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DigitalGlobe and Open Source

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DigitalGlobe and Open Source
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ProduktionsortSeoul, South Korea

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Adding some important and pertinent information to this abstract with respect to the recent tragic events in Nepal. DigitalGlobe, in responding to the devastating earthquake in Nepal, has openly licensed both pre-event and post-event imagery, as well as openly licensed the results of our Tomnod campaign, which has crowdsourced information from nearly 50,000 volunteer contributors to assess damage and displaced people in Nepal. DigitalGlobe is working with first responders, aid relief and NGOs including Kathmandu Living Labs, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, the UN, IFRC and American Red Cross. We are providing important information to disperse relief to the growing number of displaced people. The work we have done has been featured by CNN, CCTV, Mashable, the Atlantic and many more. Please reference links below. This is a poignant example of how Geospatial data, provided in the open can benefit millions of people who need help. http://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2015/05/01/wbt-intv-lake-bullock-nepal-digitalglobe.cnn http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/05/the-mapmakers-helping-nepal/392228/ http://www.citylab.com/tech/2015/04/how-amateur-mappers-are-helping-recovery-efforts-in-nepal/391703/ http://mashable.com/2015/05/06/landslide-nepal-photos-before-after/#:eyJzIjoidCIsImkiOiJfdTVjdzgyb2M5aGRnMnZ1bCJ9 Original abstract: DigitalGlobe operates a constellation of high resolution, high accuracy satellites. Imagery from DigitalGlobe can be seen in Mapbox Satellite, CartoDB, Google Maps, HERE Maps, Bing Maps, Apple Maps and is often used for the purposes of contributing, editing and validating for OpenStreetMap. Over the years, DigitalGlobe has provided both imagery and software processing tools with an Open Source license. This includes post-event imagery for Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and the Japanese Tsunami. Recently, we open sourced a software toolkit called "Mr Geo" http://defensesystems.com/articles/2015/01/14/nga-open-sources-geospatial-analysis-tool.aspx This presentation will give an overview of DigitalGlobe, our geospatial technology and our services we are providing to the Open Source community.