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Open-Source 6LoWPAN IoT BSP


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Open-Source 6LoWPAN IoT BSP
WPANKit - A Linux based Open-Source 6LoWPAN IoT BSP
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Open Source 6LoWPAN IoT BSP
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Diskrete-Elemente-MethodeOpen SourcePersonal Area NetworkDualitätssatzHackerSimulationKernel <Informatik>BootenSoftwareSpezialrechnerRechnernetzFlächeninhaltAdressraumLeistung <Physik>Software Development KitATMRouterGebäude <Mathematik>Internet der DingeMini-DiscProgrammierumgebungSystemplattformAdressraumEmulatorBildgebendes VerfahrenMAPGebäude <Mathematik>Physikalisches SystemEinfügungsdämpfungInterface <Schaltung>SoftwareSoftware Development KitRouterBootenOpen SourceNetzbetriebssystemHackerKernel <Informatik>MultiplikationsoperatorWeb SiteAutomatische IndexierungMereologiePasswortSoftwarewartungVerzweigendes ProgrammTaskAutomatische HandlungsplanungProjektive EbeneE-MailMailing-Listep-BlockAttributierte GrammatikDämon <Informatik>Offene MengeNotebook-ComputerHardwareDokumentenserverTypentheorieNabel <Mathematik>PlastikkarteWhiteboardRepository <Informatik>Drahtloses lokales NetzFehlermeldungMikrocontrollerEinfach zusammenhängender RaumProtokoll <Datenverarbeitungssystem>SoftwaretestZusammenhängender GraphEnergiedichteCASE <Informatik>MathematikXMLComputeranimationVorlesung/Konferenz
SoftwareDiskrete-Elemente-MethodeDualitätssatzOpen SourceGebäude <Mathematik>SimulationMereologieEinfach zusammenhängender RaumInterface <Schaltung>SoftwareTreiber <Programm>Protokoll <Datenverarbeitungssystem>MatrizenrechnungPolygonnetzMAPInformationMailing-ListeGruppenoperationRechenbuchMinkowski-MetrikKartesische KoordinatenSoftwaretestVermaschtes NetzCASE <Informatik>Internet der DingeFunktion <Mathematik>RouterHoaxImplementierungÄhnlichkeitsgeometrieDrahtloses lokales NetzHardwareSchreib-Lese-KopfGebäude <Mathematik>StandardabweichungComputersimulationEinsATMTabelleMetrisches SystemLesen <Datenverarbeitung>UmwandlungsenthalpieWeb SitePersonal Area NetworkKonditionszahlProjektive EbeneEinfügungsdämpfungMathematikKeller <Informatik>AlgorithmusTypentheorieRoutingExpertensystemFunktionalBitRahmenproblemMaschinenschreibenPunktSystem FComputeranimationVorlesung/Konferenz
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Thank you everybody for listening to my talk about the vehicle kit of Alinox-based open source 6.0.10 IoT. My name is Alexander Ahren, and let me start.
Why you are here? I want to remember you. Here is the custom website banner on the index part of custom.org and there stands a lot of passwords like beer or hackers with lectures
and when I heard the first time about the first time I thought about everybody is something like hackers sitting here with a lot of thoughts and you can do that, that's fine for me because when I look here in the audience nobody is like this guy
and you are not here I think because you want to only drink a lot of beer and missing a lot of thoughts. You are here more because you are hackers which are looking for the next challenge which you took to make a big project which you want to do.
And my personal challenge at Pangotronics is IoT 6.0.10. I am the Linux kernel maintainer for the 6.0.10 branch inside the Linux kernel
and my tasks are managing caches, review and talking about future plans and I also did the last four stem talks about my 6.0.10 stuff inside the kernel and also on the mailing list I am helping a lot of users
and the users asking many times how to use the 6.0.10 stick on the Linux and how to do the kernel stuff for profiling if you run it on a Raspberry Pi and do all other stuff.
For example, for the Raspberry Pi they replaced the SBN image with the mainline kernel not the API kernel anymore and then all running in the same issues.
For example, if somebody knows the if block D daemon, the task of this daemon is to bring the interface up again if somebody does the interface down. It gets some features and a lot of people have this issue that they can't change
some attributes at the interface because the interface needs to be down and the daemon does it up when you want to draw it down and I also do a lot of lectures like this one here
and yes, I also talk about the SBN Pi here for example there is an 802.54 transceiver you can get this transceiver from an open laptop
CO is open hardware except the transceiver here but the board itself is open with some schematics and the Raspberry Pi is a swiss army knife
and it's one Linux and it's easy to handle because you can handle it here and it's really cheap I think everybody here in the audience has a Raspberry Pi and my repo kit is a board support kit
it helps you to realize your next Linux-based challenge it means it does a lot of cross-compiling the bootloader, the kernel, the user-based software and at the end you have to find an image so you don't need to replace the one encounter from your REST build anymore
simply check out the Git repository for the repair kit then type some shell command and at the end find an image that will be produced and you can flash it on your SD card and it's simple, it runs everything
the bootloader and the kernel with special 6-lopan-enabled features and user-based software which is needed for 6-lopan and IPv6 stuff 6-lopan, if nobody heard about it
it's IPv6 over low-power wireless personal error network a low-power wireless personal error network is something like 802.54 or Bluetooth Low Energy it's a low-power wireless personal error network
and it's also used by some small IoT operation systems like Contiki or wiredOS which runs on small microcontrollers and it means that you think which is connected by some microcontroller
with Contiki or wiredOS you get an IPv6 address to get access from any IPv6 connection so, then I was thinking about if I'm maintaining a Linux subsystem
and many users have these issues with the wrapping image and the if-plug-e providing a development kit would be great because nobody has the issues anymore you need only to type a command line
and it generates your everything to one 6-lopan on the Raspberry Pi the Linux 6-lopan that we currently support is protocol energy and 802.54
and a typical use case are something like a border router that's for routing from Ethernet IPv6 network into a 6-lopan network or a simple one as a central node for measuring some temperature
or other stuff and you also can do it for testing I heard about in this dev room is a lot of IoT software presented and if you have IPv6 connection for your IoT software
you can simply test it if your IoT software works with the 6-lopan stack for the Linux and you can also use it for developing I use it myself for making mainline 6-lopan stuff
and we have also some users which only have some great monitor device like with this transceiver and Ethernet you can run Wireshark on your desktop PC and pipe over Ethernet the Wireshark traffic over network
and this way it's on your desktop PC yes, the VPN kit use some components like the Ovella tool change and PDX disk PDX disk is a build system tool which does a lot of loss compiling stuff for you
it also offers interfaces for other tools like CMake to make the right environment variable to cross compile your stuff for the recipe in Pi for example
and also use barebox that's a bootloader for recipe in Pi we support the platform for the VPN kit which is recipe in Pi 1
and recipe in Pi 2 and the vegan bone and for kuemu we have some x86 emulation and I personally use it only for USB because fighting USB on the vegan stage for recipe in Pi is very difficult
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work and you also can do a virtual interface we have some fake ALB driver the name is fake ALB for fake loopback it's similar like the 802.11 wireless hardware simulator driver
if you know this and that means you don't need any special hardware to test your IoT software for the 6 loopback stack
you can also test it with virtual driver you can get the software on this website it's the website from the Linux WPAN project and we also have some tables here outside
where we are presenting barebox and PDX test and includes also our 6 loopback and co-app demonstration it's directly here in this building are there any questions? please speak later for the whole
I'm reading that there's a new Bluetooth specification all along which makes some changes which might help drive 6 loopback you know, increases in packet size and that type of thing do you think that's the case? or are we? yeah, I'm not a Bluetooth expert
but I also heard about they want to introduce more meshing into the Bluetooth standard and not anymore point to point connection but I don't know I think it will be similar like 802.15.4 because 802.15.4 they have bootcraft frames
and they want to make it more in touch stage to make it more happier with IPv6 because we have multi-casting and multi-casting over point to point connection are very harmful
but I also heard they want to they don't want to do this in 4.2 it's delayed any other questions?
what about routing? what about routing? you can use IPv6 routing but you don't want that
because 6 loopback is very lossy network 6 loopback exist in RPL protocol? yes, the RPL protocol is defined by the wall group it's from the IETF
there exist user space application on strong I didn't test it yet but it's on my todo list for the next part but you can also use IPv6 routing
but it's not very you don't want that because IPv6 routing is made for ethernet cable connection which is very stable but you can also use it as border router for one hub connection
apparently you use border router and star network around it yes, there is no routing for border router in case but it's still on the todo list
and we have maybe a hockey head border router do you just connect to it? yes, it's working well between are you planning to do this?
are you choosing for IP routing? mesh under is doing routing on the peak layer but for 800-254 this doesn't exist
yes, you can do that but when you are in competition with the rest of IoT world RPL is one of the the finest standards I want to test it
the Armstrong implementation the name is Armstrong and I want to test the implementation I didn't test it yet
any other questions? I've developed some standard Linux Wi-Fi mesh routing protocol
I helped with some other ones I've organized the battle mesh as well which is happening in April or May so my question is how deep can you change things into the mesh of the 6Lofan of the stack
because on Linux we have this problem that you can build your own metrics depending on the RF conditions you can insert new metrics and function of the temperature if you want funky things like that
so I was wondering can you really change every bit you want into the mesh stack like doing funky things with routing I have an algorithm that decides I take that route because I want to I think this is very specialized for the special routing protocol
for lossy networks because they handle the right routing and the IPv6 routing doesn't it isn't made for lossy networks for example some mode is damaged
and you can't exit anymore but can you change the algorithm behind the mesh protocol can you do that if you want can you do it, is it possible with your solution? or it's defined by one vendor or one standard
let's say stuff like that I think what you're searching for is the RPO and mesh network you mean mesh under routing? At the lowest level possible like RF
the typical problem is to get information from the RF part like the receiving signal we need to introduce some more data from the physical side we need more interfaces to ask the driver
RPO makes some matrix calculation about that and then they calculate if the signal is good or bad
typically the issue we have with drivers is to get information from the driver so I don't know if it's the same issue you don't talk directly with the driver layer
you have a linked layer we have a whole room of people here you can talk with other outputs ok, I talk with you any other questions? now we can close
Alexander, thank you very much