Building a mobile location aware system with beacons
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Identifikatoren | 10.5446/14790 (DOI) | |
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droidcon Berlin 201546 / 46
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Strom <Mathematik>Spannweite <Stochastik>Lokales MinimumBroadcastingverfahrenEmulatorHumanoider RoboterBitfehlerhäufigkeitMultiplikationsoperatorAbstandEnergiedichtePeripheres GerätHumanoider RoboterEmulatorZweiÄußere Algebra eines ModulsComputeranimation
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Virtuelle RealitätVirtuelle MaschineSoftwareHumanoider RoboterMaschinenschreibenHydrostatikAbstimmung <Frequenz>OvalAdressraumVersionsverwaltungDatensichtgerätAbstandObjekt <Kategorie>Überlagerung <Mathematik>Spannweite <Stochastik>Humanoider RoboterAbstandObjekt <Kategorie>Mailing-ListeIdentifizierbarkeitMultiplikationsoperatorGeradeMobiles InternetParametersystemDienst <Informatik>PaarvergleichDigital Rights ManagementProzess <Informatik>ATMRoutingPhasenumwandlungVorlesung/Konferenz
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
First of all, thank you for being here, and thanks to the organizer for giving me the opportunity of speaking here. It's my first time that I speak here in Droidcon Berlin, and I am really, really excited. But before starting, I want to present myself because it's my first...
Oops. Oh, sorry, we have problems. Is there a way I'm going to fix? You know. Okay, we are on stage again.
Oops. Where is it from? This is me. So, hello, and this is the only word that I can say in German, sorry. I am Alberto Lopez. I am a developer advocate for Brain Tree and PayPal running the EMEA region. And I am from Spain, so this is why I have this strong accent when I speak in English,
even when I speak in Spanish, and even when I try to speak in German. So, during the talk, if you have any doubt or you don't understand anything about what I am saying, please raise your hand, and I'm going to speak the same thing, with the same accent, with the same speed. Because it's a problem that we have in Spain.
We speak very, very, very fast. So, yes, sorry. So, coming back to the topic. Today, we are going to speak about how to build a mobile location-aware system with beacons. Wow, it's a humongous topic for a humongous topic. So, you know, the brand that I have on my daily life is like sometimes I am getting lost.
And I'm going to put you some example. In our daily life, I think there are common topics or common example. First example, you know, is the Alexa model that you have here.
It's amazing. I really like it, but it's humongous. And each time that I am there, I get lost. I don't know why, but it's something that happens to me. And, you know, sometimes when I ask to people, it's like, okay, where I am, where can I find this store, or where can I find another store? It's like, oh, maybe you have to go to the information point.
Okay, where is the information point? It's the same problem. It's like, maybe we can improve the experience, or at least my experience there, putting some devices, like victims, that are going to send to me some information about what is my position, what is the closest store that I want to go there, or something like this.
Another example, supermarket. I really like going to do shopping. But it's like, you know, when you are walking through the corridor, you have many, many offers, but you don't take a look to these offers because they are plain. They are in that way, and your view is over there.
So what is the idea? Maybe having VidCon, the system can send you some offers to your mobile device or to your smartwatch that I don't have here, and I don't know why. I have to find after that in the hotel, but it's going to be okay. So the VidCon can send to your watch, oh, here we have today, we have this kind of offer,
and it's an amazing offer. You know, and it's another, it's improving the customer experience in supermarket. Another example, museums. And I'm going to put you a real example. Imagine that we have this pizza Mexican pizza. It's a humongous pizza, so what is the first thing that you have to do?
Going back, to have the whole view of the pizza. But when you want to know the title, you have to do it like this. So you can see in the museum two kinds of people. People that are doing like this, and people that are doing like this. It's amazing. You can play a game if you want in a museum.
How can we improve the situation? Putting VidCons, you know, close to the pizzas and giving to the customer some information about the pizza, the title, the description, something like this. This is the idea, interacting with people with VidCons. I have more examples like tourism on the streets and many, many examples.
But I think that we have right now the whole view. It's like my idea today is speaking about how can we improve our daily life with VidCons. And if we speak about VidCons, maybe the first thing that we have to do is asking about ourselves what is a VidCon.
So what is a VidCon? Do you know what is a VidCon? Raise your hand. Cool. And how works a VidCon? Raise your hand again. Oh, a few people.
So I'm trying to answer this question. What is a VidCon? Well, I have to put a great voice. It's like it's a new way to interact with the world. I don't understand anything. It's the same expression. So, okay, in plain English, what is a VidCon?
And I have to put my glasses. Oh, I don't have my glasses, but don't worry. VidCons are small wireless sensors placed inside any physical space that transmit data to your mobile device using Bluetooth low energy. Oh, my God. The same feeling. But at least we have here some information.
We are going to speak about small wireless sensors. We are going to speak about physical space, mobile device, and Bluetooth low energy. One screenshot. This is a VidCon. It's really, really simple. It's a device with a cover, with a chipset inside, with a battery, and this chipset works with Bluetooth low energy, or VLE.
That is faster. You know. So if we speak about VidCons, we have to start speaking about the technology that VidCons uses. That is Bluetooth low energy.
And if we speak about Bluetooth low energy, we have to speak about the differences between Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy or Bluetooth smart. And, you know, the main difference is like the classic Bluetooth works in a constant stream. You use the Bluetooth, the normal Bluetooth or the common Bluetooth to stream information constantly without a stop.
They have a huge range because you can send information up to 1,000 meters. And the speed about the information, you can send information up to two megabits. So it's really, really fast. In the other side, we have the Bluetooth Smart.
The Bluetooth Smart is thought about, you know, it's thought for sending less information in a close range. But it's because it is thought for using with, for example, keyboards or keys or remote controls. And it's smart because you are going to save power.
You don't have to have enabled your Bluetooth device constantly. It's going to be working in terms as we are going to see right now. Those are the main characteristics that we have if we speak about the Bluetooth Smart details or Bluetooth low energy.
The connection type is intermittent. The battery life is up to one and a half years. And it's because it's not a constant flow of information. It's an intermittent flow. So it's cool. And the range is less than with the common Bluetooth.
It's only from 2.3 feet to 100 meters. So it's low range, but at least you have more battery life. And the data latency, this is the meaning of how long it takes you to send information from one device to another device. It's three milliseconds. It's not too much, but could be better.
So after the whole view, I want to show you what is the idea. Using the Bluetooth Low Energy, that is a specification, it's a model of Bluetooth. We can create a chipset that uses this kind of Bluetooth technology and puts these chipsets inside of devices.
Like this kind of devices that is the PayPal Vicon, for example. So, okay, we have the view. We have the idea about Bluetooth technology. And I spoke before about the distance.
You know the word distance for these Vicons. If we speak about distance, we have to speak the comparison between distance and accuracy. If you work with Bluetooth or with a Vicon that only works with close devices, you are going to have high accuracy. But when you are working with a Vicon that works or interacts with another devices that are far, far away from the devices,
maybe the accuracy is not going to be enough. So we have three models of Vicons. We have Vicons that works on an immediate environment. The immediate environment is around two to three feet.
It's not too much, but it's enough for some spaces. We have near distance, Vicons that works on near distance. And the near distance is from three meters to ten meters. And you can see that the accuracy maybe is not as high as we have on immediate distance.
And the last one is the far distance. And the accuracy is not enough sometimes. Because they work on an environment with more than 70 meters. But I think that if we have to imagine covered this room with Vicons, we can create a network of Vicons.
And this is a way to improve the accuracy. Imagine this situation. We have this device that is in the middle of that room and we want to interact with our Vicons with this device.
If we only use the V1 device or the V1 beacon, maybe we are going to have problems. But if you use many, many devices that are surrounding our device, or many, many Vicons that are surrounding our device, we are going to improve the accuracy. And this is the idea. We can create a network of Vicons to improve the accuracy.
To do that, we have to use, and it's so difficult for a Spanish guy saying this word, trilateral, trilateral, you can read it, trilateral algorithm. Okay, I did it. So, this is the idea. Using trilateral algorithm, we can improve the accuracy of our network of Vicons.
We have to difference, again, trilateral algorithm from the triangulation algorithm. Triangulation is working with angles. We are going to work with ranges, with distance.
So, this is the reason of using four-time trilateral algorithm. I can't do that. Another time. Trilateral. Okay, let's go. So, okay, we have improved our accuracy creating this kind of network. But maybe we are going to have problems with the signal interference.
Because, you know, Vicons are working with wireless technology. And let's continue with the example that we are putting here. We have the device in the middle of the room. And we have many, many Vicons spread in that room. We covered the accuracy, but maybe we are going to have problems.
Because I think that here we have many, many different materials. So, maybe we have to put more devices. Not for improving the accuracy, but for improving or, you know, trying to make smaller the interferences.
And here we have a chart, a simple chart with different materials. And how then affects to our signal or the signal that we have in our Vicons. The first group is low interference. And we have good synthetic material and glass. On the second group, we have water, bricks, marble.
On the third group, we have high interference with plaster, concrete, and bulletproof glasses. I think that here we don't have bulletproof glasses, so it's okay. But we have a lot of metal. And I am not speaking about music. I am speaking about material.
So, maybe to create here a current network, we have to spread a lot of Vicons. But we can't deal with it. So, okay, again, we have the device in the middle of the room. We have many, many Vicons. So, the idea is like, wow, I can use Vicons to interact with Bluetooth low-energy devices.
Because, as you can know, all of our mobile devices that we have here are Bluetooth low-energy devices. Cool. But then, I have another question. If my mobile device is a Bluetooth low-energy device, what is the reason for using Vicons?
You know, it's like, I don't understand. I can't use my mobile device to know where is my position in a place or, you know, to localize myself on this room. Well, it's true because maybe we can use one of the technologies that are available in our mobile devices.
But maybe this technology is not going to be good enough. For example, we can make a comparison between Bluetooth low-energy and NFC. As we saw before, with Bluetooth low-energy, we have this range. We have closest range. Remember, 2 or 3 feet, we have up 2 or 3 feet, up 3 or 10 meters, the median range.
And the far range is up to 70 meters. Well, with NFC, we have this. You know, pretty, pretty, pretty close to the device.
It's not worthy. I cannot use NFC to localize my position, for example, in that room. And this is the idea. Well, maybe we can use GPS. Yes, GPS is perfect for outdoors.
Outdoors, using GPS outdoors is like using these army binoculars. You can see whatever you want, far, far, far away. So you are going to localize your position. It's cool, but we are speaking about localizing your position, for example, indoors. And indoors, the situation is more like this.
Broken glasses. You can see, but you cannot see as well as you can do it with proper glasses. This is the problem that we have with GPS indoors. So, again, maybe GPS is not a good solution for localizing our devices indoors.
And there is another difference, is GPS is a location technology. You know, we are speaking about the location. Here, we are using triangulation to know where is our position. But outdoors. With Bluetooth low energy, we are speaking about proximity.
So it's kind of different. Because, you know, if I try to move a satellite that is going to give me the position, it's impossible, but we can imagine we are going to lose our position outdoors. Here, if I move any of the beacons that are spread around the room,
it's not going to have any problem. We are not going to have any problem. Why? Because the beacon is giving me the proximity to the beacon. It's not giving me the localization of the device. So it's different. Okay. So, just make a brief right now.
We have many, many devices spread in that room. We have a device in the middle of the room, more or less. We covered the accuracy. We covered the interference because, I don't know, we have here 2,000 beacons.
So I think that we can start to create our mobile location aware system with an Android device and a beacon. So let's go. First stop. We have to decide if we are going to use the proper beacon or the own beacon SDK or an open SDK.
You know, we have many companies in the market that has many, many beacons, like Estimote or, and you can use their own SDKs. They are SDKs that also work with another kind of beacons, but in this case, if you only want to use with a kind of beacon,
you can use a proper beacon SDK. Or if you want, you can use the open SDK, the ALT beacon SDK. This SDK works with the main different beacons that are available in the market, so it's cool. So you can choose or you can decide between having an own SDK or an open SDK.
This time, we are going to use a beacon SDK, the Estimote SDK. And we are going to create, again, remember we have many, many devices spread in that room, but we want to localize one of them, and we are going to use our mobile device.
Those are the rules that we have to follow. We have to connect our mobile device to our beacon, one of the beacons that is in that room. How are we going to do that? Okay, we are going to take the distance between our mobile device and that beacon,
and we are going to play that game. Remember that game that I think that all of us played when we were kids? That is like you are far, you are hot, warm, on call, depending on the distance that you were from the target that you want to find. Here is the same thing. So the first point that we have to do is configure the beacon.
The best way, going to the cloud on Estimote, take one of the beacons that we have to configure, and as you can see, each beacon has a proximity identifier. This is the thing that we have to take,
and this is the thing that we are going to use to localize our beacon. We can configure the beacon, and we can put if we want to use the beacon in a close distance or in a far distance. This time, we are going to put it in low distance because the room is not big enough, so it's going to be okay.
And we can start to code. Second problem, Android emulator. With Android emulator, you cannot use Bluetooth low energy. It is not ready to do that. So we have two alternatives here. The first one is using a physical device.
We can plug a physical mobile and use that, or we can emulate the Bluetooth low energy device with our laptop. The only thing that we have to put is using a Bluetooth low energy adapter and using the library that, for example, in this case,
we can use the library that Chris Larson created a few times ago, and the idea is like with this library and with this USB, we are going to create a Bluetooth low energy device with our laptop, and the Android emulator is going to work.
Okay, we solved this problem. Let me take a breath. We solved this problem, so we have to go deep in the code. Android manifest. What are the things that we have to do?
Okay, as we are going to use Bluetooth, we have to enable Bluetooth. So first line, we can enable Bluetooth, and the second line, we enable the Bluetooth again. And as we are going to use Estimote, we have to put on the Android manifest that we are going to use the beacon service that Estimote gives to us.
Following the best practices, we are going to create a beacon manager. What is the purpose of this beacon manager? This beacon manager is the process or the method that is going to look for the beacon that we are looking for, that we are searching in that room.
The first thing that we have to do is setting up the Estimote proximity identifier that we saw before and create a region. That is the second line. But, imagine that we want to discover all the beacons that are here.
We don't care about this specific beacon. The only thing that we have to do is setting to null all the parameters of the region. And we are going to have the whole region of the beacons that are close to our device. And the last thing is create the beacon manager.
Setting up the listener. With this listener, the thing that we are going to create is we are going to create a list of the beacons that are in that room. You know, because we need to know how many beacons are in that room and when we have this list, in that list we have to search where is our beacon.
And how can we do that? Okay, using the methods that are available on the beacon object. We have those methods, so this time we are going to use the proximity ID. I mean, identifying our beacon using the proximity ID,
we are going to see what is the distance that is between our mobile device and that beacon. And this is the method that we have to use. It's simple. Too many lines, but really, really simple. The idea here is like we have to go through that route, to that list, and when we find our beacon, make a comparison between the current distance and the past distance.
If the current distance is higher than the past distance, we have to show to our user, hey, you're cold. But if the current distance is closer or is smaller than the past distance,
we can show to our customer, hey, you are warm, you are hot, you find it, whatever. And you know, those lines of code are the code that we need to create our proper mobile location system.
We don't need anything more. So I can say that it's done. So, you know, it's not difficult to create a mobile location system here in that room. We don't have to use any rocket science or something like that. We only have to use beacons that are available in the market and an Android device
and setting up the lines that I showed you before. So if you think about that and you think on the problems that I have every day when I go to the market, when I go to the mall, maybe you can improve the experience of the customers using beacons and using the mobile devices.
And maybe we can say right now, okay, we are maybe in the new era or in the era of the newcomers. Right now we are not speaking about e-commerce or offline commerce. We are speaking about physical commerce. And this is an idea like having on a physical place like here many, many beacons
to improve the customer experience. So, for example, we can use beacons, you know, to send offers to our customers or know the position of our customers as we saw in the sample our customers own the room or even to make payments.
So the customer experience is going to be improved. And this technology is not from the future because there are many, many companies that are using right now. For example, Macy's. Do you know Macy's? Macy's is using beacons to send to the customers the offers that are available on the stores.
We have Mammut Beacon Store. It's the same experience. You go into the store and you are going to have some offers from different products that are available in the store.
And speaking about the regional market or the local market, we have Muck Group. They are Germans and they use beacons to send to the customers the virtual menu while they are waiting for having a table, a free table, on the restaurant.
So this is the idea. You don't have to wait for having the menu because when you are in the restaurant you are going to have in your mobile device, if you want, the virtual menu. They are improving the experience and we have many, many, many examples. So think about that. Using a technology that is really, really simple and really, really powerful
we can improve the experience of our customers or our society or at least my experience when I am here in Alexa Mall with beacons and Android devices. This is the main thing that I want to share with you today.
And before ending, you know, I'm going to ask you something cool. Do you like the axis? Do you know what is the meaning of this dessert? Come on. Nobody? I think that thing all these years. Do you know BattleHack? It's going to happen again in Berlin.
In a few weeks we are going to have BattleHack again. So I encourage you to go to BattleHack Berlin that is going to be managed by Team Messerschmitt that is here and maybe you can win one axe. This real axe. It's an amazing axe. It's a heavy axe and it's a dangerous axe. It's amazing.
And if you win here in Berlin, you are going to have the opportunity of winning in our finals $100,000. This is more amazing. And you can spend whatever you want. This is the second idea that I want to share with you. So main idea, use beacons to create a mobile location where systems to improve the customer experience.
You only need technology, the beacons as technology, the Bluetooth low energy technology and Android mobile devices. It's enough. Second idea, BattleHack.
So right now it's time for questions. But if you have any questions, ask him. Thank you. Thank you so much.