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Diversity User Research and Women in Open Source

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Diversity User Research and Women in Open Source
Becoming a Better Listener and Women in Open Source Technologies. Developing a deeper understanding of minorities in tech.
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

Diversity User Research: Becoming a Better Listener - Gloria Dwomoh In order to understand the struggles and/or challenges of minorities in techand foster a safe environment for their inclusion, we need to be betterlisteners. One way we are able to get access to the voice of our users isthrough user research. However in order to increase effective communication weneed to learn the art of listening. Several of us were taught to speak, readand write, but we simply assume we know how to listen. There is a saying thatless than 2% of people have had any formal education on how to listen, whilethat is a skill that many of us use in our daily lives. Through this talk wewill understand the difference between hearing and listening; we will alsoexplore active listening and how it can better help us in our user research. Women in Open Source Technologies - Kristi Progri The Gender Gap is one of the most talked topic since forever, and still a Gap.Where are the women in Open Source? Why is the gap so big? Women participationin open technology and culture is very important so we should all pay moreattention. This talk will be focused on the large steps we can take to reducethis gap. Also we will share out experience at our hackerspace in Tirana,Albania since we have lots of women there. Let's face it: Gender Diversity in Tech is in a quite bad shape. The sad thingabout it is that it's even more noticeable in many Open Source communities inparticular. But why is gender diversity important? It’s not just diversity for the sake of diversity. If men and women areequally intelligent, statistically speaking, then out of the smartest tenpeople in the world, five should be male and five should be female. Thus, ifyour team is anything less than an equal balance of men and women, then yourteam is probably not the best it can be. Unfortunately, if we take a look at a random sample from GitHub activecontributors from 2015, just 5.4% of GitHub users with over 10 contributionsare female. Let's talk about the ways we can fix this and what efforts Mozilla does toimprove this and how you can help Mozilla help the community, concretely withWomoz (Women at Mozilla) and the Diversity & Inclusion Team at Mozilla.