CartoDB, and maps out of the Schemaverse
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Anzahl der Teile | 25 | |
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung - keine kommerzielle Nutzung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen und nicht-kommerziellen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen und das Werk bzw. diesen Inhalt auch in veränderter Form nur unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz weitergeben | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/19043 (DOI) | |
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Produktionsort | Ottawa, Canada |
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Abstract |
PGCon 20132 / 25
Metropolitan area networkGammafunktionUniformer RaumRouterPersonal Area NetworkGroße VereinheitlichungCASE <Informatik>XML
VIC 20Graphische BenutzeroberflächeGammafunktionSoftwareMoment <Mathematik>Open SourceMapping <Computergraphik>PunktwolkeMAPDatenbankComputeranimation
Metropolitan area networkElektronische PublikationVIC 20GammafunktionElektronischer DatenaustauschFortsetzung <Mathematik>GrundraumCoxeter-GruppeProgramm/Quellcode
Fächer <Mathematik>Metropolitan area networkGroße VereinheitlichungGammafunktionMehrwertnetzDualitätstheorieSinusfunktionARM <Computerarchitektur>GraphSpeicherbereichsnetzwerkMAPMeterBitComputeranimation
Elektronische PublikationElektronischer DatenaustauschMetropolitan area networkGraphische BenutzeroberflächeGammafunktionE-MailMereologieFlussdiagrammProgramm/Quellcode
Elektronischer DatenaustauschGammafunktionMetropolitan area networkARM <Computerarchitektur>Graphische BenutzeroberflächeDivisionRechter WinkelMereologieElektronische PublikationProgramm/QuellcodeXMLFlussdiagramm
Graphische BenutzeroberflächeMetropolitan area networkVIC 20Elektronischer DatenaustauschTabelleOrtsoperatorMAPAnalytische FortsetzungFortsetzung <Mathematik>InternetworkingXML
Graphische BenutzeroberflächeAppletEbeneMehrwertnetzGammafunktionMetropolitan area networkARM <Computerarchitektur>MultiplikationsoperatorProgrammbibliothekMAPURLSichtenkonzeptAutomatische HandlungsplanungTabelleProgramm/QuellcodeFlussdiagramm
GammafunktionElektronischer DatenaustauschProgrammbibliothekEndliche ModelltheorieAnalysisEinsStrategisches SpielMereologieMAPGerade Zahl
GammafunktionElektronischer DatenaustauschGraphische BenutzeroberflächeMetropolitan area networkRechter WinkelÄquivalenzklasseFlächeninhaltComputeranimation
Elektronischer DatenaustauschMetropolitan area networkGraphische BenutzeroberflächeGammafunktionMapping <Computergraphik>FunktionalKartesische KoordinatenSichtenkonzeptMAPDemo <Programm>Arithmetisches MittelA-posteriori-WahrscheinlichkeitZahlenbereichMultiplikationsoperator
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Everybody's going, five minutes, go. OK, so this talk was supposed to be about, can you handle to change the, about Car2DV. Car2DV is an open source software. It's a geospatial database in the cloud that lets you do maps out of PostgreSQL. So basically, you put SQL and you get maps out of it. But on the last two hours, I decided to change the talk. And I was going to show you how to make a map very quickly
using SQL and CSS. But I saw on the, at lunch, the Schemaverse presentation, I thought it would be cool, actually, to make a map out of the Schemaverse. So that's what we're going to be doing. And first, we, this is very, very big hack on the last two hours. All right, so the first steps was we just
exported all the planet data. And we exported all the data of the ship flight recorder. So just to get a bit of an idea, for those who don't know about the Schemaverse, this is just a bunch of ships currently flying around and their coordinates throughout.
That's going well. Yeah, it's not really loading anyways, so you're not missing much. But it could have worked. Yeah, well, oh god, what have we done? Anyways, so luckily, we have this in what gets exported.
We just exported it to CSV, and now that's not going to load for me, too. So moving along, I swear that data looked great. So OK, hopefully the last part will work something.
So essentially, what we wanted to do is to see if we could visualize that data. So we just loaded, basically, on Card2DB. So the way we did that is just by, essentially, you can just drag and drop the file that we just created before. You can also connect it, but I'm going to, is this one, right? You're going to take this one, OK.
So those are the planets. I'm just going to drag and drop it. And that will just create the new table on this Card2DB account. And basically, it has the latitude and longitude. You didn't see in the sequel, but basically, there's a position for every planet. We just transformed it into fake geographic locations, and we were going to do a map out of it. So because the internet is not going to let us do much more today. Oh, yeah, it's running.
So OK, so the data is there. And you can just click on the map view. And you will see a very nice map here. Well, what we wanted to see, actually, was not the planets. We wanted to see, actually, the ships moving. What we did is we loaded into this other table. It's called Safe Flight Recorder. And we have one record per each ship per location.
So ships are moving. So we have this column called TOC, which basically is like the time. So what we have is one full day of data of ships moving, trying to attack other planets. And what we did was just then put it onto one of the Card2DB libraries and visualize it as an animation.
So what you see here is one day of ships moving. So every day, the data restarts. So you see now it's going. And there's basically four main players going on. We can show it later compared to the other map that we have already. But you see now it's starting the day. So you see that they started the different parts of the map
and how they start expanding. The three ones are very clear. They have a very peculiar strategy, just trying to expand as fast as they can, while others, you can see, I'm going to pause it here so we can see it. So you can see others have like these guys here trying to move as fast as they can from one place to another.
So yeah, and this is how it looks like. Can we show the map of the? So this is kind of a heat map of what planets own it. So you can see where they all came from as far as everyone coming from different areas, one person in the middle, and then you've got the guy down in the very bottom right. If we take a quick look at this one again,
then it gives you a nice little view. And you can definitely imagine where their ships are coming in and how they're actually expanding to where they are now in that map and kind of fighting with each other. So this is a very quick demo that we just ran, obviously not very good on the last two hours.
But if you're interested about learning how to do maps out of data, Car2v is a great tool for doing that. And we can visualize really large amounts of data that moves over time. But also, you just need to make them. If they're static maps, you can also make them. Basically, it's based on Postgres and PostGIS. So if there's anybody interesting
on talking about how PostGIS works and so on, we're working a lot on it. So we're interested always in any kind of geographic or mapping functionality or application that you might want to build. So thank you very much. Anyone in here?