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Easy and maintainable ownCloud setups in Active Directory environments

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Easy and maintainable ownCloud setups in Active Directory environments
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To hook up ownCloud to Active Directory can be tedious and error prone. Administrators increase their options in such environments by relying on Univention Corporate Server (UCS). The ownCloud setup for AD is simplified and maintainability is increased. This talk is about the challenge and the use cases UCS offers to administrators that have to deal with Microsoft Active Directory environments and want to use ownCloud. Univention Corporate Server (UCS) is one operating platform for ownCloud and the backbone of the official ownCloud Appliance. To hook up ownCloud to Active Directory is a manual process and can be tedious and error prone. It requires documentation reading and testing. Having ownCloud on UCS allows three options for running ownCloud in an Active Directory environment: 1. UCS is part of the AD domain. 2. UCS provides a seperate domain that is synchronized with AD. 3. UCS replaces AD and takes over all the directory data. In all cases, users in AD can authenticate with ownCloud as soon as they are activated in UCS. Customers have an increased flexibility for how they use ownCloud in their Active Directory environment. It increases their options on how to deal with Active Directory in the future. Furthermore, the administrative efforts are reduced, because of the maintained operating platform Univention Corporate Server. The talk is shortly about the challenges of setting up ownCloud in AD environments and then pans to the benefits UCS offers for ownCloud in such environments. On UCS systems with ownCloud installed, the Active Directory Connector is the next most installed app together with ownCloud. Thus, this topic is very relevant to ownCloud users.