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Advances in Civic Co-management Within the Geospatial Ecosystem Applied to Disaster Risk Management

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Advances in Civic Co-management Within the Geospatial Ecosystem Applied to Disaster Risk Management
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ProduktionsortSeoul, South Korea

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The use of mobile devices for identifying risk and coordinating disaster response is well accepted and has been proven as a critical element in disaster risk management [1,2]. As new tools, applications, and software are adopted by municipal governments and NGOs for the identification and management of urban risk, the need for greater integration of the various data they aid in collecting becomes acute. While the challenge of integrated data management is substantial, it is aided by the fact that many new tools have been developed to include an Application Programming Interface (API), which allows the machine-to-machine (i.e. automated) sharing of open data [3]. While some proprietary platforms for the management of urban data are currently available, they are extremely costly and very limited in terms of data inputs; to date there are no open source geospatial software tools for the integrated management of various API sources. A key to improving disaster risk management as an element of risk identification is the development of an integrated open source Decision-Support Risk Matrix that enables: 1) automated integration of multiple geospatial and non-geosapatial API sources into a low cost, user-oriented dashboard; 2) backend database and software design for the Risk Matrix that enables data sources to be parameterized and interrogated; 3) the development of an output API stream that allows additional secondary applications to optimize their evaluations and analyses through open access to critical risk information. Jakarta and its surrounding conurbation (Jabodatabek) has the highest rate of urbanization in the world and comprises the second-largest contiguous settlement on earth. With a greater metropolitan area hosting 13 rivers, 1100 kilometers of canals, and over 28 million residents, Jakarta is a key case study for the development of improved risk management through new tools and open software [4]. Risk information and coordination through open data protocols is critical to support decision-making about disaster response, emergency planning, and community resilience. Furthermore, rich suites of open and accessible geospatial risk data generate activity in NGOs and the private sector, especially for longer term planning tools and economic calculators. The development of application-driven data collection via mobile devices allows for unprecedented data collection capacities, but to be effective, these technologies require coordination through open source software. CogniCity is a GeoSocial Intelligence Framework developed by the SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong and the emergency management agency of Jakarta (BPBD DKI). CogniCity is a geographical information system that allows collection and visualization of geospatial data on flood alerts (via Twitter) and the use of spatio-topological network models of hydraulic networks. Through its implementation PetaJakarta.org (Map Jakarta), CogniCity has been proven in an operational manner to improve government response to flooding in Jakarta [4]. This paper presents the next version of CogniCity to support an Application Programming Interface (API)-enabled Decision-Support Matrix. The result is an open source platform capable of transforming real-time data about flooding in the city of Jakarta into open, accessible and actionable information by government agencies, NGOs and the public.