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How can the students get Geospatial Information and make a map by using the FOSS4G.

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How can the students get Geospatial Information and make a map by using the FOSS4G.
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ProduktionsortSeoul, South Korea

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We propose one of the practical case that the students are able to handle Geospatial Information and to make a map by using the FOSS4G. In recent years, the informatization of education is progressing in Japan. Its aim is to distribute one information device per one child in 2020 by informatization of education. However, it is not easy to implement the information device as the educational method. It is the same situation with respect to geographic information technology for education. From such a background, we founded the NPO in order to help the school by using a geographic information technology in 2011. We have carried out some of technical workshops for teachers, development of GIS teaching materials, and the provision of curriculum. Especially it is important to use geographic information technologies in geographical and historical education. In the classroom of geography and history, students can understand with realistic by using the GIS teaching materials. Therefore, we provide the teaching materials created by GIS for teachers or students. GIS can develop the teaching materials to maximize the imagination of students. Mainly, we have been using QGIS in the development of teaching materials. The KML file is an output from QGIS. The method is to provide database system in web by KML file materials. The name is OpenTextMap. The FOSS4G have been effective in this activity. Our goal in this talk is to share the educational practice by FOSS4G to other people.