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Quantum Dots (Coherence) III: Scaling up spin qubits in quantum dots


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Quantum Dots (Coherence) III: Scaling up spin qubits in quantum dots
Alternativer Titel
Quant. Dots (Coherence) III
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

The IDEA League is a collaboration of 4 technical universities in Europe: RWTH Aachen in Germany, TU Delft in the Netherlands, ETH Zurich in Switzerland and TU Chalmers in Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2015 four week-long graduate schools in quantum information will be held at these universities. This website serves as an information site concerning registration, information and learning/lecture material for these schools. Quantum mechanics is our most fundamental model of the physical world. Compared with the concepts of classical physics that form the basis of our existing techniques for computation and communication, the quantum principles imply a fundamentally different structure for the content of information, promising profound speedups in computation and altered ground rules for communication, with the possibilities for privacy and security put on a more secure basis. The goal of the Quantum Information Processing schools is to provide a comprehensive training program, targeted to senior Masters and beginning PhD students enrolled at the 4 Universities of the IDEA League. The program should get these students fully prepared to undertake original research in this area, to know their colleagues in Europe and internationally, and to provide the seeds for collaboration that will enrich the student's work, both in the PhD and beyond.