Materials of the Future
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung - keine kommerzielle Nutzung - keine Bearbeitung 4.0 International: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt in unveränderter Form zu jedem legalen und nicht-kommerziellen Zweck nutzen, vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/45104 (DOI) | |
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ElementarteilchenphysikWochePhotonischer KristallMinuteTagWarmumformenHandyVorlesung/Konferenz
MyonLeidener FlascheTrägheitsnavigationSchmelzenAudiotechnikElektrolytische LeitfähigkeitThermikPhotonischer KristallPermeabilitätskonstanteLadungsträgerbeweglichkeitFlussdichteHammerSchalttafelSonnenenergieZelle <Mikroelektronik>HochfrequenzKarmesinMaterialBeschichtenSchwingungsphaseFlüssigkeitHandySchlauchkupplungWirtsgitterWerkzeugSensorMittwochNanotechnologieUrkilogrammPhotonischer KristallBatterieKalenderjahrOptoelektronikArmbanduhrLichtGewichtsstückReflexionskoeffizientEisenbahnwagenVorlesung/KonferenzBesprechung/Interview
LuftkühlungThermikOptisches InstrumentElektrischer LeiterMikroskopobjektivSchaltschützTelefonEisenbahnwagenBoxermotorVorlesung/Konferenz
MikroskopobjektivSchaltschützElektrischer LeiterBeschichtenHall-EffektFlüssigkeitSchaltschützEnergielückeFlüssigkristallSpannungsänderungBrechzahlMikroskopobjektivAdapterTagSchiffsklassifikationVorlesung/Konferenz
RauschsignalFlorettFlügel <Technik>SurfbrettOptisches InstrumentElektrischer LeiterMikroskopobjektivSchaltschützPhotonischer KristallMikroskopobjektivSchaltschützSchwingungsmembranElektrolytische LeitfähigkeitMechanikerinBeweglichkeit <Physik>Vorlesung/KonferenzBesprechung/Interview
BauxitbergbauAngeregter ZustandSchreibwarePermeabilitätskonstanteBrennstoffzelleTagSpezifisches GewichtElektronische MedienBrennstoffVorlesung/Konferenz
MessungHerbstBerg <Bergbau>Satz <Drucktechnik>VideokassetteTagBildqualitätBleistiftDruckgradientStoff <Textilien>EisenbahnwagenReisebusLäppenVorlesung/KonferenzBesprechung/Interview
Masse <Physik>BeschichtenMechanikerinIndustrieelektronikPhotonDrehmaschineSpiel <Technik>SchwingungsphaseWirtsgitterSchalttransistorFlüssigkeitTagVideokassetteErderGasThermodynamische TemperaturskalaDampfbügeleisenDotierungWarmumformenLeistenTESLA <Teilchenbeschleuniger>FlüssigkeitStandardzelleKlitzing, Klaus vonSpinBatterieGreiffingerLocherBildqualitätQuantisierung <Nachrichtentechnik>SublimationStoff <Textilien>PolysiliciumFeldquantTelefonKalenderjahrFlugbahnBlei-209Temperaturabhängiger WiderstandFahrerhausDrehenVorlesung/KonferenzBesprechung/Interview
Rotierender RadiotransientMasse <Physik>WasserdampfTagBleistiftWindroseKalenderjahrPhotonischer KristallEisenbahnwagenSchieneNegativ <Photographie>NeutronenaktivierungDunkelheitVorlesung/Konferenz
FederRasterkraftmikroskopiePositronen-Annihilations-SpektroskopieKnoten <Astronomie>TagPhotonischer KristallMagnetisierungFerromagnetismusSupraleiterVorlesung/Konferenz
MaterialSupernovaPositronen-Annihilations-SpektroskopieDigitales FernsehenBahnelementStoff <Textilien>NanotechnologieDampfbügeleisenGleichstromPolysiliciumPhotonischer KristallBahnelementDurchführung <Elektrotechnik>ChipStandardzelleDigitales FernsehenSauerstoff-16IRASDruckkraftMesserWasserstoffatomBesprechung/Interview
WasserstoffatomAustrittsarbeitSauerstoff-16Dreidimensionale IntegrationSteckverbinderDiffusionErsatzteilVorlesung/Konferenz
BahnelementStoff <Textilien>Plattform <Kraftfahrzeugbau>Dreidimensionale IntegrationMaterialWirtsgitterHeterostrukturLaserStraßenbahnSynthesizerSchiffsklassifikationLumineszenzdiodeStandardzellePioniergerätWocheMikroskopLuft- und RaumfahrtindustrieHeterostrukturTagChipSchlauchkupplungStoff <Textilien>EnergielückeDreidimensionale IntegrationSpannungsänderungPhotonischer KristallPolysiliciumEnergieniveauElektrodeWolframdrahtBahnelementWirtsgitterSatz <Drucktechnik>AtomistikBandstahlSolarzelleFeldeffekttransistorSchaltplanMotorSchalttransistorHalbleiterWarmumformenPatrone <Munition>FeldstärkeSchlägel <Werkzeug>KalenderjahrBlei-209BrennstoffProzessleittechnikKristallgitterEisenbahnwagenLichtKardierenGroßkampfschiffStundeKombinationskraftwerkWindroseComputeranimation
PapierstaubungScharnierFeldquantLichtMaterialSerge <Textilien>Optisches SpektrumReihenschwingkreisModellbauerLuftstromThermalisierungIntelligenter WerkstoffFlüssigkeitSchwingungsphaseBremswirkungHeterostrukturLIN-BusTrägheitsnavigationKombinationskraftwerkValenzbandGeldausgabeautomatHalbleiterMitlauffilterOptisches SpektrumGrundzustandThermalisierungHeterostrukturGleichstromnebenschlussmotorErderPumpen <Laser>TemperaturChipDruckereiPolysiliciumTinteEnergieniveauSchwingungsmembranAngeregter ZustandPhotonikInfrarottechnikMaßstab <Messtechnik>GleichstromSiebdruckEnergielückeFeldeffekttransistorMinuteDruckkraftNanotechnologieFarbeBuntheitLichtSchaltplanPhotodetektorBegrenzerschaltungKurzzeichenKesselanlageTiefdruckgebietWocheKnüppel <Halbzeug>EisenbahnwagenSource <Elektronik>KristallgitterGewichtsstückWindroseTagStundeSensorVorlesung/KonferenzBesprechung/Interview
MaterialSpinBipolartransistorSensorTemperaturElektrizitätHeterostrukturGreiffingerGammaquantRandspannungTinteNanotechnologieAperturantenneBuchdruckWerkzeugTinteHeterostrukturStrippen <Atomphysik>GleichstromCocktailparty-EffektSteckverbinderKristallgitterDruckereiKalenderjahrVorlesung/Konferenz
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Good afternoon, it's a really great pleasure to to be here of course and it's a bit of a mixed audience so it's it's difficult to pick up the particular topic for the for the talk so what
what I will do today is to start talking on about graphene because well that's probably what is expected but my big task for today is maybe to give you a perspective from a physicist
on the material science and what can we expect and probably where should we go so let me start with just a few a few minutes about about graphene first so many of you know what is graphene is the two-dimensional carbon crystal just only carbon arranged in honeycomb lattice because of its
a number of unique properties so it's the most conductive the most thermally conductive and permeable our highest mobility and so on so this this material found already found its way into into many applications and there will be a session on on wednesday i believe from
from from graphene flagship is the 1 billion euro program of the from europe on possible future applications of of of these materials and then this those applications
really range from sensors to optoelectronics to electronics energy batteries are composite materials and so on and i won't go too much into the discussion on the physics so let's leave it for the question session and so just a little bit of more more more
specialized so for today just briefly tell you that we really enjoyed doing physics in in graphene and in many other 2d crystals as well but what is interesting that quite quite fast i believe it made it it's it's moving to into applications and like many many other
materials before it so it it it made a gradual way into the into the new devices and new new products started from from composite materials the sport tools a couple of years ago
we we made this world lightest watch with richard miller and and and mclaren it's only 32 grams unfortunately it's not only world lightest it's also world most expensive which it's cost you about a million million euros so definitely by far most expensive watch but if you if you
divide by weight and if you haven't got one million one million euro you can you can splash quarter of a million on this on this car so it's the the it's composite based also with
with with with graphene composites but that's and then so gradually it's made its way into more and more advanced advanced applications last last year the hallway introduced this this phone where graphene is used for the for for thermal thermal management but essentially what
we're looking forward is not the applications where graphene would replace any materials but where graphene would allow completely new applications which were not possible before and
of course that's very that because it has of course a number of unique properties so which which wasn't available to us before so and but those applications are very difficult to to imagine because they they didn't exist so so what you need to do is really to think out outside of the box so i'll just give you one example is the adaptive contact lenses so
what you do you put you take a contact lens you put a layer of graphene on top you put another one on top and then you fill the gap with the liquid crystal and what you what you get is the by applying voltage you change the the the refractive index of the of the liquid crystal and you can change the the focal depths of this of your of your of your contact lenses
and that's impossible to do with any other materials because you need transparent flexible conductive material and that's and that's that's all that's all graphene so really a nice range
of applications is to think about this material as the two-dimensional membrane so generally the two-dimensional membranes are an interesting object in terms of in terms of physics a lot of a lot of non-linear mechanics so of course as you know this kind of 2d materials shouldn't shouldn't exist at all because the long-range excitation should destroy it
but then we we figure it out how how it works in graphene but it's of course it's impermeable for for any atoms for for any species so you can use this property or you can modify it so to make it transparent and permeable for some specific species and that's and that's something
which is being quite widely used these days for a variety of applications from biology to to to energy like for example in the in the in the fuel cells so there so it's it's only permeable for
protons for example no nothing else can penetrate through those through those hexagons now for some time because there was an issue can we produce can we produce enough of enough of of graphene so some of you might know that in many labs so we started with making
graphene by scotch tape you could just take normal graphite which which you use in your in your pencils and then you just exfoliate it by the by the scotch tape method and this we still use it in our lab is the quickest way to produce high high quality material but of
course as the time flies so we these days we can we have many many other ways how to produce graphene depending on the on the particular application on the price you want to pay on
the quality you you want to to to achieve you really can you really can make very different types of types of graphene for example for electronic grade material you would use chemical vapor deposition and so this technique really gives you fantastic quality on the square
meterage of of of the material and you can use many different carbon containing pieces for to to to to generate this and just as a sort of fun so as you understand probably what is
important for you throughout this week is maybe not to learn so much about physics but to understand that behind all those experiments is the words why it would be fun to do something so that's that's all what we do in the lab so that's how we started with the scotch tape
so one day it would be fun to produce graphene from something unusual who can guess what's that this red stuff so what you need is just is any carbon containing stuff and there was an idea why won't we dope graphene with with with something with spin like like with with iron where
would you get iron and and and and and carbon so you just take some some blood put it on the on the copper on on your on the copper film and you just you uh and then you just anneal it in the in the cvd chamber and you got uh iron uh iron dubbed uh dubbed graphene unfortunately
the quality wasn't wasn't high enough so we we couldn't publish this this work but um but in principle it's very easy to make to cook graphene from your uh from your blood
and no students were hurt so that it was those were my fingers so don't don't worry about this just uh that's it's a sort of advertisement for the phd that i'm not i'm not blood sucking person for for the from for the students uh so then uh if you want if you need uh something for printable electronics or for batteries there is chemical where
so so-called liquid phase exfoliation on there are then some other minor methods how to produce graphene as well like the the sublimation of silicon from silicon carbide it's probably something which is close to to the heart of of of Klaus von Klitzing so because
in this in this sort of graphene you can get the the last quantum hole plotter which which which which spans maybe like 10 15 tesla in in width so you can you don't need to go to
to millikelvin range to to get the the the high uh the high precision of the of the quantization you can do it at three tesla at four kelvin and those those devices are already being used in ntl for example as the as the resistant standard now um let me um tell you
a little bit what's uh what what we've been doing beyond graphene because for years of course all our students are very bright very very active bright eyes bushy tails so they they always
ask me so cost you we spent i don't know 60 million on building the new national graphene institute and we're still using the same pencils for for to to make graphene can we at least buy some other colored pencils and make something else so um so the answer is yes in principle why not
and what it turns out that if you exfoliate other other pencils you get other two two-dimensional materials so and these days we're not talking about graphene we are really talking about the family of the two-dimensional crystals and of course as you know as you go from 3d to
to to 2d the topology changes so for like you don't have knots in the and in in 2d and you get uh so the many many of the of the properties change dramatically so we have uh we study superconductivity in two-dimensional crystals these days ferromagnetism in 2d is extremely
popular topic for research so the so in general this this uh direction of the two-dimensional crystals is uh is quite actively actively researched but what is interesting that having this library of the two-dimensional materials also give you really nice
really nice opportunity beyond physics really in the uh in the material in the material science and let me give you put it a little bit um into into perspective because materials strangely now they're they're really important for us and they um they can even determine the the
very direction of the of the development of our technology so that's why we call our ages we give the materials name to the to the ages we live in like the the the the stone age the the bronze age the the the the iron age and there will be a good question what is the age we
we live we live now and it's not easy to to to determine because maybe for the first time in history we have a choice because it's very difficult to pinpoint one particular uh
one particular technology so it can be maybe digital age or it can be silicon or it might be nuclear age because we really we we we depend on the on the energy production but it's really important that we make a smart choice because the technology which we choose
is you really somehow we stick with it for a long long long time and it really determines a lot of the of of of how the economy develops let me give you an example so this is the periodic table of the elements which we used in the in our silicon chips prior to
1990 very simple so i probably could do it so it's like silicon boron phosphorus for for doping aluminum for interconnects hydrogen oxygen for passivation that's it right now beyond so after 1990 because we needed higher integration we added copper for interconnecting
because we we added copper we needed the we needed the work function matching materials as well and we needed the the diffusion barrier so we a part of copper will also added tantalum
uh tungsten and and athenium there but still still quite simple now after 2006 the the the the level of integration grew dramatically and basically we these days we use like half of the periodic table in in our in our silicon chips and you i guess you would you would
agree with me that this is not ideal at all because the only reason we have to do it is because we have the old technology we have the silicon technology but we are what what we are doing we are not inventing the new one we are adapting the old technology for for the for
the modern needs and frankly speaking we are not doing it very successfully because if you compare the number of elements which we have in our body and the number of elements which we put in our silicon chips we actually we we have to put the in terms of complexity we have to put
it much higher complexity into the into the silicon chips and of course in terms of the functionality the complexity of our body is by far by by far far far greater so our silicon technology is not ideal is not versatile enough but we are we stick with it because we made this
choice long long long time ago and that's generally the case because we we rely on only a few materials in in our in our work so on all electronics is silicon construction engineering we always rely on the strength of steel space engineering it's aluminium a bit of
titanium so we really we are we we are slaves of those of those materials so if an electronic engineer needs to make a new device what he or she needs to do is to go and check what silicon
can do for me was the band gap was the band gap of silicon oxide and then develop a device depending on those on those parameters ideally what you want is really to mix different materials together and and adapt and create new material for any new applications
and in principle those examples do exist we call them composite materials or or heterostructures where they're used in in our semiconductor devices not not much but still still used like like hemp for example well we use of course plastic we use composite materials but still those
examples are few and far between so ideally what you want is to be able for any new application is to design a new material on atom by atom engineer or at least layer lab while engineering then you can really within a few layers you can encode the the any any functionality you can
say okay i want my top layer to be sensor my next few layers would be solar cell my next few would be would be the the integrated circuit then reinforcements interconnects and so on and so we we're we live in the age where the custom manufacturing is developing extremely fast
so you can draw in in autocad anything you you send this drawing by by email and you receive this this this piece by post in a few days we started to do this with with chemicals as well
so you can you can design a dna atg email email it and then receive within couple of weeks receive this this by by post again but ideally we want to be able to do the same with any
material so that when you design a new application you're not limited by what is what is available you can design material for the application and not the other way around and having this library of the two-dimensional crystals it really helps because what what we do these days when
we come to work we come to work to our lab we have this those 2d one atom thick crystals available to us and so it's not enough fun anymore to study each one of them even though the physics is still is still fantastic what we do we start assembling them putting them
them together in a in a way mother nature never intended it to be and then we basically create synthetic artificial heterostructures and we and we do it with atomic precision unfortunately poor students are still doing it by hands literally under microscope just picking
one layer of atoms putting there and then just next one next one next one and but those example the the technology is extremely efficient so we produce the new types of transistors this ways we can we produce the new new new solar cells so this is probably one of the most complex
example of the of the of this synthetic artificial material so this this thing can can do it's a it's an it's an led basically so graphene there is only as the transparent electrode so it's very secondary role so it's mainly working on the interplay between
between different band gap materials so you apply voltage and then so light so it shines it shines light and because we can we have a huge range of those two-dimensional crystals available to us we we can actually cover different different wavelengths and and or even different combinations
of valences because you can put very different materials there so that's just a selection of some of the semiconductors which we which we can put inside and they can they cover quite a quite a range of infrared fine thread and and the and the and the visible spectra maybe the
most interesting is this one of the molybdenum ditellaride because it's sitting right at the at the telecom range and of course the one of the major problem why we cannot make our internet faster is because we don't have the we don't have the light sources which match the
the silicon photonics gap so so this guy is sitting right there so we we might be able to get more efficient optoelectronic chips but now what i wanted to say is that i think we still
need to go a little bit a little bit further so um i was talking that about the materials which we can design for some for some uh applications for with the with the certain properties that's all very nice and that's a it's a new direction that we we we produce new materials
for new applications rather than we design applications within the range of the of the available materials but still the same the same limitation stays that we design materials
according to the certain properties which we need for the application so material like silicon it contains the properties and the functionality only comes when we assemble it into the into the integrated circuits but now you can think about a different way how we can
how you can think about this so what i'm talking about is actually doesn't exist when they started to starting to work on this but i think it's the that's where the continued science needs to go if you think about our our body the functionality is actually there
on the on all the possible levels like starting from the basic molecules molecular motors molecular pumps so the the functionality is there on the membrane level on the cellular level on the organ level on the on the body level so the functionality is spread across
different scales and that's the reason why our our our body acts were so much more efficient than than our than our computer chips so the the big the the question is can we stop thinking about the properties of the materials and can we start designing materials in terms of
in terms of functionalities and that requires really change of the of the of the paradigm because of course we always design our materials by the dft calculations which is essentially the
ground level so the the zero temperature ground level calculation so we can design properties but the functionality comes from the non-equilibrium state and that's so we need to think about the dynamic properties not not in terms of the not in terms of the ground level
properties and that's the sort of physics which only starting to to be to be developed so we call it materials out of out of equilibrium so if so generally you have you design a material with one ground state it's like and then the the state of this material depends on the
on the on the on the on the parameters like you you you you give the the the the force and then you just you can stretch stretch this this this elastic what we need to do is to and what we're doing now we are designing the intelligent materials out of equilibrium by
creating a complex landscape of the of the ground states and so it's highly a degenerate system and then you can navigate through this landscape by changing the external parameters so you are actually designing not the the particular ground state but you designing the pathway in this in
this in this phase space and that's and that's in the sense that you are designing the functionality rather than the the the the the the properties itself so and that's that's actually I think that's what the the the future in terms of the for the material science is going to
is going to be now so I've got only only five minutes let me just spend them just very briefly to tell you that what I've been telling you about this heterostructures so that's all very nice so it works up to a certain extent in the labs but we are also trying to do it
in the real applications as well and so just to to show you examples how it goes into the into the real production already now so I told you that one of the ways how we can
make graphene is actually by by making graphene ink so I do a little bit of Chinese painting and I use this ink for my for my painting as well but now you can think that you can use other materials as well and so like semiconductor or or or or insulating so you have inks of
different colors and now you can put them into your inkjet printer and basically start printing those those heterostructures and so there are many ways how you can how you can print or inkjet printing or or or or you're just just just using the the the screen printing machines
but then you can print really complex heterostructures with some with some functionality so so this is like a photo detector and and so you just print graphene as the conductive layer semiconductors the photosensitive layer and then you can you can really design those so various various devices and that's the sort of technology which already goes into production
printed electronics is extremely popular these days so it really reduces the cost and make it it is flexible so it makes it it makes it really the on the facturability might much much
better much higher so those devices already go into into into productions this is the example of the RFID antenna for internet of things applications and what what makes me what makes me happy that the HF antenna they require an insulating strip and we
and we use it we use boron nitride inks to to to to print those that that strip so it's not only graphene which we use for our for our printing is other 2D materials as well and as I said that's already fully fully integrated into into production and it's
it's it's basically already commercial but what we're what what we're really trying to do is now to go to make many other materials printable as well and and make the the the same heterostructures which I showed you that we assemble by by by hands to make it printable and
so that that's another branch another direction for the material science in terms of in terms of the internet of things applications so just sensitivity and the and the interconnection between between many different things so I think I will I will stop here I'll just leave a few
a few a few conclusions here for you and thank you so much for your attention thank you
Serie mit 3 Medien