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Branding with ownBrander and Tips and Tricks


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Branding with ownBrander and Tips and Tricks
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ownBrander is the magic tool we use to build branded desktop and mobile clients. This talk will be a walkthrough and provide some best practice recommendations and tips and tricks.
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hello, my name is Michael, I work at UNCLOUD in the customer support with colors, I'm also doing all the branding services for the customers, so this is like a short look
at our internal system we use to service for our customers, not too much like a commercial
I hope. Our customers can go to a tool we developed in the past, over the past few years, many of you guys helped here and it's part of our front-end system, it's automated build systems that build all the stuff, but for customers it should be easy and same as UNCLOUD
user interface is really good to use, also the tool we call ONPRENDER, it's also not that
complicated. And for all our customer needs, we use also the UNCLOUD, it's like a regular UNCLOUD instance and we have an app there, it's ONPRENDER, so we wrote the custom UNCLOUD app for this, and then you could go, and in this web view we asked for the
information we need to build the custom clients, so that means we use it for the desktop client, for Android client, for iOS client, and desktop is of course Windows, the Apple computers and Linux, all kinds of Linux, and we have also a basic theming of the
web interface there, and this is a step-by-step process, we ask everything that is needed,
we have also the explanation there, and at first if you go there, you have the general information about your project, and here I show you the Duncan cloud, so the cloud service
provided from Carlos, it's doing a workshop at the moment, we have an application name, and we have the server URL, server URL is normally configured directly so the user don't have to do this, but for the different platforms, most things are different, of course, and in the iOS world, for example,
we need bundle IDs, and we need an app group, and then it starts with the beautiful stuff, Carlos the Mexican, Duncan cloud, it's a cactus with a hat, and the users just can go there and upload
their things, we have the requirements of the size, it also gets checked, it's a wrong size, it says oh, please upload the correct size, we have the explanations, and for most of the
features, we have visual representation, where this asset will be in the final app, and this is the icon of the app. And then we have iOS, we need a bunch of things, splash screen image, this is only
for testing, this will look ugly, we have the logo, the back button on top if you're watching, and a lot of our users build very special set-ups, so they would like to filter
something, you could change the user agent of this custom client, for example, and then you can decide would you like to recommend this app on Twitter or Facebook, or is this more enterprise environment, we don't want to recommend our custom client to Facebook,
and a lot of stuff can be configured there. Also trying to get the feedback from the user, with the user sends the feedback to email address, and don't put bad feedback in the app store, for example.
Icons in the background, you could tweak numbers, and then this is quite a lot of information, but this is step-by-step process, and then we have optional items, you can configure everything, so you get your full-own look and feel of the iOS app.
At the end, you could also tweak all the icons, all the images we use there.
You need to fix this, Felix. In advance, so even the images, the buttons and the tool bar could be adjusted according your needs to the corporate design of your company.
So, Android, it's a little bit different, but we guide you through this process, step-by-step. And, yes, this is something I need to check with you. This is pretty difficult to generate this icon properly, so this don't work if I click
this, it's just showing a square. So, you see, everything is explained, how it works, and on the desktop, we have special
images for the Windows installer, the Apple installer is a little bit different, has this to have much colours in the system, so grey and black and white is better, and there
you could also use your own icons, the activity icons, and you see, this is a lot of assets you need, and, yes, for your Apple users, they don't want coloured menu items there,
so they want black and white icons too. You see, it's not in there yet. Some users have the white grey bar, some users have the dark bar, so they need black icons and white icons, and you need a lot of stuff to do this.
There you could select the Linux lines you want, and if you click generate, you get a tar file, and there is a full repository inside that you can put on your own web server and provide a repository for your users, and I will show it later.
And then the web, so we have, oh, the web, you have also different options, and if you click at the generate button, you get compressed file with a theme folder, you just take it,
put in your themes folder, configure it in the config.php file, and then you have a good starting point, so you have your own cloud and your own look and feel, but if you would like to do more changes, you could start and add additional style sheets, additional
JavaScript, tweak some of the template files, so just copy them in the theme file, there's a documentation in the developer manual. Back to the desktop, I showed you all the images needed, and all pixel images, and
so I have a background in media and graphic design, so I'm a Photoshop user, I know, not
the current version of own cloud, of Photoshop, and I prepared templates where we have, so the latest version, there's a feature called art board, I'm looking to find similar features in the sketch app and perhaps something is similar, could be done in GIMP 2, but
this is what I have yet, but I could provide you those template files, and you just place it in the fields, and then you go to export, and export is PNG, and it saves all the
individual art boards as a PNG file with the correct name and the correct size, and you just have to upload, you can just upload them to your own printer, and the part I
did in my last holiday, I don't have beautiful activity icons yet, so I prepared this, and I've also created a template for this, and there.
I used all the new features in the latest Photoshop version, on the left side you see this is like a master thing, and it's a linked image, and I can open this, and just
paint something there, so not very artistic, but you will see the result, so it's applied in all activity icons, so for me this is a fast way I found yet to generate this amount
of images, like a proof of concept, and I'm looking for a way to do this with open source software, but if you're interested I could provide this for you, and you could
generate all the files in the required sizes. Back to the Linux repository, I told you, it's generated with some magic, and this is for example the Linux repository for the Duncan Cloud client, there you see, you
get instructions to install the clients for the different platforms, with your names, with the release key, with all the repository information, and your users could go, open
the terminal, just enter the things, and at the end you have a working on-cloud desktop client that can easily be updated in your infrastructure, so no need to install the
only one even for Windows, yes, it was just a quick overview about the stuff we have to service our customers, and if you have any questions about this, I'm there on the conference, just contact me, ask me.
This is Duncan Cloud, the same design. You could register for a free account, and if you buy beer for Carlos, he will give
you a lot of space, so one gigabyte, no problem, one terabyte, a few more beer, so this is for our experience to run on cloud in production.
Any questions? Just ask me at the conference. Thank you.