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Kiosk Hacking Redux

Formale Metadaten

Kiosk Hacking Redux
Alternativer Titel
Internet Kiosk Terminals : The Redux
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

Paul Craig - Internet Kiosk Terminals : The Redux https://www.defcon.org/images/defcon-19/dc-19-presentations/Craig/DEFCON-19-Craig-Internet-Kiosk-Terminals.pdf Paul Craig is the self-proclaimed "King of Kiosk Hacking" You have likely heard of him or his pornographic tool iKAT (Interactive Kiosk Attack Tool). For the last 3 years he has dedicated his life to striking fear into the hearts of Kiosk vendors. This talk will compromise all of his latest advancements in the field of hacking Kiosk terminals. Multiple platforms, vendors, technologies and more shells than you can shake a stick at. If you have ever wanted to hack that lonely web-browsing computer in the corner of a room, this is the talk for you. This talk will also showcase a live freestyle Kiosk hacking session, with a truck load of slick ninja techniques and zero-day. Watch out - the King of Kiosk hacking is back in town. Paul Craig works at Security-Assessment.com with a bunch of some of the best hackers in the world. Paul lives for hacking, it's in his blood! From the age of 13 he has have been addicted to popping shells, stealing access and escalating privileges. He loves his job and is fully committed to the trade.