it. I should open it? Okay. This is family safe, right?
Okay, just sort of holding it like that. Gently, gently, gently, slow down, slow down, slow down. Who has a room big enough to hang this in? Okay, 40.
Who wants this for 40? 40. 40 going once? 60 back there. 60. 60 going once? 70. 70. Anyone want it for 80 now? 70 going once? 70 going twice? Sold to Alan Jude. Thank you. Now we've got real problems.
Don't wanna fall to the... Give it to these guys to roll up. Very gently, very gently, very gently. I've got the lid here somewhere.
Good catch. Okay, that tissue is not growing. We have Raspberry Pis for sale. These are Raspberry Pis. Raspberry Pi zero, Raspberry Pi 1.3. Raspberry Pi zero 1.3. Again, there's two types. There's two wireless versions with camera header and two non-wireless versions with camera header.
Okay, so we'll go for the, I see camera version here. The ones with wireless have no camera versions and the ones that don't say wireless have the camera versions, I'm guessing, right? So we'll sell the camera versions one off before. If you don't know how big this is, it's sort of like about that big.
It's not very big at all, but it has all these little micro connections on it. So, how much does this retail for? Five bucks. Five bucks? Okay, so the bidding starts at 10. $10, 15, 20, 30. You're only getting one. 30 going once, 40.
40 going once, 40 going twice. Sold to David Maxwell. So David Maxwell gets that one. Raspberry Pi zero. Do you want it also for 40? 35 was a preview.
What did David just sell for? 40. So this one goes to Andrew for 35. And now we're gonna, thank you, thank you. Now we sell the ones without the camera attachment. They have the camera headers on them. They have the camera headers on. They're the same as the previous one, but they have wireless in addition.
They're easily worth twice as much. Oh, yeah. So we'll start, that's what we started at. $10 going once, 20, 30, 40. 40 going once, 40 going twice, 50, 50. 50 going once, 50 going twice, 60, 60.
Six going once, twice. Okay, one to Benedict and who is the other previous bid? Nick, George. One to Benedict, one to George. These two here are the ones that say wireless on them. What was the price, sorry?
1650. 1650. Okay, that's all this. Yep. Now this is one of the, oh no, oh yes. If you've ever been to Ottawa and you've been to Cora's, this is a complete set of all the placemats from Cora's.
More importantly, they are unused. But you can take these home to your country of choice and there will be none like these there, I guarantee it. And if you've never been to Cora's, you've missed out. Bidding starts for the set at $5.
$5, 10. 10, 12, sorry, 15, 20. 20 going once, 25. Do I hear 30? 25 going once, 25 going twice. Sold to, wait, wait, wait, wait, Peter Hessler.
Thank you. Put your hand up whoever got that idea to sell that one. Oh wait, I have a bag from EuroBSECON 2014. Did someone leave this here by accident or it's for sale? It's for sale, five bucks, anyone, five bucks.
Sold, thank you. What's your name? Chris. Chris and how much? Five bucks. Okay, now I believe this, oh no, we've got all this stuff here. Holy crap. Oh my God. This is stuff from Detroit.
It's Feo Rock and Rye. We have Velvet Crunchy Peanut Butter. We have Beer Bacon Chipotle Barbecue Sauce, or hot sauce. We have Sanders Extra Dark Chocolate Hot Fudge.
And we have more stuff. We're not gonna go through it all because you know, we've got, and so there's other BSD related stuff in here. And it comes in a fancy bag that says I have people in Detroit.
So. How heavy is it? I would say it's about 10 pounds, maybe five pounds. Yeah. And the PSA won't let you take it. Well, if you check your bag, they will. So 10 bucks going once. Anyone want this for 10 bucks? Not for the Sanders sauce alone. Yeah, 10, 10, 15, 20, 40.
40 going once, 50, 50 going to Adam. 50, do I hear 60 anywhere? 50 going once to Adam, twice sold to Adam. Thank you. Just don't take that
because there's glass and stuff in there. Okay, I believe this is the last, oh, wait. Does anyone need beer cozies still? Is that the last one? Yeah, these are the second last one and the last one. Five bucks. Okay, nevermind. Okay, here we have, can you explain what this is, Max?
It's a thing for putting something in. It sticks to something, it says, right, Bono. Business cards, too big for credit cards, I think. Too small. Five bucks, okay.
Oh, wait, we have here, this would be the last thing for sale. White envelope down here, this one here. Oh, yes. Thank you for pointing that out, Michael. Explain.
BSD projects, illustrated by Bob and having no relationship whatsoever to any people who may or may not be dead in the book.
So. Pin with him. Oh, it's in the book? It's in the bag? Get, commit, murder. I don't see the pin.
Yeah, okay. 100 bucks. Bob Beck and Warner Losh. 100 bucks. 100 bucks going once, 100 bucks going twice. What's your name? Michael. Michael, sold to Michael. Thank you, Michael.
Michael, look for this, okay? Michael, this is what it's in, so you have to find it over here. Okay, now, I'm quite sure that that is everything except for this open BSD t-shirt and this conference shirt from here, but nobody wanted one. So, anyone want this open BSD t-shirt? It says puffy, puffer-ax on the front.
Size, size, large. 20. 30. 40. 50. He can't wear it tonight. 50 going once. 50 going twice.
Oh, it was really, 50 going once. 50 going twice. State your name, please. Phillip. Phillip, sold. Thank you. Oh yeah, this goes with that thingy. And I think that's everything.
Now, if any of you want lanyards or want to take home a spare t-shirt, there's some here, but you're taking it home to give away to someone else. Okay, if you don't take home the t-shirts, we're going to give them to the Ottawa Mission. And I think that's everything over there. Oh yes, these t-shirts here as well.
Yes, we want the lanyards back, but if you want to take them, you can. The lanyards and the t-shirts are in the same box. There's also these t-shirts here if you want them. They are from Backtrace. And, no, it doesn't belong to me.
You want me to stop talking? Okay, the social event. Red Lion from 6.30, which is only about 15 minutes away. Don't rush. We've got lots of time to get over there. So it's a big place, good food and drink. If you didn't get a red wristband already, you can get one from me at the entrance. There's going to be lots of food. It's probably more than your first drink included.
And the details are on the schedule if you can't find it. Any last questions? Thank you, Dan. You're welcome.
Thank you. See you all very soon.