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Analysing the practical feasibility of FOSSGIS in military operations – A Cholera outbreak use case


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Analysing the practical feasibility of FOSSGIS in military operations – A Cholera outbreak use case
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Remaining ahead of the enemy in all circumstances is crucial to any military power. Geographic information systems (GIS) can provide the military commander with geospatial information about the theatre of war to assist with the planning and execution of a mission. Unfortunately, technology usually comes at a price. GIS is no exception. The cost of acquiring and maintaining GIS software licenses, as well as training staff in the use of the software, needs to be considered. The question arises whether open source software, which can be used without any software license expenses, is a feasible alternative in military operations. The problem is that the perception exists that open source GIS software is neither user-friendly nor mature enough to be used in military operations. This study evaluates the functionality of an open source desktop GIS product in a military operations use case. A list of specific GIS functionalities was compiled based on the literature study and by developing a use case. The functionalities were executed in QGIS. Results were compared against results of the same functionalities in ArcGIS, which is widely used in military operations. Results show that all GIS functions tested by this study could be performed by both software products. These results are interesting because it means that FOSSGIS can be successfully deployed by units or directorates that has limited funds available to expand the existing GIS capabilities for military operations.
ARM <Computerarchitektur>
Feasibility-StudieGruppoidCASE <Informatik>Coxeter-GruppeA-posteriori-WahrscheinlichkeitVorlesung/Konferenz
Feasibility-StudieGruppoidCASE <Informatik>FlächeninhaltBeobachtungsstudieOrientierung <Mathematik>DateiverwaltungGruppoidBeobachtungsstudieFeasibility-StudieInformationSystemaufrufFlächeninhaltCASE <Informatik>Orientierung <Mathematik>XMLUMLComputeranimation
CASE <Informatik>FlächeninhaltOrientierung <Mathematik>BeobachtungsstudieVersionsverwaltungComputeranimation
SummierbarkeitOpen SourceBeobachtungsstudieFunktion <Mathematik>Mailing-ListeGruppoidProdukt <Mathematik>CASE <Informatik>WärmeausdehnungMaß <Mathematik>FlächeninhaltProdukt <Mathematik>Funktionale ProgrammierspracheBeobachtungsstudieMailing-ListeGruppoidFlächeninhaltOrientierung <Mathematik>ResultanteOpen SourceUmwandlungsenthalpieGenerator <Informatik>MereologieA-posteriori-WahrscheinlichkeitComputeranimation
FlächeninhaltOpen SourceGoogolMAPMUDDreiTaupunktMAP
GoogolMAPMetropolitan area networkOpen SourceRFIDMaster-GleichungQuick-SortBeobachtungsstudieFlächeninhalt
SatellitensystemBeobachtungsstudieSpezialrechnerRechter Winkel
BildschirmmaskeMereologieFlächeninhaltRechter WinkelFlächeninhaltBeobachtungsstudieInformationOrdnung <Mathematik>Mailing-ListeGraphfärbungPartikelsystemSchnitt <Mathematik>Computeranimation
BildschirmmaskeMereologieFlächeninhaltWasserdampftafelGruppoidZeitzoneWorkstation <Musikinstrument>DoS-AttackeSimulationPufferspeicherSoundverarbeitungMAPAnalysisOrtsoperatorMereologieDienst <Informatik>FlächeninhaltCASE <Informatik>WasserdampftafelPuffer <Netzplantechnik>QuadratzahlGruppoidPhysikalisches SystemComputeranimation
SimulationDoS-AttackePufferspeicherFlächeninhaltSoundverarbeitungGruppoidAnalysisZeitzoneMAPOrtsoperatorWorkstation <Musikinstrument>WasserdampftafelTelekommunikationDateiformatHill-DifferentialgleichungURLAnalysisGruppoidOrdnung <Mathematik>FlächeninhaltFunktion <Mathematik>WasserdampftafelWorkstation <Musikinstrument>ComputerspielBeobachtungsstudieMailing-ListeVirtuelle MaschineLineare RegressionReverse EngineeringGanze ZahlComputeranimation
BeobachtungsstudieFunktion <Mathematik>MAPSoftwaretestVersionsverwaltungCASE <Informatik>ModallogikCoxeter-GruppeGruppoidFlächeninhaltAnalysisWasserdampftafelLokales MinimumGesetz <Physik>RoboterURNMetropolitan area networkDreiCAN-BusShape <Informatik>MeterSichtenkonzeptBewegungsunschärfeFormation <Mathematik>SummierbarkeitMaß <Mathematik>ZustandsdichteCoxeter-GruppeResultanteElektronischer FingerabdruckArithmetisches MittelSoftwaretestTropfenFlächeninhaltMAPQuaderFunktionale ProgrammiersprachePuffer <Netzplantechnik>GruppoidBeobachtungsstudieCASE <Informatik>VersionsverwaltungFunktionale ProgrammierungURLAggregatzustandDefaultARM <Computerarchitektur>AnalysisMultiplikationsoperatorComputerspielComputeranimation
SummierbarkeitARM <Computerarchitektur>RohdatenMIDI <Musikelektronik>RechenwerkBitBefehl <Informatik>AnalysisTropfenResultanteKoordinatenOrdnung <Mathematik>Maß <Mathematik>ZentralisatorPhysikalisches SystemGruppoidWeb-SeiteElektronischer FingerabdruckComputeranimation
Metropolitan area networkSchlussregelInhalt <Mathematik>TabelleGesetz <Physik>MeterAnwendungssoftwareLesezeichen <Internet>BildschirmfensterEindringerkennungSoftwareAnalysisResultanteDifferenteLeistung <Physik>TypentheorieOrdnung <Mathematik>Kernel <Informatik>Funktionale ProgrammierspracheFlächeninhaltElektronischer FingerabdruckShape <Informatik>Computeranimation
Lokales MinimumKernel <Informatik>Konfiguration <Informatik>PartikelsystemInklusion <Mathematik>Quadratische GleichungShape <Informatik>Elektronischer FingerabdruckFunktionale ProgrammierspracheDefaultComputeranimation
BitARM <Computerarchitektur>DefaultResultanteKernel <Informatik>Auflösung <Mathematik>FlächeninhaltComputeranimation
Lesezeichen <Internet>SichtenkonzeptTeilmengeInhalt <Mathematik>Metropolitan area networkOrtsoperatorFlächeninhaltElektronischer FingerabdruckResultanteDreieck
MaßstabKreisbewegungResultanteFormation <Mathematik>DatensichtgerätKategorie <Mathematik>BitrateBildgebendes VerfahrenGraphfärbungElektronischer FingerabdruckTabelleInhalt <Mathematik>Mailing-ListeSummengleichungMultiplikationsoperatorGreen-FunktionEinfache GenauigkeitOffice-Paket
Elektronischer FingerabdruckRechenschieberFlächeninhaltGreen-FunktionResultante
PunktProdukt <Mathematik>ResultanteGraphfärbungFormation <Mathematik>AnalysisRechter WinkelBitLuenberger-BeobachterBildgebendes VerfahrenAggregatzustandEinfache GenauigkeitGruppoidElektronischer FingerabdruckSichtenkonzept
DreiNeunzehnGesetz <Physik>PrimzahlzwillingeAnalysisResultantePunktElektronischer FingerabdruckDifferenteVarianzRechenschieberSoftwareMailing-Liste
Zellulares neuronales NetzAnalysisProdukt <Mathematik>SymboltabellePunktSoftwareProgrammbibliothekDateiformatGruppoidVarianzCASE <Informatik>StichprobenumfangInternetworkingMobiles Internetsinc-FunktionElektronische Publikationt-TestDigitalisierungComputeranimation
DefaultProgrammbibliothekFunktion <Mathematik>AuswahlaxiomSoftwareProdukt <Mathematik>CASE <Informatik>Bitmap-GraphikFormation <Mathematik>SpezialrechnerPunktDateiformatSymboltabelleElektronischer FingerabdruckDateiformatBitDefaultProgrammbibliotheksinc-FunktionPunktResultanteFunktionale ProgrammierungGruppoidSoftwareVererbungshierarchieEinfache GenauigkeitOktave <Mathematik>Computeranimation
WärmeausdehnungFunktion <Mathematik>CASE <Informatik>Bitmap-GraphikSpezialrechnerDefaultPunktProdukt <Mathematik>KreisbogenElektronischer FingerabdruckAnalysisInverser LimesMAPElement <Gruppentheorie>SoftwareProdukt <Mathematik>Elektronischer FingerabdruckElement <Gruppentheorie>AuswahlaxiomVorlesung/Konferenz
GruppoidInverser LimesAnalysisFunktion <Mathematik>MAPDienst <Informatik>Element <Gruppentheorie>SoftwareKollaboration <Informatik>RechenwerkSoftwareAnalysisWellenpaketDienst <Informatik>MAPFunktionale ProgrammierungEigentliche AbbildungAdditionForcingFunktionale ProgrammierspracheDifferenteComputeranimation
VarianzMAPInverser LimesElement <Gruppentheorie>SoftwareKollaboration <Informatik>MereologieSoftwareVorlesung/Konferenz
SoftwareProdukt <Mathematik>MAPMultipliziererVektorpotenzialKraftBeobachtungsstudieBeobachtungsstudieOpen SourceMultipliziererForcingÜberlagerung <Mathematik>XMLComputeranimation
Selbst organisierendes SystemForcingPunktFlächeninhaltBildgebendes VerfahrenBeobachtungsstudieSoftwareGraphfärbungFehlermeldungSkriptspracheDatenverarbeitungssystemDifferenteRechter WinkelLogiksyntheseDesign by ContractProgrammierspracheVorlesung/Konferenz
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
All right, next presentation is Susan Henrico.
It's analyzing the practical feasibility of FOSTGIS in military operations. A cholera outbreak use case. Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you. Like I said, my name is Susan Henrico. The co-author of this articles were Professor Serena Coetzee and Mr. Anthony Cooper.
And then of course the topic is analyzing the practical feasibility of FOSTGIS in military operations, a cholera outbreak use case. My scope will be as follows, a short introduction followed by orientation of the study area, the discussion of the use case,
the cholera outbreak, the requirements for this cholera use case, the methods, the results, some conclusions and acknowledgement, sorry. And then of course the opportunity for questions.
War, conflict and disasters happens on the earth. GIS is a very important tool for commanders, but comes at a high price. This study evaluated the functionality of open source GIS desktop product
in a military operation use case. List of specific GIS functionalities was then compared based on the literature study as well as on developing a use case. The functionalities was then compared in AUGIS and in QGIS. The results are interesting because it showed
that QGIS or FOSTGIS can be used in a military operational scenario. I would like to give you now orientation of the study area. So the study area with the plants back area located in the northwest province
of South Africa. That's about 160 kilometers west of Pretoria. So of course we currently there in Germany and that's where I'm from, from South Africa.
This is the map of South Africa and the red marker indicates the study area, the plants back. What is quite interesting about the study area is that it was formed by a volcanic crater alkaline ring, only one of three in the world.
So it's quite interesting area. And if you can see to the right of this mountains is some built up areas. This is some nice pictures of the study area and on the top right hand corner
you can see some built up areas. So some information about the use case, the cholera outbreak. This was a fictitious scenario based on a cholera outbreak like I said in the plants back area. And the South African National Defense Force was endorsed by the Minister of Health
in order to curb the outbreak of this cholera. And this was done because the SNDF is the only national entity with a deployable medical capability. And cholera of course is a very highly infectious disease,
which still affects many parts of Africa and other parts of the world. This disease of course is caused by drinking contaminated water or food and is often found in areas with poor sanitation, crowding, war and famine.
If left untreated it can also lead to death. This is an example where the military was then tasked to assist in operation other than war. So for the use case the requirements was for last firstly a buffer area to be bought of 10 kilometer square
around the households affected by cholera. This will then be called the area of operations. Also some high risk cholera areas must be identified because it's important to show the South African military health services commander where the contaminated areas
or the most dire occurrence of this disease is. And then of course in any military operation knowledge of the terrain is crucial. Therefore also a hill shade layer to be bought. And cholera is spread very easily
with a very heavy rainy season and also therefore a flight simulation layer to be bought. In any military operations communications are vital and in communications line of sight is very important and therefore visibility analysis layer was made.
Also layers including locations of helicopter learning zones, medical treatment facilities, police stations, road book and water purification plants had to be indicated. The water purification plants a slope analysis layer had to be made
in order for the South African army engineer formation to see areas with less than 5% slope and also close to perennial river. The study was conducted in three stages. During stage one some GIS functionalities was identified.
This was done of course by the literature study as well as the use case. And during stage two the means and methods to assess the functions identified in stage one
were determined and developed. And then of course during stage three the GIS functionality tests were performed on both arches and it was on arches 10.2 and then in cages version 2.8.5 here. In this presentation for this article
however only the results of four of these tests will be discussed. The buffering of the area of operations, the cholera hotspot analysis, the visibility layer and then also the creation of the layer of showing the location of water purification plants. In test one that was the buffering of the area
of operations. This is the arches result and this of course is the qGIS result. What was quite important is the results in both arches and qGIS were very similar
and would have been successfully used by the military operational commander in both cases. In qGIS however there is not a drop down box in the buffalo analysis to specify the unit of measurements.
So this is slightly, so the GIS operator will have to have a bit of knowledge of coordinate reference systems of course. And then also in qGIS the segments to approximate was set to 99 in order to make the result
more comparable to the arches result and also to make the edges more smooth. With regards to the cholera hotspot analysis this was the arches result. This was the qGIS result and then this is when the two results are compared
as you can see there is quite significant difference although these difference are there both results would have been successful in order to show the commander where high risk areas of cholera are. The results are mainly due to the shape
of the kernel function used in the different software products. In arches the kernel shape is based on the quadratic kernel shape and in qGIS the quadratic or the bi-weight function was chosen. In qGIS you have option of choosing
any five of kernel shapes. In arches the default is that quadratic kernel shape. So you can see that the qGIS results picked up more areas and it was a bit finer resolution.
This was the result of in arches of the visibility layer. The red area show areas that will not be visible from the main HQ position which is the, I don't know if you can see in the middle the black triangle and then the green area shows areas
that are all visible from the main HQ position. This was the qGIS result. The qGIS result on the left of course it initially displays as a single grayscale image. The properties of this image was then changed to be more similar to the arches result
and the bands was also set to rate in the green colors and changed in the table of contents to display visible and not visible. In this slide the results of arches and qGIS were placed on top of each other basically.
On the left hand side is the arches result in green. The red areas indicate areas where the qGIS result was different from the arches result and on the right vice versa. In arches, arches 10.2, the observer points
it was a bit more complicated to enter since it had to be done manually. In arches 10.3, there is a new view sheet tool that seemed to solve this. Also with regards to the visibility analysis,
in qGIS like I said, the result is initially displayed as that single band grayscale image which must then be changed to display the color. So operator might see it a bit more complicated.
This was the result of the water purification plans, the slope analysis that was done in arches and of course digitizing of the points in qGIS. In this slide, the differences might appear as though there are a lot but it's not true.
This slide shows differences of less than 1% in the two software products and it's only tonal variances that were picked up. So the slope analysis products of both software products were very similar.
With regards to the digitizing of the point symbols, arches existing library were quite more extensive but in qGIS, new point symbols were then downloaded from the internet in a .svg format and also by combining other point symbols.
Of course, in a deployment, the operator will have to take note of this fact since in some cases when we deploy in Africa, internet might not be available so this downloading of .svg files have to be done before the operation starts.
So in conclusion, all the operational GIS functions could successfully be performed on both arches and the qGIS software. When the end result is a roster in qGIS, it will need a bit more refining since qGIS initially displayed the result
as that single-band grayscale image. The default existing library of point symbols in arches were found to be more extensive in arches. However, new point symbols were downloaded successfully in qGIS in .svg format
and also by designing new symbols. The fact that this native symbology in arches is more extensive could make arches the software of choice when it comes to extensive military cartographic products.
Forced GIS give all military elements access to GIS and of course, this fact cannot go without mention. Forced GIS also gives the user access to even the most advanced GIS functionalities such as the spatial and terrain analysis functions
without additional licensing costs. Software support can be crucial when troubleshooting in a military-critical situation and therefore, if you pay certain fees to a proprietary software vendor, you can expect to get some level of service
from that vendor. Although the level of employment of forced GIS can vary according to different units or directorates within the military, it is recommended at this stage because the S&F use of GIS quite extensively
that they use it in collaboration with other proprietary software. qGIS is definitely a fast-growing tool even in the military and we predict that its growth will be very good
Forced GIS therefore has the potential to be a force multiplier in the military. So, some acknowledgement for the South African National Defence Force for funding my studies, the University of Pretoria for supporting the study and then Professor Serena Coetzee and Mr. Anthony Cooper
that was the cover of this article. Questions?
I'm interested in how did you, how was it possible to map the probability of a cholera outbreak? How did you get that layer? Okay, since I mentioned this was a fictitious scenario,
so the initial cholera outbreak points were digitized when zooming into a sport five image and looking where the buildup areas in the study area are. Is that okay?
Hi, I just want to ask about the support aspect of your comparative history and I know they've got very large or push support contracts,
specifically government organizations so I don't know how it is in different places. What is that you, is there any look at what is support available for force software? Can you maybe elaborate on that? Because I do think that is important thing
that people don't necessarily want to do GIS, they do need at a certain level, they need support. Yes, we definitely, I definitely did look into that. In South Africa, there is also curious support available that you can buy or at Cartagena
or so we are definitely looking into that as a possibility for then having that support. All right, I guess if there's no more questions,
that concludes the session. Thank you. Thank you.