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Live monitoring of ski tracks in Norway

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Live monitoring of ski tracks in Norway
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ProduktionsortSeoul, South Korea

Inhaltliche Metadaten

This presentation is a complete walk-through of a system for live monitoring of ski tracks, built with open-source components. If ski track monitoring sounds odd to you, it is in principle the same as live monitoring a sweeping truck, snow-plough or any other road maintenance vehicle. The background for the system��s existence is a small, Norwegian town��s obsession with finding out where and when ski tracks were last prepared for them. A few man-hours, combined with the power of open source, has made it possible to create an affordable and efficient live tracking system. In this presentation, every aspect of the solution will be explained in full detail: The GPS tracking unit, the server and database components, and finally the web application that visualizes the data. Despite not being a revolutionary system, the concepts and experience drawn from this project can be useful to other developers who are starting off with open-source and geomatics. However, it may also be interesting to more weathered developers who would like to see a different approach to the problem of spatiotemporal data modelling with PostGIS. The open-source components that the presentation will touch on are the following: - Traccar - GPS trakcing server - PostgreSQL + PostGIS - Arduino - Apache2 + PHP + libpq