Wt is a C++ library for developing web applications and sites. Wt provides widget-centric API to write web application as if graphicalapplication. Wt translates this to Ajax powered site or to plain HTML sitedepending on the client. Unlike page-based frameworks or single-pageJavaScript frameworks, Wt creates stateful applications that are at the sametime highly interactive but still support plain HTML browsers or web crawlers. Luawt uses all the power of Wt in the world of Lua. Luawt is different frompopular solutions like Lapis and Sailor, because Wt is different. Targetcustomer of luawt wants to provide web interface to a library, written in C orLua. Luawt application can’t run directly from nginx.conf, but the applicationhas per-session state and its code looks like GUI application's code. Luawt isnot finished yet, but we have a number of solutions to automate generation ofbindings using gccxml, so we expect it to become a practical solution verysoon. We would like to give a talk about luawt in order to show its facilities anddemonstrate several examples how it could be applied in everyday webdevelopment. |