Conference Closing - FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019
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Anzahl der Teile | 52 | |
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 3.0 Unported: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/44724 (DOI) | |
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Abstract |
FOSS4G SotM Oceania 20196 / 52
SondierungKoordinatenDigitalsignalZusammenhängender GraphRhombus <Mathematik>ProgrammSelbst organisierendes SystemEreignishorizontE-MailGlättungGruppenoperationNetzwerkbetriebssystemMessage-PassingRechenschieberVideokonferenzProgrammierungCoxeter-GruppeZahlenbereichSystemaufrufElementargeometrieInformationAdditionFrequenzOrdnung <Mathematik>AdressraumUnrundheitDigitale PhotographieYouTubeMapping <Computergraphik>TelekommunikationDigitalisierungQuaderMultiplikationsoperatorMAPKollaboration <Informatik>Computeranimation
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
So, welcome, we've reached the end. I now have to thank a huge number of people that have put effort into this event. So get your chairs and applause ready. Our workshop and community day venue once again is being provided by Victoria University
of Wellington and our industry partner is surveying Special New Zealand. Please once again thank them. Please join me in thanking our Platinum sponsors, Land Information New Zealand and Microsoft.
Our Gold sponsors, Pinpoint Geospatial Solutions, Mapillary, Coordinates and Catalyst IT. More Gold sponsors, Terrier, Geoplex, Digital Earth Australia and Manaaki, Fennoa, Landcare
Research. Yet more Gold sponsors, Orbica, Address Finder and NIWA. Let's also thank our Silver sponsor, Mapbox and our Bronze sponsors, Geo Solutions, CART, Spatialised and Regal.
And our in-kind contributors, Land Information New Zealand, Manaaki, Fennoa, Landcare Research, Mammoth Geospatial, Victoria University of Wellington and Pinpoint Geospatial Solutions.
This event is certainly not just the effort of the 14 people on the conference committee. Every single person that has stood up on a stage, contributed a workshop, that massive collaborative effort is what makes this event so great. So the next few slides contain a large number of names of all of the people that have contributed.
Let's start with the workshop presenters and their helpers. Please congratulate them. We had four fantastic keynote speakers, five fantastic panel participants and session chairs
that made everything run smoothly. Please join me in thanking them. This is how many people have presented over the last two days.
Really, really, really looking forward to watching the talks on YouTube. Our travel grant program was also an enormous effort with a large number of organisers and obviously some fantastic grantees. Please join me in thanking them.
The travel grant program was also financially supported by OSG Oceania, OSG, New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade Aid Program, Pinpoint Geospatial Solutions, Microsoft and attendees as well.
Throughout this event, the smooth sailing has been facilitated by a very, very awesome group of volunteers. We also had – I definitely had a lot of additional support along the way by people
that pitched in with little things like maps and taking photographs of the event. The teams at the National Library, at Victoria University of Wellington, at NOS at Big World to all the organisations that we pulled in to help out have been absolutely fantastic
and obviously this whole thing kind of started with a logo competition and we got a fantastic logo from Tim Denny, so please give all of those people a round of applause.
Finally, I guess about 13 or 14 months ago, I started asking some people if they would be interested in helping out and pulling together an expression of interest in order to run this event and some were a little bit shy at first but eventually we pulled
together this group of – I'm not sure how many individuals – 13 or 14. And over that period of time, we've had more than 20 video calls. If you counted the number of emails and Slack messages and all of that communication,
it would be totally insane but they are an incredibly competent group of people and they've been absolutely awesome in organising this event and I would like them all to stand up in front of the stage, please.
Serie mit 52 Medien
Serie mit 50 Medien