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Making Of The DEF CON Documentary

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Making Of The DEF CON Documentary
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Early in 2012, to commemorate the 20th year of the conference, Jason Scott was asked if he would be interested in filming a documentary about DEF CON, whose policies and attendees have traditionally rejected media scrutiny and access. He was interested. Working with his producer, Rachel Lovinger, and a crew of six, Jason filmed for most of 2012, including five 20-hour days in Las Vegas last year, and then spent another 9 months editing 278 hours of footage into what has become DEF CON: The Documentary. The finished film will premiere at DEF CON XXI. Jason and Rachel will provide a look behind the scenes: discussing the planning and production process for this immense project, the ups and downs, and the learned lessons. Plus, we'll show some of the stranger footage you won't get to see in the final film. Jason Scott (@textfiles) is a historian, archivist, activist and documentary filmmaker who has made two films before DEF CON, called BBS and GET LAMP. He has spoken at DEF CON a dozen times and it gets harder every. Single. Time. Rachel Lovinger (@rlovinger) is a content strategist, movie buff, and documentary geek. She's been involved in a variety of film projects, but none of them compared to the intense shooting schedule of "The DEFCON Documentary." Having known Jason Scott for 25 years and having been to DEFCON several times, she somehow still agreed to help produce this film.