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Low-frequency oscillations in narrow vibrated granular systems


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Low-frequency oscillations in narrow vibrated granular systems
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We present simulations and a theoretical treatment of vertically vibrated granular media. The systems considered are confined in narrow quasi-two-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional (column) geometries, where the vertical extension of the container is much larger than both horizontal lengths. The additional geometric constraint present in the column setup frustrates the convection state that is normally observed in wider geometries. This makes it possible to study collective oscillations of the grains with a characteristic frequency that is much lower than the frequency of energy injection. The frequency and amplitude of these oscillations are studied as a function of the energy input parameters and the size of the container. We observe that, in the quasi-two-dimensional setup, low-frequency oscillations are present even in the convective regime. This suggests that they may play a significant role in the transition from a density inverted state to convection. Two models are also presented; the first one, based on Cauchy's equations, is able to predict with high accuracy the frequency of the particles' collective motion. This first principles model requires a single input parameter, i.e. the centre of mass of the system. The model shows that a sufficient condition for the existence of the low-frequency mode is an inverted density profile with distinct low and high density regions, a condition that may apply to other systems too. The second, simpler model just assumes an harmonic oscillator like behaviour and, using thermodynamic arguments, is also able to reproduce the observed frequencies with high accuracy.
ImpulsübertragungPatrone <Munition>FeldstärkeSicherheitsbehälter
SicherheitsbehälterAngeregter ZustandFeldstärkeComputeranimation
FrostMasse <Physik>Dreidimensionale IntegrationVideotechnikSpantTonfrequenzLock-in-VerstärkerAngeregter ZustandNiederfrequenzHobelBettAmplitudeSphericVideotechnikGreiffingerTeilchenLangwelleSchlichte <Textiltechnik>SicherheitsbehälterMasse <Physik>SpantFlüssigkeitVergaserKraft-Wärme-KopplungNegativer WiderstandTonfrequenzFeldstärkeAnalogsignalIonGleichstromSatz <Drucktechnik>Diagramm
RauschzahlNiederfrequenzBlatt <Papier>Negativer WiderstandLangwelleModellbauerNiederfrequenzDirekteinspritzungComputeranimationDiagramm
GasdichteProfil <Bauelement>BettElektronische MedienModellbauerNegativer WiderstandTiefdruckgebietNiederfrequenzFlugsimulatorKontinuumsmechanikTechnische ZeichnungDiagramm
RauschzahlNiederfrequenzModellbauerFeldstärkeKonvektionWarmumformenSchreibwareModellbauerNegativer WiderstandAngeregter ZustandBlatt <Papier>FlugsimulatorArmbanduhrComputeranimation
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Granular materials are conglomerates of macroscopic particles or grains.
The defining property of grain interaction is the dissipation of energy every time a collision takes place. Due to this property, it is possible to observe many kinds of exceptional phenomena lying in between the behaviors of regular solids and liquids. In our work, we focus on agitated granular matter. In this case, the energy dissipated by
raised interactions is contracted by collisions with moving walls. Depending on the method and strength of shaking, as also on the container geometry, a remarkable collection of non-equilibrium inhomogeneous table states can be observed. Our simulation study considers perfectly spherical hard grains of diameter D.
This setup consists of a rectangular tall container which is vibrated in the vertical direction. The container base area is rather small. Its size is only five particle diameters. This makes impossible the appearance of any inhomogeneities in the horizontal directions,
which is why we say this setup is quasi one-dimensional. The video now shows the evolution of the particles as the container is shaken. We show a 2D projection of the system in the Z-X plane. As you can see, for the high frequencies of excitations we choose,
the grains arrange in such a way that there is a solid or fluid layer on top of a gaseous one. This state has been previously named the granular light-on-flow state due to its analogy with the liquid over vapor phenomena observed in regular fluids. We have now considerably sped up the video to one frame per oscillation cycle.
On the right, the evolution of the center of mass of the particles is shown. It can be clearly seen that the granular bed is oscillating in a fairly regular way.
Let us now compute the Fourier transform of the evolution of the center of mass. Two peaks can be clearly distinguished. A very steep one at the frequency of oscillation of the system and a broad lower peak that corresponds to the frequency of the so-called low frequency oscillations.
Furthermore, we show the Fourier transform for different shaking strengths. Remarkably, as more energy is injected, the low frequency oscillations become slower. These three plots show how the frequency of the low frequency oscillations vary with the energy injection. The inverse dependence can now be easily appreciated.
Our paper also includes a model that clarifies the origin of these oscillations. By approximating the average density profile of the system by two constant regions of low and high densities and considering Cauchy's equation for continuum media, we are able to
obtain a relation between the frequency of the oscillations and the ratio of the densities of the bed. The agreement between simulations and the model is overall very good and improves as shaking strength increases. In the paper, we begin by relating this work with previous research done in wider geometries and observe the existence of the presented phenomena in
convective states. Moreover, a detailed characterization of the oscillations is presented, as well as a second model that reaches similar results considering thermal anomic arguments. Thank you very much for watching.