The open-source software Alyvix is a synthetic monitoring system, based oncomputer vision. It automates any application, interacting with GUIs exactlyas a human would do. In this way, Alyvix can check the availability and canmeasure the responsiveness of applications. From a computer science point ofview, Alyvix is an open-source Python-based software, which can be deployed onWindows 64-bit machines as a part of an open-stack of libraries. Alyvix mainlyrelies on the following open-source software projects: RobotFramework fordesktop automation, OpenCV and Pillow for image processing, TesseractOCR fortext recognition and PyQt for GUI programming. Francesco Melchiori, as Alyvixproduct manager, will explain how Alyvix works leveraging on theaforementioned packages, what software design choices have been taken.Finally, he will show how this computer vision solution solves the need of aneffective visual synthetic monitoring of proprietary network applications.This aims to suggest other use cases with the Alyvix API. |