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Deep Learning with Python & TensorFlow

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Deep Learning with Python & TensorFlow
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Ian Lewis - Deep Learning with Python & TensorFlow Python has lots of scientific, data analysis, and machine learning libraries. But there are many problems when starting out on a machine learning project. Which library do you use? How do they compare to each other? How can you use a model that has been trained in your production app? In this talk I will discuss how you can use TensorFlow to create Deep Learning applications. I will discuss how it compares to other Python machine learning libraries, and how to deploy into production. ----- Python has lots of scientific, data analysis, and machine learning libraries. But there are many problems when starting out on a machine learning project. Which library do you use? How do they compare to each other? How can you use a model that has been trained in your production application? TensorFlow is a new Open-Source framework created at Google for building Deep Learning applications. Tensorflow allows you to construct easy to understand data flow graphs in Python which form a mathematical and logical pipeline. Creating data flow graphs allow easier visualization of complicated algorithms as well as running the training operations over multiple hardware GPUs in parallel. In this talk I will discuss how you can use TensorFlow to create Deep Learning applications. I will discuss how it compares to other Python machine learning libraries like Theano or Chainer. Finally, I will discuss how trained TensorFlow models could be deployed into a production system using TensorFlow Serve.