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Global warming induced hybrid rainy seasons in the Sahel


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Global warming induced hybrid rainy seasons in the Sahel
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The small rainfall recovery observed over the Sahel, concomitant with a regional climate warming, conceals some drought features that exacerbate food security. The new rainfall features include false start and early cessation of rainy seasons, increased frequency of intense daily rainfall, increasing number of hot nights and warm days and a decreasing trend in diurnal temperature range. Here, we explain these mixed dry/wet seasonal rainfall features which are called hybrid rainy seasons by delving into observed data consensus on the reduction in rainfall amount, its spatial coverage, timing and erratic distribution of events, and other atmospheric variables crucial in agro-climatic monitoring and seasonal forecasting. Further composite investigations of seasonal droughts, oceans warming and the regional atmospheric circulation nexus reveal that the low-to-mid-level atmospheric winds pattern, often stationary relative to either strong or neutral El-Niño-Southern-Oscillations  drought patterns, associates to basin warmings in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea to trigger hybrid rainy seasons in the Sahel. More challenging to rain-fed farming systems, our results suggest that these new rainfall conditions will most likely be sustained by global warming, reshaping thereby our understanding of food insecurity in this region.
HybridraketeErwärmung <Meteorologie>RegenJahreszeitNiederspannungsnetzVideotechnikComputeranimation
JahreszeitErwärmung <Meteorologie>RegenHybridraketeRegenErwärmung <Meteorologie>Blatt <Papier>RegenzeitKalenderjahrBesprechung/Interview
DürreChirale AnomalieIntensitätsverteilungNiederfrequenzUmlaufzeitNiederspannungsnetzTiefdruckgebietSchreibwareTechnische ZeichnungZeichnung
Institute of PhysicsRegenzeitHybridantriebErwärmung <Meteorologie>TemperaturBlatt <Papier>RaumfahrtEinbandmaterialVorlesung/KonferenzBesprechung/Interview
WindroseStörstelleInterplanetares Magnetfeld
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hi, I'm Saini Salak from WASCA. I would like to introduce our recent paper published in Environmental Recyclators about hybrid rainy seasons induced by global warming in the Sahel.
So, if I represent the rainfall trend over the past 62 years, with the horizontal line as being the normal distribution, anything below is dry, anything above is wet.
From the 1950s to now, rainfall in the Sahel had this shape, with the positive anomalies before
the 70s, negative anomalies after the 70s, and now it's coming up towards close to normal situations.
Here, in the paper, we show that this period is characterized by new features, including false onset of seasons, early sensations, high frequency of intense rainfall, distribution of longer dry spell periods,
but also hot nights, warm days, and also a decrease in the daily temperature range. The question we answer in that paper is, what are the driving factors which explain this hybrid characteristic of the rainy seasons in the Sahel?
If you want to find the answer, please read the paper titled Global Warming-Induced Hybrid Rainy Seasons published in Environmental Recyclators at IOP Publishing.