Why is it so hard to discover spatial data on search engines? In this talk we'll introduce you to an architectural SDI approach based on FOSS4G components, that will enable you to unlock your current SDI to search engines and the www in general. The approach is based on creating a smart proxy layer on top of CSW and WFS which will allow search engines (and search engine users) to crawl CSW and WFS as ordinary web pages. The research and developments to facilitate this approach have been achieved in the scope of the testbed "Spatial data on the web", organised by Geonovum in the first months of 2016. The developments are embedded in existing FOSS4G components (GeoNetwork) or newly released as Opensource software (LDproxy). We'll introduce you to aspects of improving search engine indexing and ranking, setting up a URI-strategy for your SDI, importance of URI persistence, introducing and testing schema.org ontology for (meta)data. We’ll explain that this approach can also be used in the context of linked data and programmable data, but it is important not to mix it up. María Arias de Reyna (GeoCat bv) Clemens Portele (interactive instruments) Joana Simoes (GeoCat) Lieke Verhelst (Linked Data Factory) Paul van Genuchten (GeoCat bv) |